Scott Morrison and the Coalition’s grand plans have been thwarted again by their own side. They hoped today would all be about a “carbon tax” — really, a Coalition policy from the Abbott era — to reopen Labor’s decade-old wounds. Enter Nationals, stage left.
After Colin Boyce, the Liberal National Party candidate for the Queensland electorate Flynn, began to walk away from the government’s net zero by 2050 commitment, Senator Matt Canavan took it a step — no, a leap, further: “The net zero thing is all sort of dead anyway,” he said.
This is likely not the debate that the government wants. After all, climate change was the top issue mentioned by voters in the ABC’s Vote Compass survey, and Morrison had spent a lot, both literally and figuratively, dragging the government to some sort of target. Never mind that net zero by 2050 is way too little too late even if it was a commitment, which it’s not, but it is something that the government could point to as its answer to doing something about climate change. Now, that’s been publicly ripped up (conveniently after the Nationals cashed in their spoils from negotiations for “signing up” to the target).
This is just the latest example of the government failing to get any clear air to make its case for reelection. The lead-in to the election was engulfed by the very public infighting of the NSW Liberals that culminated in the selection of a transphobic candidate whose offensive tweets have dominated headlines for weeks. While Morrison has attempted to turn lemons into lemonade by pivoting to “trans women in sport”, polling suggests that the issue is hurting more than it’s helping. The government picked a culture war that they’re losing.
Meanwhile, the Coalition’s inner-city MPs are facing serious threats from the teal independent insurgents on one side, while also being campaigned against by traditional supporters the Australian Christian Lobby. A broken promise from the prime minister about a federal ICAC didn’t help either. Meanwhile, the Liberal Party’s own vice-president, Teena McQueen, didn’t seem too upset by the notion when she said publicly, “With a couple of lefties gone we can get back to our core philosophy.”
Then there’s been the Solomon Islands-China pact. My colleague Bernard Keane summed it up: “Scott Morrison’s failure in the Solomon Islands, opening the way for a major strategic advance by China on our doorstep, has been, note for note, a perfect replay of his failures in so many other areas.” The agreement between the two nations has neutralised a national security campaign advantage as it bruised the Coalition’s self-proclaimed credentials of being “tough on China”. It’s much harder to say you’re the person for the job when this happened under your watch.
Plus, important figures on inflation, interest rates, wage grow and jobs all coming out in the lead-up to the election will all impact the Coalition’s fallback argument as the “better economic managers”. Ultimately, its fate is out of its hands as the first three numbers are tipped to undermine rather than bolster its case. That’s not ideal.
All of these stories have been taking up oxygen during the campaign. Maybe some could counterintuitively play well — national security and economic issues are the government’s home turf — but really, things are not going well for the government.
So why isn’t there a general consensus that the Coalition’s campaign is going quite poorly? The press gallery has covered all these stories so it’s neither an obvious bias nor have they missed a story. Yet, the narrative around the election hasn’t coalesced around the reality that the wheels are falling off the Coalition’s wagon.
Perhaps it’s fears of becoming the Peter van Onselen of 2022 and declaring the Coalition a loser prematurely. The often repeated wisdom is that Morrison is a good campaigner who won the unwinnable election. He at least appears to relish the artifice of the election campaign. Morrison also has somewhat of an incumbency advantage when it comes to driving news cycles. And now Anthony Albanese has COVID-19.
Polls were somewhat off during the past election. Who knows if they’ll get it right this time (even after they got the South Australian election right)? There’s still undecided voters who can swing the election. Plus, most public polling is nationwide and the election will be won and lost, as they say, in the marginals. Last time, Labor managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory — who are we to say it couldn’t do it again?
These are all reasons to doubt what we see. But here’s what we know: major pollsters generally show Albanese and Labor still out far ahead right now. Newspoll’s latest two-party-preferred results have Labor’s margin beyond even the polling miss of 2019 and sees them forming a government in their own right. Even after polls tightened a bit after the first week of the campaign, there’s still plenty of cushion. Things can always change (do NOT screenshot this article and send it to me if the government wins), but it seems exceedingly unlikely.
The way coverage should be framed is around the growing pressure on Morrison and the Coalition. It’s a little more than three weeks until polling day, even less until early voting, and the government is far behind. Every day that Morrison and the government doesn’t gain ground is a loss. What they’ve been throwing at the wall doesn’t appear to be sticking. And that’s due, in part, to their inability to run a campaign that makes a case to reelect them without stepping on their own toes or running into bad luck.
They’re not out for the count, but it’s clear that the Coalition’s reelection campaign is going disastrously.
2019 PTSD. No-one is prepared to call it for the ALP because of 2019. The LNP won by one seat last time, and since then they have lost one – but the way they carry on you would think they had a 40 seat majority.
