If you could change just one thing about Australia, what would it be?
Meaningful action on climate change. I’m extremely frustrated at the lack of recognition of the dangers facing us as a result of climate change and also of the amazing economic opportunities we could be taking advantage of.
It is very clear that the Morrison government has no intention of taking real action on climate change, despite the 2019 bushfires, bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, repeated flooding events and so many other clear signs.
What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
I still remember everything about the moment I was told my father had died when I was 13 years old: where I was, who was there, the weather, the time of day. For me as a child and for my family this was, of course, life changing.
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
When my triplets were born! We had had some difficulty getting pregnant so finding out that we were having triplets was amazing. It was a difficult pregnancy, they were born more than five weeks premature, but they were healthy thankfully.
Which historical figure do you most admire and why?
I think Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Her career was groundbreaking and very much against the odds, facing discrimination from her university days onwards. She took on a lot of very hard cases for the time, including those involving women’s rights, because no one else would. Millions of people were able to realise their rights and live better lives as a result of her work.
What would your final meal be?
Loukoumades, the Greek donut with honey and cinnamon syrup. My husband and I had them on our first date and they bring back great memories.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg is indirectly responsible for the current problems with abortion law in the US. She was urged to retire during Obama’s presidency, when he would have chosen her replacement. Instead, she clung to power until she died at 87 so that Trump chose a very right wing replacement.
Uppity woman, how dare she live, and serve, so long.
You’ve missed the point
She should have retired for the greater good.
She could have lived and served off the court. She should have left the court when she first had cancer and let Obama fill the vacancy with someone young. Your reply is why the left is where it is now. Way too many arrogant, smug people involved.
Exactly. I am amazed how many people don’t get this.
More generally i am in despair about the US Supreme Court. The political system and big money lobbyists/foundations have managed to create what they always wanted. A Supreme Court loaded with political operatives with agendas rather than scholars of the law and the Constitution. Both sides of politics seek to find these candidates and big money grooms them for years beforehand for the job. Kavanaugh is a prime example of this, if you look at his background. The trouble is, who can have faith that their legal opinions are made in good faith and are not just hostage to agenda and ideology.
I’m just perplexed why Labor candidates see no one from their own country as someone worthy of admiration. I mean after all, they are going into politics in this country to represent it in some capacity. North Sydney’s Joan d’Arc. Now Boothby’s – Ruth Bader-Ginsberg. Anyone for a John Curtin – the leader who saved us in WWII. Ben Chifley? H.V. Evatt – founder of the Declaration of Human Rights? Arthur Caldwell? Gough? Hawkey? Jack Lang? A decent businessmen here and there are many. A scientist? A women’s advocate? An architect, engineer, general? Any Australian please.
I guess we’re s### out of luck as far as Labor candidates are concerned and they get their inspiration elsewhere. This makes me wonder how they will perform as representatives of their party or constituency going forward.
Maybe so, but most the Labor candidates look pretty darn good, compared to the odd mix of rivals…
At least Louise isn’t pretending to be a doctor.