The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption has claimed another premier’s scalp, with Gladys Berejiklian announcing her resignation and departure from politics after the anti-corruption watchdog announced today it was investigating her relationship with disgraced Liberal MP Daryl Maguire.
Berejiklian stated that as she expected ministers under investigation to stand aside while inquiries were completed, she must also apply the same standard to herself but standing aside was not an option in current circumstances, and so accordingly she resigned altogether.
There is a precedent for a NSW premier to stand aside while an inquiry is conducted — Neville Wran did so after calling an inquiry into allegations raised by the ABC in the early 1980s and returned after being exonerated by the inquiry. Needless to say, that was not during a pandemic.
This morning the NSW ICAC announced that it would be extending its investigation into Maguire to include Berejiklian herself, including whether she “engaged in conduct that”:
• Constituted or involved a breach of public trust by exercising public functions in circumstances where she was in a position of conflict between her public duties and her private interest as a person who was in a personal relationship with the then NSW member of Parliament, Mr Daryl Maguire, in connection with: grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Australian Clay Target Association Inc in 2016/2017; and grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga in 2018; and/or
• Constituted or involved the partial exercise of any of her official functions, in connection with: grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Australian Clay Target Association Inc in 2016/2017; grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga in 2018; and/or
• Constituted or involved the dishonest or partial exercise of any of her official functions and/or a breach of public trust by refusing to exercise her duty pursuant to section 11 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 to report any matter that she suspected on reasonable grounds concerned or may concern corrupt conduct in relation to the conduct of Mr Daryl Maguire; and/or
• Was liable to allow or encourage the occurrence of corrupt conduct by Mr Maguire.
The investigation into Berejiklian relates to matters raised in the media in relation to the administration of grant programs that may have favoured Maguire, with whom Berejiklian was then in a relationship.
The premier revealed almost exactly a year ago in bombshell evidence to ICAC’s inquiry into Maguire that she had been in a “close personal relationship” with the MP until mid-2020 — well after Maguire was sacked from the government after an ICAC investigation exposed his soliciting contributions to help broker property deals.
Berejiklian’s premiership — which began in January 2017 when she replaced Mike Baird — has been a successful one except for two staggering misjudgments. One related to the failure to lock Sydney down quickly enough and hard enough in May this year when the Delta variant arrived via a quarantine breach, leading to a massive outbreak that infected the ACT, Victoria and New Zealand, and which forced a lockdown across all of those places and in Sydney and eventually NSW.
Even so, her government’s hard push on vaccines had seen that outbreak peak and begin to recede, with lower hospitalisation levels than forecast — suggesting she was in a position to survive that error.
The second was her staggering misjudgment in relation to Maguire, a corrupt MP who sought to use every possible contact within the NSW government to make a buck for himself.
Berejiklian readily admitted she’d been naive and had made a mess of her private life, but insisted she knew nothing of Maguire’s corruption. However, their telephone conversations, recorded secretly by ICAC, showed her repeatedly warning him not to tell her the detail about his various schemes.
NSW is a state that has long suffered from serious corruption — the last Labor government produced Ian Macdonald and Eddie Obeid, among others; the Wran government was riddled with corruption, the Askin and previous Liberal governments were famously crooked.
Corruption is the permanent stain on NSW politics and Berejiklian failed to understand that her misjudgments in relation to Maguire were utterly unacceptable in such a state. That failure was all the greater since the O’Farrell, Baird and her own governments also had their share of ICAC inquiries and police investigations — and because she herself had decided that blatant pork-barrelling was acceptable politically, even as her own office shredded evidence of it.
Without those two remarkable misjudgments, Berejiklian could have gone down as a historic leader — a true successor to Nick Greiner, who oversaw a transformation of Sydney’s infrastructure while maintaining strong fiscal discipline, kept the rotten NSW Labor Party out of power for another term, presided over strong climate action and investment in renewables, and who dealt — until mid-2021 — with the crisis of the pandemic calmly and effectively.
But all of those achievements will be permanently overshadowed by her catastrophic failures in relation to Daryl Maguire. It’s a shattering end to what, until 2020, was a glittering career.
I’ve been waiting for your Gladys obituary, Bernard and you haven’t disappointed. You still can’t see the feet of clay. This is the woman who told us, with breathtaking arrogance, that $140m worth of pork barrelling was fine because it wasn’t illegal. The same arrogance saw bugger all transparency and accountability throughout the current COVID outbreak, right down to refusing to answer questions and cutting press conferences short. If a Labor Premier behaved the way she has, they’d be pilloried for it.
