If governments at both state and federal levels really wanted to work together to make a difference in the lives of our young teens, a focus on vaping would be an almighty good start.
In the past month, dozens of schools in several states have disciplined students for vaping in toilets, behind classrooms or on sports fields. But it’s the age of the students that should cause most alarm here. Routinely they are in Years 6, 7 and 8.
“And they don’t even think they are cigarettes,” one teacher said. “That’s because they smell like strawberries.”
If thousands of pre-teens were lighting up cigarettes bought online or on the black market there would be national outrage, crisis meetings and a call for parents to lift their game and know what their children are doing.
But vaping has been allowed to spiral out of control due to a lack of knowledge about its ingredients, and an absence of regulation that has seen a huge percentage — some experts estimate perhaps more than 90% — of disposable vapes come from China, where companies can make half a million in a single day. If we are going to take on China, this is no less important to the future of our children than tiffs over trade.
Late in 2021 in Australia it became illegal to buy nicotine vaping products from overseas websites (as well as locally) without a doctor’s prescription, but already a black market on social media has made up for any sales losses.
And arguably this has made it even more difficult to police. The lack of transparency around ingredients is at the heart of how damaging vaping can be. The same toxic and cancer-causing chemicals found in regular cigarettes are being found in vapes.
“This includes the highly addictive chemical nicotine, heavy metals, ultrafine particles, volatile organic compounds and some flavouring chemicals that can be harmful to health,” a Queensland Department of Health guide says.
Nicotine has been found in e-cigarette liquids claiming to be nicotine-free, and one teaspoon of commercially available liquid nicotine, according to some experts, can be irreversibly damaging or fatal for a young child.
Big vaping proponents, like big tobacco in decades past, are happy to attack detractors in an attempt to silence them. In an illustration of the murky influence of those pushing vapes, last night Four Corners revealed how a national vaping lobby group donated a total of $44,000 to the Liberal Party.
GPs say the take-up in vaping by young adults had swamped the reduction in traditional tobacco smoking in older age groups.
“We just don’t know what’s in half of these little vape sticks. It’s not just water and nicotine, because nicotine doesn’t taste like blueberries,” one says.
Indeed the nicotine levels in some vapes have been found to be higher than in traditional cigarettes. And a NSW Health study has found that 70% of vapes contained high levels of nicotine — even though the labels do not mention nicotine as an ingredient.
And yet 400,000 Australians are vaping, and the number of young Australians who’ve taken it up has doubled over the past year.
Alarmingly, educators say it is younger students who are trying it, believing it’s not dangerous and was akin to “inhaling lollies” (because of the different flavours on offer). And those still doing it in senior school are addicted to the disguised nicotine they’ve been ingesting for several years.
We need to do more than say a prescription is required to access a vape. We need to teach children what they are consuming, police a black market that is growing by the day, and stop their import at the borders.
All this pearl-clutching about vaping fails to recognise the very positive impact it has had on smoking cessation, especially in those countries that have a properly regulated market. A regulated market can also ensure that the more concerning chemicals are not used. Nor is there any recognition that use by minors has been decreasing over the last few years and nicotine itself is no more harmful than caffeine.
Nobody is claiming vaping is without harm but it is significantly less harmful than smoking. There is also little regard to the fact that prohibition has always led to increased harms and easier access by children. This is not the way to solve this.
I used vaping to finally quit smoking after some 25 years and noticed significant and immediate improvements to my health as a result. I am one of many thousands of Australians who have taken this path. To deny people access to what could potentially be a life-saving lifestyle change in an environment where we need to do all we can to reduce the pressure on our healthcare system is an absolute travesty.
The claim that nicotine is no more harmful than caffeine may be true – I just did a net search on the subject – but that’s in it’s unsmoked form. Here’s an idea; let’s ban vapes and cigarettes and return to the days of chewing tobacco and using spittoons. Love to see that take off with today’s fad-starved kiddies.
Again I can’t provide a citation but from past research I’ve done, the absorption efficiency of nicotine in ejuice is much lower than for burning tobacco – from memory due to the Ph of the smoke when disolved on membrane. So you’ve got to be careful to compare apples to apples here.
“I used vaping to finally quit smoking after some 25 years and noticed significant and immediate improvements to my health as a result.”
Me too. Tried all the Big Pharma crap (Nicoretes etc). All totally useless and ridiculously expensive. Then along came eCigs and all my cigarette addicted friend followed my lead – and gave up Cigarettes – AND niccorettes Lots of smokers were using ECigs to quit, and Big Pharma wasn’t happy. Then along came G(ormless) Hunt (groan).
If anyone is interested, see what the UK and NZ are doing – looks like they’ve got it about right. But here in Oz, our wittwe wiberaws (funny how few of them can articulate the letter “L”) totally screwed it.
Who do you think makes the vapes? Hint- it’s big tobacco.
Same here. Smoked for 25+ years, tried everything to quit and nothing worked. Picked up a vape and never looked back. Haven’t had a cigarette in more than 6 years. My lungs are in excellent condition according to a recent X-ray.
Unfortunately the 4 corners story was a woeful piece of ‘investigative journalism’ Like other illicit drugs, there will always be a black market for things people aren’t supposed to have. That’s why prohibition doesn’t work, remember..
Kids will of course seek these things out. The kids interviewed said as much, it’s cool, everyone’s doing it, it tastes nice. I am not condoning the use of vapes by kids, but by banning them, the government has made them even more enticing. Kids like to do things they’re not supposed to do. Remember your parents telling you not to smoke, while they were puffing away on their Benson and Hedges while watching the cricket sponsored by Benson and Hedges?
I do.
Kids, however, are not the main users of vapes, smokers and those trying to quit are. A point this story failed to mention.
The most disappointing part of this story for me was the attempt to paint Dr Alex Wodak AM in a bad light. Dr Wodak has been an advocate for drug reform, especially illicit drug reform, for many years. As he said in the story, vaping nicotine is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. On the ATHRA website (which I highly recommend if you’re interested in the topic http://www.athra.org.au) Dr Wodak says “Australian policy is focussed on the uncertainties around vaping but ignores the huge potential public health benefit. “Vaping is not risk free, but according to the UK analysis, long term use is at least 95% less harmful than smoking”
There are more carcinogenic ingredients in cigarettes than there are in vapes. The industry should be regulated. Here’s a thought, we could even have our own manufacturing industry supplying nicotine vapes in Australia. Nah, we’ll just whinge about another bad thing that China does..
Won’t someone please think of the children.
Well said Ms D. And just to demonstrate what a dumb country we’re living in – check this out :
Yep – that’s right – NHS. National Health Service.
“…believing it’s not dangerous and was akin to “inhaling lollies””
Hmm. Is getting lollies into your lungs all that safe? Cannot say it appeals to me. Perhaps somebody from the lolly-inhaling community could share their experience?
Leaving aside the pros and cons of vaping, Australia’s go-to habit of “banning” anything and everything it doesn’t like has never worked very well. The problem with vapes is that they’re totally legal in a whole bunch of places like the US, Europe, the UK and our neighbour New Zealand. We’re the odd ones out which makes banning the stuff that much more difficult. We all know how successful the War on Drugs in general has been in reducing the trafficking of them, so frankly it amazes me that the experts insist on banning vaping as the only feasible solution. As if our customs police have infinite resources to check every single package and parcel that enters the country. We definitely need a reality check here.
Having Senator Hollie Hughes as a poster girl for vaping would be more than enough to put me off.