Western Australian emperor Premier Mark McGowan is a surprisingly bellicose mood, all things considered. Over the weekend he celebrated a second wipe-out for the Liberal Party in his state in as many years, with the traditional conservative stronghold delivering four seats and a 10% swing to the federal ALP — exceeding even the party’s most optimistic projections.
So naturally he felt in a good position for a press conference that would settle a few scores.
First, he went after the press pack that had followed Anthony Albanese around during the campaign: “Screaming and interrupting, and rude, and insulting, intimidating and bullying. The sort of thing in a workplace you’d get sacked for. They need to reflect on their behaviour. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
And you’ll find no argument from us — it was a uniquely dispiriting performance from the press pack this election.
He had similar feedback for the United Australia Party, a supporter of which heckled McGowan and his son as they were casting their votes, going full Trump in his description.
“I’m pleased that West Australians and Australians more generally didn’t elect any Palmer people,” he said. “That’s a good thing for the country. I saw their actions on the polling booths, I saw how the Palmer people behave. They’re misfits and losers and they scream and yell at voters; they shove things in people’s faces. They’re offensive and rude people and I’m glad that Australia hasn’t supported them.”
He reserved his harshest words for putative Liberal leader Peter Dutton, whose “He is not a monster” headline had people asking a lot of questions answered by the headline.
“He’s an extremist and I don’t think he fits with modern Australia at all. And he doesn’t seem to listen; he’s extremely conservative,” he said. A fairly standard swipe at a figure like Dutton, but like an insult comic ramping up, McGowan wasn’t done, continuing that Dutton was, as far as he was concerned, kind of a dullard.
“I actually don’t think he’s that smart. I’ve seen him present on things. I don’t really pick up there’s much there as opposed to Scott Morrison, who is a clever guy. I don’t pick up that Peter Dutton is fit to be prime minister.”
While he declined to take credit for Labor’s strong performance in WA, his popularity was undoubtedly a factor — Liberal Senator Michaelia Cash reported voters over the weekend telling her they wanted to “vote for Mark McGowan”. So maybe he could be forgiven for feeling a little untouchable at the moment.
Here’s The West Australian‘s take:
Nothing like reading about a really good spray aimed at some loathsome creatures to make one feel much better.
If only ABC management could be a little more like Mark McGowan – while they now have the chance
The word dullard in regard to Dutton needs an additive to it like poltroon.
ABC has to get rid of Speers and Probyn. Sales is leaving which is great.
It’s that same old question “They’re supposed to be journalists – who’s interested in their politics?”
I have spent 14 years holding the opinion that Leigh Sales is a rubbish, over-hyped journalist (from a time when one could reasonably have assumed her politics skewed ALP/left). Great to see the rest of the nation is now on the same page!
Sales has never skewed left – she has been a friend of the right for as long as she has been on TV.
I recall watching Sales fawn over conservative Andrew Neil editor of Spectator UK when on a visit to Australia about a decade ago, cringeworthy.. finishing with the old standard ‘do you like Australia?’.
Neil, if one forgets who he often works for, is an actual journalist acting without fear or favour, who Johnson was afraid of being interviewed by….
‘Dutton for Fearless Leader and Brother Stewie Robert for 2IC’ I say….. Kismet Hardy.