After yesterday’s spectacular media conference to justify his secret multiple ministries, it’s clear even to Scott Morrison’s few remaining friends within the Liberal Party that the former prime minister is a truly, profoundly weird man.
As I pointed out in Crikey’s Lies and Falsehoods series and book, one of the defining characteristics of Morrison is that — like Donald Trump — he lied when he didn’t need to. For Morrison, lying went beyond political expediency or the requirements of standard political discourse to something deeper, as if he enjoyed the sheer act of claiming something was the case when it plainly was not.
And that characteristic is now at the heart of the big question around his multiple ministries: why he kept everyone in the dark about it, including the affected ministers.
In failing to explain why he kept his acquisition of their ministries secret from his colleagues — not wanting them to act any differently in their jobs, not wanting voters to misinterpret it, he lamely offered — Morrison implies the most obvious reason: he didn’t trust them. Didn’t trust them to do their jobs properly if they knew, perhaps — or didn’t trust them to not immediately remove him from the prime ministership.
The line for Labor is obvious: Morrison didn’t trust his senior ministers, so why should voters? The only saving grace is that most of them won’t be around in 2025 anyway.
Who he did trust are The Australian journalists Simon Benson and Geoff Chambers, who were told about this unprecedented trashing of norms and deceit of cabinet “contemporaneously”, Morrison said, dropping his amanuenses right in it. They knew all along and said nothing until after an election handily lost by Morrison despite News Corp’s best efforts. It turned out Morrison’s trust in the two journalists was wholly justified.
What kind of leader trusts Murdoch journalists more than his own treasurer, finance minister, resources minister, home affairs and industry ministers — let alone cabinet, Parliament and voters?
Morrison’s paranoia about his own ministers — which would only have grown as he steadily stockpiled his secret ministries — was of a piece with his long-term tendency not merely to deceive but to operate in secrecy and without accountability.
It will all make for a fascinating explanation to Parliament, if Labor decides to censure him, or if he is otherwise required to explain within the chamber exactly why he treated his colleagues that way. And the body language of other MPs while he speaks will be an intriguing accompanying text.
To his psychological profile can be added delusion. There is simply no other word for his media conference yesterday, which was predicated on three basic claims: his handling of the pandemic was spectacularly successful and voters are grateful (evidently they all voted informal on May 21, but that’s another story); that you can only understand his actions if you were prime minister at the time; and that his actions were justified because everyone was blaming him for everything that went wrong.
Morrison thinks he did nothing wrong and it’s our problem — and that of his colleagues — if we think there was anything inappropriate about trashing political conventions and keeping it secret. It’s an elaborate version of “I apologise if you’re offended”. They’re the words of a man who has no grasp of the importance of political conventions or norms, and no idea of the kind of trust required for cabinet government to operate effectively. Morrison simply believed that whatever he wanted to do was necessarily right, regardless of the basic requirements of a democracy.
His colleagues now profess to be outraged by Morrison’s behaviour as a leader, but were they so blithely unaware he was like this? Were they — despite working closely with him, despite seeing how he operated, despite knowing firsthand what kind of individual he was — unaware he was capable of lying to them and trashing some of the most basic norms of Australian democracy?
Of course not. So many knew. So many fled when he became PM. None had the gumption to tell voters what Morrison was like ahead of the 2019 election, even as they dissected his profound flaws — more scatologically than psychologically, to be fair — among themselves.
They may now want to disown him, but the Liberal Party owns Morrison completely. They inflicted him on Australians and kept the truth about this man from voters. The result was a paranoid, deceitful and delusional man occupying the top job in Australia at a time of profound national crisis.
How much is the rest of the Liberal Party responsible for Scott Morrison’s behaviour? Let us know your thoughts by writing to letters@crikey.com.au. Please include your full name to be considered for publication. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.
Surely the journalists have some explaining to do. They knew all about this scandal but refused to report on it! One of them is in a personal relationship with a member of Morrison’s former cabinet. That is barracking, not journalism. What role was Benson playing? If an ALP PM had done this it would not have been covered up.
Morrison actually scored an own goal by revealing this to those journalists. If he’d said nothing it all most likely would have remained secret for the foreseeable future.
Samantha Maiden is on RN’s The Party Room this week (the episode is now available for a listen). She reckons Benson and his mate didn’t realize the second, third, fourth and fifth were secret from the relevant Ministers. That Side Hustle Scotty played them too is plausible.
It’s a really interesting episode and well worth a listen if you haven’t heard it.
