As Scott Morrison headed to Glasgow for COP26 this week, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese visited a wind farm in New England, the electorate of Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.
It was a move designed to ram home the internal inconsistency on climate which has racked the Coalition over the past fortnight. Albanese pointed out that the renewable energy zone, backed by the NSW Liberal government, was opposed by Joyce.
It was a move typical of how Labor has worked under Albanese: clever stunts highlighting the Morrison government’s policy ineptitude but offering little substance in return. Labor was full of zingers last week as the prime minister unveiled his lacklustre net zero pledge: “a scam not a plan” was its line. But while its energy spokesman Chris Bowen has hinted it will adopt a more ambitious 2030 target (it went to the last election with 45%), it won’t commit to anything until after Glasgow.
On climate, as on so much, Labor’s plan is to wait and see. Party insiders are pretty open about how they think they can win the election. Scarred by the bruising shock of 2019 when it lost control of its own bold policy platform amid a whirlwind of scare campaign and misdirection, Labor is committed to a “small-target” strategy: chip away at Morrison’s image, outline a handful of areas of policy difference as the election draws close, and leave no room for the government to hit back.
The guiding precedent here is John Howard’s 1996 election win, where a veteran party warrior was able to follow an unlosable election with an epoch-shifting landslide through a small-target strategy.
But Albanese is no Howard and Labor is not the Coalition. Kevin Rudd and Bob Hawke won from opposition on the back of a grand vision for Australia. As the Morrison-Joyce/McCormack government sputters into its final quarter, there’s a fear Albanese has left it too late to show the country what his Australia looks like.
And yet, despite all the hand-wringing over what Albo stands for, Labor still holds an election-winning two-party preferred lead in all major opinion polls. The idea that it is policy-lite — especially compared with the policy-barren Morrison government — is also maybe a little unfair. Albanese has pointed to things like secure work, a focus on housing, better childcare, boosting local manufacturing — nothing particularly ambitious or sexy, but all things which fall squarely within Labor’s wheelhouse.
The lack of a big Labor narrative is really a reflection on Albanese’s struggle to get cut-through in opposition. And on that front he’s been a victim of circumstance. The pandemic has put state and federal leaders in the spotlight and forced oppositions to walk a difficult tightrope — pointing out government failure while avoiding the trap of being seen to undermine public confidence.
A case in point: for months, Labor’s go-to line was about how Morrison flunked his “two jobs” — the vaccine rollout and hotel quarantine. Now that the vaccine rollout is on its victory lap, and hotel quarantine looks like a white elephant, the opposition is changing its tune to avoid being wedged as dismal COVID pessimists.
What should encourage Labor here is that although the pandemic has been great for incumbents, Morrison hasn’t been able to achieve the rockstar-like popularity of premiers. Despite leading as preferred prime minister, voters have had three years to get a deeper sense of Morrison’s deceitful phoniness.
There’s a reason Albo plays up his log-cabin origin story, being raised by a single mother in public housing. It highlights an authenticity lacking in Morrison, a career party apparatchik who adopted his “beloved” Sharks only after being parachuted into a Sutherland shire safe seat.
There’s much that makes Morrison a weak PM: internal division over climate, memories of long lockdowns, the potential for outbreaks in the COVID-free states. To capitalise on that, Labor must get the timing right. Here Morrison’s big strategic advantage of being able to call an election when he thinks things look most winnable is wearing off — a March or May poll is pretty much certain now.
But the summer log-off period and triumphant reopenings on the east coast mean Labor’s quest for that elusive narrative cut-through is even more urgent. Otherwise voters living in a COVID-normal Australia might forget it exists.
Can Albanese cut through with voters or is it too late? Let us know your thoughts by writing to letters@crikey.com.au. Please include your full name if you would like to be considered for publication in Crikey’s Your Say column. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.
Part of the cut-through equation is having an honest and fair MSM. The MSM is pretty much all aligned with the Coalition. It was they who helped tear down Labor’s policies at the last election, without even bothering to mention the LNP’s lack of policy.
Yes we really miss the old Fairfax SMH and Age. 9 have stuffed it and converted previously neutral to mildy left opinion writers and commentators.
“mildy left opinion”
You mean right?
While Morrison is shooting himself in the foot, Albanese is wise to keep quiet and watch.
In marketing speak, it’s all about chipping away at the Coalition’s brand – the Coalition are providing plenty of fodder for Labor. Damage the brand enough and Labor will only need to promote a few decent policies to get elected.
He seems to have stabbed himself viciously in the back dozens of times…no wonder he still has a strong sympathy vote..!!
Why would anyone vote for a do-nothing? How will they know he exists?
They could look at the record of having waved through ALL of the retrograde, vicious and Draconian security legislation the government proposed – even some that it later withdrew as flawed or going too far.
Governments lose an election, oppositions merely take government after an election, because the incumbent is a dud.
Unfortunately the “opposition” (when? what issue?) is sub-dud.
Actually Morrison is now in the merde thaks to the dud sub. Labor adds featuring Macron saying “I don’t think, I know” every add break next election should do the trick.
No, Macron is a foreigner criticizing our Prime Minister. No matter that he is right on the money and saying something that should be common knowledge here, I think that it would backfire badly and to Morrison’s benefit. In fact, Morrison may be deliberately provoking this stoush with Macron to use him to that end for.
