If you could change just one thing about Australia, what would it be?
Make healthcare truly universal again. There are many people who can’t afford to see a doctor or specialist.
What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
“You have such a pretty face, what a pity you are in a wheelchair.”
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
My two boys. That’s two equal-best things!
Who or what do you see as the biggest threat to Australia?
Right now, it’s the Morrison government.
Which historical figure do you most admire and why?
Here’s two: Vincent Lingiari and Vida Goldstein. Both because they had the courage to fight for something without instant reward. In Vincent’s case it was workers’ and land rights, which he eventually achieved after a seven-year fight, and in Vida’s case it was women’s rights — she was one of the first women to stand for federal Parliament and stood five times, never winning but laying the groundwork for women into the future. I love Paul Kelly’s “From Little Things Big Things Grow”.
What would your final meal be?
Beer and hot chips.
Elect Me! is an ongoing Crikey election series. If you are a candidate, and we have yet to be in touch, please feel free to answer the questions in this article and send us your answers to letters@crikey.com.au.
Good Luck Ali…we need people like you in government!!
I live in the electorate and I really cant understand how Peter Dutton gets up every election. Good luck Ali
…”There are many people who can’t afford to see a doctor or specialist”.
Very true. Then there are those of us who are told by Specialists that, “if you’re not a Private patient, you won’t be seen, Professor only sees patients with full Private health insurance…I’d suggest you try the public hospital specialist”.
Then to add insult to injury, ” no you can’t actually contact a hospital receptionist to see someone, we can fax your referral for you, but THEY will contact YOU. YOU cannot contact THEM.”
That was two years ago. I’m still waiting – with baited breath.
The private medical specialist and the public hospital specialist are often one and the same – just on different days of the week.
I’d vote for you Ali! Unfortunately I live in blue-ribbon Liberal seat and my only hope is to preference a teal independent!
I like that these articles happen. They seem consistently really good people having a go. Those most of the media are entirely missing. But the articles are lightweight, tabloid. Wouldn’t a bit of biography and room for “why I’m doing this” be more befitting of Crikey?
There are a lot of candidates to get through, it makes sense to be brief and snappy I think.