This is same arrogance is the reason is she resigned today- not 12 months ago. It’s not because she couldn’t possibly leave us poor New South Welshmen leaderless in the middle of a pandemic. It’s because she thought she’d kept NSW ICAC sufficiently starved of funds they wouldn’t go after her.
More like $250 mil wasn’t it…?
Agree 100% Feralbinchicken is no loss
I really liked the monika Shrederjiklian!
Imagine if Monica had given ‘that dress’ toGoodwill (op-shop) where it would have been thoroughly laundered.
HRC might have been a candidate a lot sooner.
Not that she was ever viable.
I live in Melbourne and plenty of us feel sorry for all NSW citizens. The fake ‘gold standard’ that Gladys has inflicted on you and us has caused real pain and misery.
At least it’s not as bad as in Buenos Aires, er, hang on a second, no. They only get the silver.
Melbourne is being destroyed right now, way more than Sydney is. Save your deep sorrows for Melbourne.
I had a horrible thought – what if she resigned to minimize press coverage during ICAC + not have her face associated with the results of her actions when cases explode in NSW and leaving is actually part of a plan to come back . . . shudder
We’ve seen the back of that ruthless cunning article.
This is part of a post of mine the other day:
In March this year, Head of Australian National Audit Office, Auditor Brian Boyd told a parliamentary committee that a second key person involved in the deal wasn’t being investigated.
Officials in the since Department abolished Western Sydney Unit reegularly held “coffee shop meetings” with landowners, which concerned the auditors because there were no records of what was discussed. Mr Boyd said these meetings mostly related to Louise Waterhouse, sister-in-law of leading racehorse trainer Gai, despite the commonwealth not seeking to buy land from her.
Ms Waterhouse was lobbying for a road intersection to be moved to improve her land’s development potential. Her efforts – ultimately unsuccessful – have been canvassed in the ICAC inquiry into disgraced former state MP Daryl Maguire. (ICAC says hi Gladys and Daryl.)
Happily ICAC’s announcement which I knew was imminent, got rid of her. April you managed to nail the rat cunning clever underhanded Berjiklian modus operandi. Baird had a similar ability as did O’Farrell, all 3 had perfected the sincere pepsodent persona; I suggest she follow Pastor Bobby Houston, she will make a fortune; most of the cult followers there are right wing fool me please lightweights; Morrisin and his fellow Brothers too astute but using the cult as a springboard to power and money.
Really pleased you regard this is the last of her – my things to worry about list freed up a slot!
Morrison’s one of the Brethren?
That’d explain why I saw the Rapid Relief Team (a tax-exempt Brethren business) watercart in the front yard of the house of one of our local Brethren families when Scotty was on his “Bus” tour of regional Qld.
The bus drove all the way up the Bruce Highway, but Scotty was flown ahead then driven to a rendezvous a few miles out each town.
Funny you should think of press conferences, April. Morrison’s presser was on first on Friday. It ran late. I found myself yelling “ Get out of the way, Smirko! Stop running interference for Gladys!” a lot.
I thought she resigned because she knows ICAC aren’t going to find she’s…how did she put it?
“…categorically that I have always acted with the highest level of integrity … for the benefit of the people of NSW”.
Hence all the spin that ICAC are forcing her to go now at great cost to the poor people of NSW and unelected ICAC bureaucrats out of control, drunk with too much power. If Berejiklian knew ICAC would find nothing because there’s nothing to find, I think she’d have hung in there categorically that I have always acted with the highest level of integrity … for the benefit of the people of NSW”., gone on leave as required and planned her Vindication Day presser and party. That’s what I’d have done.
Perhaps she’s planning her run at a Federal seat instead. After all, there’s a no Federal ICAC and a much more relaxed attitude to the kinds of things ICACs investigate, as a result. And she’d do well in the Federal Liberal party- a libertarian pretending to be a moderate liberal. Sure, she’d butt heads with them over social stuff occasionally, but never on the poor and never, ever on business.
She’s finished, thankfully.
The queen is dead….
I agree there definite signs she and her party will counter-attack. The emerging narrative is The Martyrdom of St. Gladys of Willoughby: a blameless and defenceless woman who lived only for others, who like the fairy of the wood, went about a-doing good, but was cruelly ripped apart by the brutal thugs of ICAC. (ICAC is a gang of monsters who are incensed by anyone of intrinsic goodness and integrity.) It is not just for St. Gladys we mourn, but the poor citizens of NSW, who were really her children, and are now orphaned.
