Democracy has had few wins in recent years. Not in our own neck of the woods, or in the United States, our political and cultural ally.
For years I’ve worried that the similarities in US political culture and ours risked American democracy arriving here.
The warning signs were everywhere. The nakedly partisan, fact-indifferent political yack provided by shock jocks and the Murdoch press. The adaptive rise of clownish demagogic politicians dancing to their tune, even if it meant moving spin to outright lying and from soft corruption to the harder stuff. The rise of misinformation and the decline of civility on social media platforms, the 21st century’s new but unregulated public square.
But now, this past weekend, a miracle. A reversal — and in some seats a repudiation — of Australia’s downhill slide towards Trumpism. The containment of Clive Palmer’s aspirations to just one Victorian senator in exchange for the almost $100 million he spent during the campaign. The possible demise of Pauline Hanson’s career with the Legalise Cannabis Party still in contention for the last Senate seat in Queensland. The decimation of the moderate wing of the Liberals by teal independents running to contain corruption, save the planet and ensure women are represented and safe.
Australians, it seems, have had enough.
At least, that’s what the victors — the Greens, women’s groups and the few moderates left in the Coalition — are saying. “We spent too much time talking about trans issues. That really damaged our brand,” NSW Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg said. “We have to offer a brand of modern economic and social liberalism to attract those voters back.”
Renee Carr, the force of nature behind Fair Agenda, was more direct: “What we saw with the election results over the weekend was a loud and clear message across the country — ignore women at your peril.”
So is that it? Can we all hit snooze on the democracy-watch button for the next three years and go back to arguing about policy? Sorry to be a downer, but no — we can’t because we’ve been here before. We appeared to survive a neo-conservative wave that brought Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher to power in the early 1980s, only for a conservative landslide to sweep John Howard to power in 1996 and keep him there for more than a decade.
And we can’t, because there have always been, and will always be, authoritarian-leaning voters willing to give their allegiance to demagogues, and demagogues who will raise their hand to lead them.
The inability, or unwillingness, of traditional parties to marginalise such “strongmen” (and racist women) — particularly in the gatekeeper-hungry world of cyberspace — remains one of the most potent threats to liberal democracies, notwithstanding our election result.
Exhibit A is Palmer’s antics on election night when it looked as if none of his candidates would prevail. What did he do? He followed Trump’s playbook by claiming AEC officials cheated by taking ballots to their houses. He even claimed to have video of this theft, though no prizes for guessing that still — four days later — he’s not produced it or any other evidence.
Luckily, trust in the AEC is high, and officials did a good job on social media explaining how what Palmer said had taken place could never have happened, including that they “track and account for every ballot paper in the election with a documented chain of custody” and ensure “rigorous ballot storage and transport arrangements [are] in place”.
But it doesn’t take a genius to know that while this was the first of such juvenile copycat interventions by an Australian version of Trump, it won’t be the last. Or that in a few years and a different political context, such self-serving lies could get more traction.
the price of democracy is eternal vigilance
The extraordinary opportunity for the new Labor government is to be able to deploy policy that is actually supported by >60% of the electorate. That is a luxury that is rarely afforded a Labor government. A failure to execute on this opportunity along with the prosecution of the litany of coalition incompetence, corruption and mendacity that go us here will expose us next time to situation normal in Australia; ie a majority of people willing voting against their own interests. It is that perverse tendency that sees coalition governments elected while the electorate then seems content to allow them to act contrary to what serial opinion polls say ‘we’ want. What happened on Saturday was miraculous: Australia voted for what ‘we’ want. Labor needs to hear that loud and clear, dump its timidity and get radical about what Australian say ‘we’ want. If they do, a Hawke-Keating dynasty and better will be Labor’s future.
Palmer has slandered the entire hard-working and scrupulously impartial AEC team. Interference with ballots is an extremely serious crime. If the grotesque individual has evidence of this, he should immediately make it available to the fedcops. If he fails to do this, he is withholding evidence and should be charged accordingly. If it turns out he has no such evidence, he should be charged with wasting police time. I would contribute to public fundraising for the entire AEC electoral workforce to sue him for the most severe libel and demand a condign penalty. This is the political equivalent of shouting “Fire” in a crowded theatre and should be treated as such.
Palmer is becoming, and Hanson already is, a parody of themselves. The very low bar for political candidacy at least involves some minimum level of credibility.
In Australia. Clearly no impediment in US.
Towards the end of the campaign I reflected on previously thinking Australians had good bs detectors, hate being lied to, and don’t easily forgive deception. So in the end to me it boiled down to can Australians see through the slick bs being served up by the LNP? Resoundingly they did, and didn’t so much vote a party in, but booted a party especially the leader out. Which made me so proud!