I would enjoy listening to The Party Room as I have for the last year or twwo, as well as ALL the other programs which were once available to download to listen offline.
Alas the ABC no longer allows that, only to apps for those enslaved by Idiotphones.
This means it is no longer possible to listen on an MP3 whch defeats the purpose.
When I asked the help facility (even MORE USELESS than ‘support’ here at Creaky which is quite a feat) I was told that MP3 downloads have been abolished “to ensure the quality of our broadcasts” which makes no sense whatsoever.
Philip Adams has not yet caught up and still refers to his listeners as “poddies” for LNL, which has been by far the most downloaded program on the ABC, followed at a distance by the equally venerable Science Show.
What is it about tekkies that they can never leave good enough alone?
Every tweak makes things worse as demonstrated here by Awaiting for Approval – a grammatical obscenity pointed out constantly by posters for the last 2-3 years and still uncorrected.
Not really. Podcast apps are usually available for PC’s, Mac’s etc.
Bit hard to carry a laptop when out for a walk in the bush or shopping.
Then simply give in and buy a cheap smartphone. Times change.
If you look into buying your phone upfront and then use a prepaid option to purchase data, you might find an option that suits your use.
Ronni Salt has tweeted a photo of the Daily Telegraph from 2007, showing Simon Benson reporting on the suspicions about Michael Towke when he was the initially preselected candidate for Cook.
Bros go way back.
Who is Benson’s ‘main squeeze’?
Bridget McKenzie
This is very telling and shows the plot to install Morrison into Cook by Newscorp via Benson, partner of National MP – sports rorts Brigid McKenzie. Such a web of deception all round – people without ethics taking power and privileges
I’m not sure if McKenzie was with Benson back then. But she’s claiming she didn’t know about Morrison’s secret ministerial appointments despite shacking up with the bloke who knew.
If she doesn’t leave Benson in the next week, we’ll know she’s lying and knew everything.
Dutton has a chance to reconcile the Liberal Party with the voters by moving to oust Morrison from the party. It would demonstrate courage, and show us that he (Dutton) is not weak and pathetic. I’m not holding my breath.
If you have ever met fantasists and compulsive liars before, they follow Scotty’s behaviour to a tee.
Blatant lying is thrilling at first, and also fraught with the danger of getting caught, which is part of the attraction.
For instance, telling someone they will have to use another door, because this one is locked, and seeing them do it, is a thrill. it confirms that people are very trusting and compliant, and easy to manipulate. Even if what you’re lying about is of no consequence.
Again, the frisson of feeling you might get caught – in fact, the inevitability that you will eventually be outed – is no deterrent whatsoever, as Morrison’s past history of employment clearly shows.
Once you’ve long established a pattern of lying, actual reality becomes decoupled from whatever comes out of your mouth. It doesn’t really matter anymore. Reality is relative, and truth can be what is handy for you at the time. There are two realities, the actual one which only you are aware of, and the false one that the others live in. This makes you feel very clever and powerful. You are a reality-making god.
But then there is the inevitable downfall, and the fantasist must be able to shift gears effortlessly from sneaky god of mischief, to the poor victim in all this. Morrison, whenever he is justifying his lies, shifts constantly between hard working and selfless hero and the undeserving victim, and at the time he is talking, believes his own fantasy narrative.
As George Costanza said in Seinfeld “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”
He’s clearly Trumps love child.
Narcissistic to be sure. Sociopathic, perhaps.
And his colleagues chose him above not only Peter Dutton, but the relatively sane Julie Bishop.
I think what is even more scarier is the fact that Dutton thought he had the top job in the bag on that spill day – only to miss out by a slim margin. What a terrifying situation they thought it would have been under a Dutton PM’ship for the Libs to choose the marketing failure/ demagogue over you, Dutton! What a despicable group of people.
That was due to the innumeracy of The Belgian Waffle, obviously unable to count, add up and calculate past his fingers and toes
Cormann, or as we know him in our house, The Belgian Waffle, a poor mixture of bad ingredients and hot air…continued to do so often in his official position… when apparently manifesting as a Minister of Finance despite his innumeracy!
The Belgian Waffle, has stated somewhere previously he has had nothing to do with the Sports Rorts, which as Finance Minister on the Expenditure Review Committee it seems he must have, he also seems to appear to forget when and where he had been when performing his act as Finance Minister?
This point should be given much more prominence. Not only does the Liberal Party own him – they created him! It calls into question the judgement of every individual who voted for him as PM.
If Bishop is the answer then god help us all
There was never, ever any chance of giving the job to a girl.