Pru Goward on ABC Radio National this morning was pushing this line quite hard. I was moved to tears.
Pru was also on the Drum last night trying to defend the indefensible…. they tie themselves in knots trying to do that!
Pru. another woefully inept! Docs NSW anyone?
John Howard’s mistress
Gutfuls of right wing rhetoric has taught you well – writes itself at this point sigh.
I was also moved to tears.
Of laughter.
The sad slow violin music, the pathos of pearl wearing Pru Goward, defending the poor Gladys against the dastardly ICAC, move to the sad music and slowly fade into black.
Curtain drop.
Ho, Ho, Ho!
It’s a good thing TVs don’t have feelings as mine has been subjected to a good deal of yelling too! Perhaps she will allege it was only ‘technical’ corruption . . .
Corruption in the eyes of ICAC and the public don’t like it, but everyone does it and she did it for the good of Coalition electorates and they’re the majority so it isn’t really corruption so the laws have to change?
The media is already on board with that scenario . . . even the people voted her in and they should decide was mentioned on Sunrise
No Gladys said “Pork barreling happens! It is not illegal.”
If illegality is the only measure by which to judge one’s behaviour in public office then we have let the robber baron’s into our treasury.
There is in fact a requirement for politicians to spend our money in the most effective manner possible and not for personal or political gain. There are lots of sticky words about ethics and the common good too.
The shredding of documents used to determine the distribution of about $250,000,000 could in fact be worse.
With no documents to support the reasoning behind the distribution of these funds, the entire process could be deemed fraudulent by the ICAC merely on the basis that 95% of the money went to Liberal and National Party seats when they hold a little over 51% of all the seats.
The baron’s let loose in the treasury describes it well!
Agree Kathy!
Bring on the Federal Integrity Commission . . . .
Yeah, but not the one Morrison is keeping in the fridge, thanks. Not that it’ll ever see daylight anyway.
It will if we let Christian Porter back in …
That is up to the good burghers of Pearce.
“We” have no say in the matter.
I suppose that the one tabled by Christian Porter whereby, the independent corruption board could only look into whatever was referred to them by the people under questionable conduct.
So in this instance, Gladys would have had to refer herself to the federal ICAC and then tell them what they can investigate.
That sounds reasonable.
Bring it on? We should be so lucky. Already Berejiklian’s fall is being described by some as the worst example yet of a corruption commission run amok. Joe Hockey, for example, has condemned it in scathing terms. Plenty more will follow.
There is a good chance that instead of moving forward with a federal crime and corruption commission, the outcome of this resignation will be a concerted attack on the existing commissions so they cease to be any use at all. For a start, look at what’s just happened in SA.
The position of the Liberals and Nationals on this is already clear. Will Labor make a brave stand for probity in public life and fight hard to protect the commissions? What do you think?
The will do Sweet Fanny Adams. The ALP is a corpse.
When a federal Labor politician is described as the Shadow Minister for whatever, it seems fair to go a step further and describe Labor as the Shadow Liberal Party.
An all too faint a shadow.
Your Labor bashing goes down well here, keep it up, they love it; even more than they love Coalition bashing; such is the enthusiasm for Greens, Lambi, Rex, et al.
Its a fair statement though!
A Federal ICAC with retrospective powers and teeth is Labor’s ticket into Government IMO.
We can hope I suppose. But please don’t say ‘retrospective powers’. That plays into hands of opponents who want to protect these pollies from scrutiny. I guess you mean it should be able to investigate things that happened before it was set up. That is not ‘retrospective’, which should only be used for legislation that makes it possible to prosecute people for things that were legal when they were done. Usually, for obvious reasons, this is deprecated.
Curious. Who are these downvoters who are, apparently, upset when someone exposes one of the lies used by opponents of corruption commisions?
Same lot who downvote any criticism of the anti lockdown freedom fighter protests in Vic; Berjiklian and Morrisin’s mob
I see Abbott, Cayman Island Mal and Rodent Howard are busily constructing the myth
I think it was a response to the perception that you were correcting someone on a point of pedantry (re the word ‘retrospective’).
But it’s clearly a substantial point rather than pedantry. Those who don’t want an effective commission complain about its allegedly ‘retrospective’ character, deliberately exploiting the confusion that creates. The chances of getting a commission worth having are damaged by describing it as retrospective. It is bad enough when opponents of a commission talk about it that way. It is really bad when those who support it play into the hands of the opponents by also using that language.
Geoffrey Watson, former counsel assisting the ICAC, SMH:
It stands to ICAC’s credit that it took that difficult decision.
