Welcome to Crikey’s Electioncast, a new podcast offering an independent and honest look at the politics and policy in the lead-up to the 2022 Australian federal election polling day. Each day, Crikey’s journalists will give you a no-spin look at what Australia’s politicians are doing to win your votes.
In 2016, we had Mediscare. In 2019, it was Labor’s death tax. Scare campaigns are a regular feature of Australia’s federal elections. Crikey‘s audience editor Imogen Champagne invites federal politics reporter Kishor Napier-Raman to speculate on what we might see during this year’s election and break down why political parties are happy to stoke them (hint: it’s because they work).
Electioncast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Yes thank you I think we already know it’s a circus, It makes no sense to me to discuss the lowest common denominator emotive scare campaign approach, it simply plays into the hands of kingmakers pulling the strings of public opinion via the media, you may as well discuss where it breaks down as logic and reason in terms of English comprehension.
We know that after each election a prime minister should make a pilgrimage to Murdoch to meet him in person, do you think they chat about which dirty tricks worked best over drinks, they possibly do but does it matter?
I thought Crikey itself was created to act as a small but relevant resistance to this Neo con, call it what you like, highly successful strategy that is so deplorably cynical and calculated by its very nature.
It would be far more helpful to ask every reporter in the Crikey shed to write expose’s on what Neoconservatism means to politics and media in Australia on a daily basis for the duration of this campaign.
If I sound a little exasperated , I am, we know they own a majority and fund both major parties , are highly organised and are highly secretive and basically immune to scrutiny.
We can speculate that it is risky to talk about them professionally speaking because of the power they have and that during an election might be the only time they wont come after you with all guns blazing.
After all it is only investigative journalism, no fabrication required just a good team of lawyers and a sincere effort to remain objective.
A piece on the common interests and shared tactics shared by Pentecostals and Neoconservatives would be a very interesting aside.