We’ve been doing a lot of grand talk around these parts lately. You know, a bunch of stuff about our belief in the importance of a free press to a functioning democracy. The sorry state of affairs we’re in when a billionaire with the world’s largest media empire at his disposal has the inclination and ability to use legal manoeuvres to shut down reasonable interrogation of that empire. That we will not be cowed by such moves. That kind of stuff.
So we’re happy to report that some of the coverage we’ve received, particularly on these shores, has kept us good and grounded. See if you can pick up a theme in some of the reporting on our fight with the Murdoch empire:
BBC: “A small Australian news website has challenged media mogul Lachlan Murdoch to sue it over an article linking the family name to the US Capitol attack.”
The Guardian: “Crikey: small independent news website challenges Lachlan Murdoch to sue it for defamation”.
Michael West Media: “Lachlan Murdoch v Crikey: we won’t bend to legal threats, says minnow publisher“.
Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull: “They’re always bleating about freedom of speech, and how the defamation laws are too harsh and how they stifle free speech, but here we have this tiny little newsletter in Australia, Crikey … who are doing a great job, by the way …”
Thanks, guys, keep us humble!
“Newsletter” is a bit insulting – that’s what the local bowlo publishes. Crikey deserves to be referred to as the legitimate news organisation that it is!
More legitimate in fact than many much bigger organisations.
up the mighty minnow!
Hear Hear !
Has young Lachlan heard of “The Streisand Effect”? Because if this goes to court it will receive international coverage and the arguments from both sides will be watched closely by all the non-Murdoch and non-Conservative parties in US and UK as well as here. I imagine other countries will also be keeping an eye on things.
yeah, can’t see it going ahead. someone will “have a little chat” with him I suspect.
I think it was The Guardian‘s Alan Rusbridger who wrote of Murdoch’s UK tabloid, The Sun (but which could be applied equally to News Corp as a whole) that it’s ‘official position is to “not admit” any unlawful activity, while simultaneously shelling out enormous sums so that this position can never be tested.’
Unusual, then, that Murdoch would expose the workings of News Corp to the public via a court case. But, perhaps, there’s an indication there that Lachlan is somewhat less canny than his father.
Geez, when Michael West Media calls you a minnow…
That’s what I thought. Michael who?
Michael the king hitter. You need to be able to read to know him.
Grow up. I know that people like you think he’s wonderful. To the rest of us he’s just another pundit.
What? Grow up? Why? And be sanctimonious automaton like you. Go get another useless booster VD.
BTW, welcome to Crikey all new subscribers. You have to put up with an awful lot of nasty, bitter old people who think they know everything. As well as a bunch of transphobes and anti vaxxers. As well as a whole lot of old soft cock lefties who have actually moved far right. Good luck. They love using the downvote arrow because that’s who they are.
Nice box ticking there – ageist, sexist, misanthropic, elitist and condescending.
It’s a literary usage akin to rhetoric called litotes.
I’d suggest that you look it up but it is unlikely to be in a picture dictionary.
Takes one to know one.
Well it is a David and Goliath battle, but more kudos to Crikey for that.