(Image: Gorkie/Private Media)
(Image: Gorkie/Private Media)

The Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda outlet The Global Times has published a series of articles endorsing Liberal Party leader Scott Morrison, Crikey can reveal.

The government-owned publication, which stridently promotes the Chinese Communist Party line, has praised* Morrison’s “deep understanding and unambiguous perception” as well as his “Confucian wisdom”.

Further, the Times has commended** Morrison’s “reason and judgement” in his staunch defence of backbencher Gladys Liu in the face of attacks from “bloodthirsty anti-China hawks”, leaving the Liberal leader open to accusations that Beijing see him as their man in Canberra.

Raising further questions about whether Morrison is a puppet for the regime in Beijing, footage has emerged of the Liberal leader urging a closer relationship between Australian and China.

Giving a speech titled “the beliefs that guide us” at Asia Briefing LIVE in 2018, Morrison enthusiastically promoted Australia’s “vitally important relationship with China”, and, even more ominously, hints that he intends to meet with Communist Party agents:

Trade, tourism and educational exchanges are at record highs. 

Australia values and honours these tens of thousands of daily interactions between our peoples.

We are committed to deepening our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with China, and I look forward to discussing how we do that with China’s leaders later this month.

The footage is sure to cause further embarrassment to the Liberal Party, emerging within days of their attempts to downplay the historic ties between their party and the leadership in Beijing. Former party leader Tony Abbott — who has lavished Morrison’s leadership with praise — was caught saying “China is a very good friend of Australia and it’s a friendship which is getting stronger all the time,” and, as Crikey revealed earlier this week, even invited Communist Party figures into Parliament. Suggesting possible Chinese influence, Abbott refused to condemn China’s actions in the South China Sea.

*in 2018

**in 2019