There’s very little time for Scott Morrison to turn around his government’s well-earned reputation for incompetence.
The rapid antigen tests debacle, on top of the vaccine strollout and Morrison’s hapless inability to address major supply chain problems over summer, has damaged not only the prime minister’s image but the government’s overall standing. While state governments continue to enjoy voter support, Morrison’s government badly trails its opponents — with an election looming.
Reversing perceptions that have been entrenched for more than 12 months is likely to take more than the eight to 10 weeks that remain before the election is called. But there are some things Morrison can do to at least convince voters he’s interested in overseeing a government of greater competence if he wins in May.
First would be to announce a pandemic royal commission covering the Commonwealth’s performance in response to the crisis, led by a respected former judge, a former senior health professional and a former senior bureaucrat.
As the government’s response to both the banking and aged care royal commissions demonstrates, calling a royal commission doesn’t mean you have to follow all its recommendations — even when you say you will. But any embarrassment arising from the proceedings of the royal commission would be in the first 12 months of a new term of government, minimising the political risk.
Second is an overhaul of his office, which is unimaginative, unsubtle and focused purely on politics.
Prime minister’s offices should not echo the weaknesses of their PM, but should make up for them, bringing expertise, skill and substance where the leader lacks them. Morrison’s current staff have little of any of those (seriously — “can-do capitalism”?).
In particular, there’s no evidence of any guiding agenda for the government. Remember after Morrison unexpectedly won in 2019 and had no plan for governing, and his office raced to brief the press gallery that one was being developed? It never saw the light of day due to the pandemic. Maybe it’s time to dust it off, if it ever existed, and not just China scares and vague railing against “don’t-do governments”.
Third, take a leaf from Kevin Rudd, John Howard and Malcolm Fraser’s books. When elected, each of them slashed ministerial staffer numbers. There are about 460 government staff currently; if Morrison followed Rudd’s lead and slashed staffer numbers for all sides of politics by 30 or more he’d save tens of millions of dollars but also remove a key handbrake on good policy process.
Ministers would rely less on junior, partisan advisers with little life experience and ambition only for their own political future and more on public servants with an understanding of policy issues and a broader commitment to good policy outcomes.
Fourth, announce an end to the endless expansion of contracting out policy advice, and an investment in public sector skills. The consultants you’ve wasted tens of billions of dollars on over the past eight years have only told you what you wanted to hear anyway, and usually with no greater insight than public servants could have.
Try asking the public service to tell you what you want to hear, but also tell you what it thinks you should hear, and you might discover that governing competently is easier than you think.
“… announce an end to the endless expansion of contracting out policy advice, and an investment in public sector skills.”
Could not agree more. But don’t raise your hopes. The UK government recently accepted it must cut down on its rapidly growing dependency on consultants. Its first step was a contract for a team of consultants to investigate and advise them on how it might be done.
and how much of this ‘advice’ is done offshore by individuals who have never set foot in this country?
The problem is that Morrison surrounds himself with yes men and appears to listen to no-one, I don’t believe that he is capable of changing, particularly as the LNP are in panic mode.
Reminds me of that Simpsons episode when Burns goes bankrupt.
To slow Scomo or no show Scomo or don’t know Scomo. Like the Chameleon, our PM can pretend to be many things.Unfortunately he is a reactor, not a leader reminds me of Chernobyl. He is a second class reactor
Bernard! Do you personally not think it is to latr for Morrison?
The fiasco within his ownbparty, where even now his own people are crossing the floor to vote against him, Christensen and his sniping from the back bench, Joyce with his strawman act ( no brain) along with the shambolic mess his Government has created over the time it was ” elected” .
Even to this very day he is like a sail with no wind, stranded out in a ocean of discontent and making no headway.
Even Grace Tame showed him up and all the bleeding hearts out there that ridiculed her are a just a indictment of this inept fool, to criticize Tame is to agree with the way Morrison has acted in his approach to rape allegations to the lies and deceit of a corrupt Government.
It does not tarnish Grace Tame it highlights the level of incompetent fools who try to save this ship of fools!
This is all well and good but not likely. Morrison would have to admit to all the mistakes and negligence and then ask voters to ‘trust’ him to do better if re- elected!!! In fact, if he did manage to pull off a second miracle, he and the government would be more arrogant, corrupt and complacent! The reality is that the members/ ministers are of mediocre talent- not only would nothing change, they will be worse knowing that the next election would be in 2025!!! So no Bernard, no more ideas, OK!
PS Mentioned to a mate about Scamos ‘forklifts by kids’ suggestion- he was unaware of it. Regular reminders of this dumb idea are needed in coming months. As well as the response of the idea was ‘unpalletable’, there was also that it ‘didn’t stack up’ and that it would create a new generation of ‘lifters rather than leaners’!!! Lets have more dumb ideas from the Govt, while they are still the Govt!
Forklifts for kids : not only dumb but incredibly dangerous.
It’s stupendously daft and just exhibits how this clown PM is operating I mean how he got to the point of mentioning those words is compounded stupidity and he thinks he still his party’s best option FM
No, he thinks HE is the only option.