MSM are too close to the government to call it from a neutral perspective.
Agree. The ABC in particular is crowded with highly-piad “experts” who talk of the 2019 result as a landslide and rabbit on endlessly about the LNP being better economic managers (Speers managed to slot that in 3 times in one talk) and being strong on national security. The ABC takes its cues from “what the papers say”. And how many like Speers and Karvelis are ex-Murdoch types anyway?
The “Better Economic Managers” statement is just a Coalition talking point that the MSM keeps repeating, despite there being a significant amount of facts that show the opposite.
There was also the $68,000,000 spent by Clive Palmer on his untrue claims that Labor were going to introduce a death tax.
Clive was called a liar in the Queensland election and failed to get 1% of the vote.
Labor needs to do something to counter his latest claims of “Save your home, interest rates at 3% for the next 5 years”
Another lie.
I am disappointed with Labor’s lack of countering the many lies by Clive and Morrison’s mob. When the PM accused Albanese of ‘siding with China’ over the Solomon Islands, I thought the response should have been… ‘I am not cheering on China’s presence, I am criticising the deterioration of our relationship with the Solomons during your watch that they would turn to China instead of us. It was you Mr PM, who cut aid and gave them the finger on climate.’ – Labor should be pointing out the broken promises and saying loudly that Morrison cannot be trusted to keep the things he promises in my opinion. But then, I really do not want another 3 years of Morrison’s ‘leadership’. Please counter the lies Mr Albanese.
Like most apparatchiks, placeholders & seat warmers party stooges are not chosen for their individual brilliance much less an ability to think – in fact it would be a clear negative.
Their job is to learn lines by rote the lines fed to them by handlers with ulterior motives and other , mouth focus grouped platitudes and knife in the back any colleagues who threaten the cosy lifestyle of those who have never raised a sweat or had a callous on the soft hands.
Neither Shorten nor AA have ever had an independent thought or idea and would not even understand the necessity to do so.
Couldn’t that be classed as giving financial advice? If that’s what Clive is touting, what bank is backing him ? And if none are backing him isn’t that giving Financial Advice, for which an ASIC License is needed?
I am wondering f when the Press Gallery is going to notice that Morrison is corrupt, unaccountable and incompetent.
Most of the MSM are also those 3 things…..so no wonder they don’t notice these failings in Moronscum.
The reporters only do thier masters bidding
Certainly for many there is no point in writing what editors won’t print. Most reporters know what stories and angles their editors are looking for at any given time. And if you don’t get published regularly your stocks in the workplace do start to go down.
Don’t hold your breath on that one.
Nobody who is paying attention is unaware of that – the problem is admitting that they’ve been running cover up for so long.
The gambler’s fallacy of sunk cost comes to mind.
Not this time round, I fear. And the longer they leaves such an admission, the harder it is to make. Too many have been doing a Nelson “I see no ships” blind eye and then we have Murdoch and Channel 9. News Corp’s Sky After Dark (this name is about the only truth from that group) produces some of the most biased and untruthful rubbish from their presenters – all with straight faces – and unopposed by almost all other outlets. Money talks and the more you have, the louder it talks.. I really hope that the results from 21st May will give us a new focus.
Their campaign is a reflection of the past decade of government.
The Canberra Press Gallery knows a lot more than what they let on.
They seem to keep it “in house”, for fear of being blacklisted by the Politicians.
To often the 2019 election is referred to as “Morrison winning the unwinable election” or “Labor snatching defeat from the jaws of victory”.
You seem to forget that then, just as now, the Murdoch’s, Nine’s, etc are ultimately the puppet master’s who can control the outcome.
Not to hard to win when you have the all those sycophants incessantly banging the drum for you.
Don’t forget Morrison is not ” the messiah from the shire”.
But we do know he is “the liar from the shire”.
We can only live in hope for the sake of our sanity.
Too true. In Brisbane we have the Bowen Hills branch of the LNP manipulating voters.
It feels like it would be a comfortable victory for Labor we’re it not for the MSM prop for the the LNP.Whether the prop bends to breaking point in the next 3 weeks will surely determine the result and the extent.There’s signs it’s bending in certain media and even Sky is finding they might have to carefully choose guests and topics to keep promoting the LNP bs.
Might now feel confident enough to stop checking NZ real estate.
Every time would be a comfortable win for Labor. Imagine if, in 2013, the Daily Telegraph had a picture of Abbott and the headline “This man is crazy”. Imagine if, in 2019, the DT had said “Scott Morrison is lying to you about Shorten’s plan”
No don’t stop checking. Off you go.
To put it in marketing terms that Scottie can understand: when the Libs first came to power in 2013 they were ‘all sizzle, but no sausage’.
There’s still no sausage.
And now, under Scottie, the sizzle has gone too.