A glance at the terms of references of ICAC’s investigation demonstrates that the matter is sufficiently serious matter to warrant this course.
The central issue is now a familiar one – it involves the questionable allocation of public money through grants.
That shredder was working overtime a few weeks back, but won’t help her.
Unfortunately, your pessimism smells a lot like realism.
What hope. They would have ten times the material to pull Morrison’s grubby lot up on . . . .
Glittering career. What rubbish!
Agree. She is the most toxic and dangerous of the toxic and dangerous lot of them imo as she is canny and can lie with eye contact and ‘sincerity’ while however slight some measure of discord with conscience is visible in the others.. I see her as ‘Dictator Dan: Undercover Operation’ as she has been fomenting anti-lockdown sentiment with her snake tongue from the outset. It was most transparent in her statement: ‘We don’t want to stay locked up on island forever while the world leaves us behind’ and are a litany of statements conveying: “Other state leaders lurch to lockdowns because they don’t care about their impost on citizens and businesses while we in NSW believe in proportionate responses, lockdowns are never our first choice, we don’t believe in hopping in and out of lockdowns (aka theNational Plan)’ etc. What’s worse than a lockdown? One imposed without due cause that could have been avoided had the state leader given a toss. I have no doubt her rhetoric served to generate anger and foment noncompliance and undermine the efforts of other state leaders to contain outbreaks. I also regard it was her intention to let it rip in NSW for a variety of reasons most conspicuously when using delta is new as a ‘reason’ to leave retail open when it was known delta was hypertransmissible and ravaging other countries. Good riddens and thank god imo as feared she would become PM one day. Many will disagree with my assessment but ask yourselves why she rambles and talks brains into numb submission during pressers. Whoever replaces her at least we will be free of that.
I agree. I got sick of hearing her use the word ‘hope’. Hope is not a strategy.Very little mention of the NSW prisoner (Covid positive) who was let out having served his term and promptly went home to NSW South Coast and spread it around. Locals are not happy.
The excuse was that the covid pressers were taking up far too much time and hindering her job of being Premier, liar.
She stopped any face to face media appearances solely because of the ICAC looming investigation of herself and her property development deals; not just those relating to her secret corrupt fellow Liberal politician Daryl Darling.
Gladys Berejiklian knew what was coming as did some of the journalists who took the opportunity to ask her questions about it during those covid press conferences.
Gladys Berejiklian can follow Arthur Sinodinos example and have memory failure on a grand scale and then , like Sinodnis , she can be given an Ambassadorship so she is removed from the nation, like the Coalition did with Hockey once his Comcar and other little sorties became known.
And we won’t get started on why Brandis was sent to England
Or the person given bail from Bathurst prison who then caught the XPT to Dubbo and then by train onto Walgett.
Such a good management, don’t you think?
Certainly did wonders for the local community who welcomed him home.
Excellent assessment – a very dangerous woman…
I have seen the incursions from NSW into Vic and Q and the flights with infectious passengers unchecked out of Sydney airport into other state cities as deliberate. How would it look if only NSW had covid all over the place. Morrison to the rescue with all pfizer to Sydney, even out of their own rural areas that then also got infected without being vaccinated. Vic forced to use AZ for all ages above 18. A deliberate will to destroy anything labor.
I agree
Excellent comment and my thoughts too
Agreed 100%. She’s one of the worst yet…
All that glitters is not gold?
Glisters… but glitters usually substituted
Yes, but could not use glisters given the headline.
You know being a pedant is a prerequisite for Crikey commentators 😉
Merchant of Venice II VII – ‘many a (wo)man hath Life sold, but the Outside to Behold’.
A gentle riddance is too good for her.
Sky Noise After Dark can confirm it was a ‘glittering career’ destroyed by Rupert’s favourite ‘unelected bureaucrats’ meme.
Funny, the same SAD mob who demanded Gillard quit as PM, due to kitchen renovations she had done in the early 90s, & who demanded Craig Thompson quit as an MP due to how he used his Union Credit card several years before becoming an MP, are now upset with Binchicken being held to account fot things she did whilst a high level member of the state government?!?! What more evidence do we need of how partisan the Australian Media landscape has become!
It’s the same in Brexit Britain where even the BBC is involved in the coverup of corruption and total incompetence, with fuel and food supply suffering shortages and Johnson’s impending legislation intent on reducing civil rights.
I hope that I CAC gets the name of the person who has not been investigated to date
That’s for the anti lockdown Berjiklian freedom fighters, enjoy
If only if the punishment fit the crimes . . .