Yes, it’s horrible but very likely true that this does not hurt Morrison. His shameless lie about Macron sledging Australia will be noted by those who already cannot stand Morrison, but everyone else will swallow it and be on Morrison’s side. And Macron’s accusation that Morrison is a liar will be met with a big shrug by everyone who already knows all politicians are liars.
The frequently repeated claim that all politicians are liars is extremely helpful to the ones who really are liars. It only damages those who try to tell the truth, because they are given no more credence than anyone else. So they have the handicap of sticking with the facts and getting no credit for it, while all the liars just say anything that suits them and pleases their listeners. So of course the liars win.
Exactly. Which is why Morrison’s first response was to conflate Macron’s personal criticism of Morrison’s lies and behaviour as an attack on all Australians and our ability to exit a defence contract no longer serving our national interest. I do not believe that at all, however the detailed counter argument to refute it loses people on the way. I despair about Albanese who is a decent Labor MP without the polish, gravitas and communication skills of Wong or Plibersek.
So why is Albanese leading this party while demonstrating he is totally inept. Both Wong and Plibersek are far superior at every level, as was Bishop in comparison to Morrisson. Labour replaced Gillard as PM in an act of sheer cowardice. While it seems impossible to believe, they appear to be a worse version of the LNP.
I prefer to believe that Labor is a team. Unlike the other rabble. Maybe a lot of policies aren’t that different to the current government’s water pistol, but Labor appears capable of change.
Certainly true that “Labor appears capable of change…” – look at the vision of Whitlam and the tawdry toadying of Hawke, the dumb duplicity of Keating (as Treasurer and briefly PM), the bland & bureaucratic Rudd and finally – hopefully – the appalling actions of Gillard attcking single parents and telling her last ALP annual conflab that the Greens had nothing in common and no contribution to make, much less any alignment.
Morrison really just plays to his “rusted on” supporters.
Most of his blatant lies and his jingoistic rebuttal to those lies will eventually trip him up.
I always admire optimism, preferably reality based, so “…those lies will eventually trip him up.” is OK but would require an electorate able to (a) remember, (b) think about what they remember, and (c) act accordingly.
Their voting history is not reassuring.
The reason most of our elections are held in the warmer months is so that shoes do not have to be removed when filling out a ballot.
With all due respect I don’t agree. Abbott won the election! He went in hard, very hard, and he won it! Most of it trumpean style bs as we all know, but the electorate bought it. Morrison won a ‘miracle’ election on the back of a lack lustre and totally mismanaged labor campaign last time.The current labor and greens softly softly approach is pathetic and despite all the lies, corruption and mismanagement the libs might well get another miracle…
For whatever reason you buried a leader and an election won by him. The chronology is Abbott won, Turnbull won then Morrison won. Whatever we Crikey subscribers may think, the people clearly liked (or preferred to the alternative) the offerings of the victorious Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison.
I suppose my point is that the quieter the arguments to win govt are, no matter how valid those arguments, the less the community will vote for them. People seem to want to believe snake oil spruikers and Morrison is a master of the art. Even in the last week Labor’s response to the Lib’s policy and diplomatic debacles has been unbelievably pathetic.
You are forgetting the role the Murdoch media has had in the libs wins. Labor is right to not give the Libs and Murdoch any ammunition.
“lacklustre and totally mismanaged labor campaign”. I disagree.
Perhaps Labor went in too hard and too much with strong progressive Policies.
The unfortunate part was that it gave the Coalition the opportunity to wage a fierce scare campaign, and also the influence of Palmer’s campaigning was damaging.
As part of Labor’s campaign for the next election, they should remind people of the Coalition’s over the top rhetoric around a number of the Labor Policies, and compare them with some of the about turns that the Coalition have taken since.
Your belief in a rational electorate is so cute.
Take the US; Biden needs every vote he can get, to fund GND and social policy, and yet the electorate are turning away from him. Trump will support the fossil industry again…Anyone for a one-party meritocracy which can create and execute a plan, and stick to it?……
Does anyone here remember Clive Palmer?
He lost out in WA and Queensland in their state elections. Now we have Voices and Holmes Court – strong independents that would work with Labor on climate change. The social media has become more stridently anti Morrison and the Coalition than I’ve ever seen before an election. Palmer might win the nutters and they might be congregated in a few seats but not in big numbers in every electorate.
Albo should keep it simple for the election:
And lots more money for the Australian National Audit Office.
Add free childcare for all to the mix and you’ve got a lock from Labor.
Could someone remind of the last time that the ALP was so bold?
Rudd talked big and went to water at the first hint of grapeshot, Shorten was so robotic that he couldn’t remember what he’d said prior to the last change of batteries and the less said of Albanese would be too much.
Crikey should ask Michael Towke how scottie from marketing was parachuted into the seat, after disgraceful and dishonest stories were published by the Telegraph.
I am sure that the Baird family would like to describe heir, now deceased, matriarch’s conviction that god wanted scottie.
Another faith based story.
Probably another lie from Slomo to get the cult members votes,he has no conscience as well as no imagination, only manipulation of the truth to suit what he wants even though by now he ought to be be aware that he’s a dud and always has been.
“,he has no conscience as well as no imagination”
He’s a psychopath – what do you expect!
Would surely be a great story for Julia to get her teeth into on the Drum. Can’t imagine why she hasn’t pursued it. She would have unique inside access to “informed sources”.