I think that Bernard Keene and Rupert Murdoch would make a great partnership as they are saying basically the same thing – Evil ICAC destroying the glittering career of a fine politician. Wow, all I can say is that Crikey is truly a weird publication. Hang on. I just realised, Bernard does not live in Sydney. Well, perhaps not aware of the following during the reign of Berejiklian: Sydney light rail debacle. Trying to sell off the Powerhouse. Selling off all the sandstone buildings in Sydney Removing most bus routes in the eastern suburbs to force people onto the light rail. Getting rid of the Manly ferries. Demolishing most Parramatta heritage for high rise development and another useless light rail (the second oldest city in Australia). Defunding the National Parks and Wildlife Service just before the bushfires. Failing to listen to the advice of experts who predicted the bushfires. Allowing Lend Lease to destroy the last remaining koala colony in Sydney after the population was decimated by bushfires. Ruby Princess. Delta outbreak. The questionable rags to riches narrative – never spoke English until going to school (despite being born in Manly), dux of her school (later proven to be false). A fine politician indeed.
ICAC Further Operation Keppel public inquiry
Friday 1 October 2021
The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a further public inquiry in Operation Keppel from 10:00 am on Monday 18 October 2021.
The Commission is investigating whether, between 2012 and 2018, the Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP engaged in conduct that:
Its difficult to see how the broader community benefits from 5.5 million for a clay target clubhouse etc! Are they mad for clad target shooting in Wagga Wagga or something???!! Surely there were more worthy and beneficial ways to spend that sort of money?!
The fact she didn’t report his dodgy dealings is reason enough to prosecute.
In his role of President of NSW Liberals, the Cadaver was spreading bromide & B/S at a great rate to PK, in situ Fran Kelly Monday RN Breakfast.
He kept repeating that Gladys’ probity was being investigated by ICAC, not her corruption until PK gave up – then he claimed “It’s my idea of a joke!”.
Rather as his ‘evil humour’ was demonstrated when he persisted, as the Rodent’s Immigration Minister, wearing the Amnesty pin despite AI pleading that he not do so whilst implementing such unconscionable policies?
Uhhh cadaver is about right. Surely he is only held together by formaldehyde?!
While I disagree with Bernard’s take on her “glittering career”, I don’t see this article as any criticism of ICAC.
As for the idea of her being “a politician who, until 2020, could have been an historic figure in a state traditionally riddled with corruption“, her Daryl Maguire “misjudgements” were certainly happening for a few years prior to 2020.
Yep. I agree. I didn’t see any great criticism of ICAC.
His later talk was weak… if it weren’t for those times of her maybe corrupt behaviour–she could’a been one a tha’ least corrupt politicians for the N.S.W. ever!
Well gee golly gosh, if I coulda practised all the time, I coulda bin the big master chess champion of the world, I could. But I din’t…
And that’s just Sydney. Let’s not get started on her neglect of the regions where the rest of us live. Little country towns like Newcastle.
Don’t forget the very dodgy Wesconnex sale and lies about where that money will go.
A good onion cutting and the right colour eye make-up will make a person look like they have been crying. But the smirk gave it away.
Ms Berijiklian is leaving g at the precise right time that the libs have orchestrated for all their benefits they think. ICAC held of for the benefit of the LNP, NSW libs and Glads. They are all throwing mud like red herrings bamboozling their prey.
Perhaps Bernard Keane was referring to how the reign of the Delta Queen was portrayed by the media
I agree. These are not very high standards. Oh Gladys didn’t lockdown early enough–but the massive COVID numbers are coming down by now! So, it could have been worse… wow, taa very much, good job.
On Media Watch tonight, Bazza also went very softly, softly, “Gladys may have saved NSW!… though some people may disagree with that assessment…’ Ouch! Why not take a blow torch to her back, Pauly?
The pressure pollies have got to face these days. It’s not like they’ve only got one job, to conduct their/our public business without getting involved in something that seems pretty dodgy–THE END.
As soon as they say “I’ve done nothing illegal” as their defence, you know they have failed the integrity test for high office.
“kept the rotten NSW Labor Party out of power for another term”
And kept the equally rotten LNP in power?
More rotton, I’d say. Remind me how many Labor scalps were claimed by ICAC, compared to Liberals & Nats!
The LNP has not proved to be that honest either. BK always has it for the ALP. I am waiting to see if he will campaign of Morrison in the federal elections.
Cock Robin Askin, anyone?
I don’t think we have to go back that far, Malcolm but Askin certainly was a benchmark.