
The most important thing that happened at last week’s jobs summit occurred before it started.
On the Thursday morning before Albopalooza got going (or Albostock, Chalmersella or Burning Jim, as you prefer), Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek announced that Australia would be open for business in selling “ownership” of carbon offsets arising from areas of undisturbed natural zones.
Australia is going to be a “green Wall Street”, she told the media.
Doubtless this was all planned and authorised by the party, and there was no attempt by Plibersek to upstage a prime minister who has sidelined her in government and all but excluded her from the jobs summit. But it doesn’t hugely matter. It’s clearly an authorised policy and expresses very clearly the Albanese government’s intent to be a government and party of capital, its facilitator and agent.
Thus the proposed shift to allow for multiple-firm enterprise agreements is designed to raise wages but without changing the overall industrial relations framework, which leaves most strikes illegal. The preferred option of unions and workers — industry-wide agreements — is excluded because it opens the possibility of workers striking as workers of occupation X, rather than as employees of company Y or Z.
The language of debates over this projects the macroeconomic view of higher wages as a means of demand stimulus first, and puts workers’ rights to a greater share of the wages/profits ratio second.
The language of proposed social services is equally saturated with the language of capital. Numerous speakers advocated substantial extensions to no-fee childcare because women were “an untapped resource”. The slightest mention of any other way of being in the workforce — of the quality and character of work — barely got a mention.
This was Labor’s coming-out ball as the party of capital. The absence of the Liberal Party leadership was not only an irrelevance but something most of the industry peak-body groups were secretly relieved by. Without Liberal Party leader and deputy leader, business, government and unions could get down to the business of planning a stable system in which workers would be delivered to the market in a smooth and orderly manner.
And just in case there was doubt about it, any significant raise to the JobSeeker and other benefits was rejected — and then yesterday, the CPI-indexed regular raise to the payments was celebrated as the biggest ever. Yes, it is, because inflation is the highest it has been. But it’s worse, because such indexing does not accurately reflect the rise in real basic costs for low-income people. So Labor was celebrating the greater impoverishment of the benefits-dependent through the process of inertia.
In Parliament yesterday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese answered a question on such matters by wryly noting that he was once again a tenant of public housing by being in the Lodge.
Since people are dying every day from the penury of benefits — from poor food and missed meals, from the waiting lists for publicly provided medical services, from the sheer despair and heartbreak of “living” on these poorbox handouts masquerading as a benefit-wage. This was an obscene and callous “joke”. Albanese is not a personally callous or sadistic man, in a way that numerous Coalition MPs are, so how did he come to be in the speaking position where such a remark might be a good idea?
The answer of course is that the Labor Party centre, now occupied substantially by the party “left”, cannot let itself fully acknowledge that it has become the party of capital; so it maintains a distorted perception of the relationship between its policies and reality. Under state Labor governments during the Coalition decade, housing and health services were hollowed out, leaving hundreds of thousands at the mercy of the market, and a significant fraction of these in daily desperation.
Thus Albanese can make a “joke” such as he has because he’s still projecting onto the present the significantly better public housing system he lived under. He is rightly proud of where he got to from there. If he and his mother had been living in a circuit of spare rooms, cars and motels, he may not have got to the despatch box to say what he did. The fact that he could even say it shows that he hasn’t really internalised how far from a genuine social democracy this country has got to.
But he’s not the only one living in a distorted reality. Progressives across the country are in a state of delusion, unwilling to admit that this Labor government is nothing like they thought it would be. What they hoped would be a centrist government in dialogue with them is a party of capital, one that turned its back on progressivism sometime in 2020-21 and now has no use for it whatsoever.
Essentially, what has happened is this. For a decade or so since 2010 and the rise of the Greens as a genuine third force, Labor was in utter denial about this shift in politics. It couldn’t accept a lost legitimacy among the broader knowledge class, as the Whitlamite representative party, and couldn’t recognise that the age of the one big progressive party was coming to an end. So it spent a decade trying to recapture both the inner cities and the more socially conservative suburbs and regions.
This probably lost it either the 2016 or 2019 elections, and there appears to be nothing consistent about the strategy. It seems to have been a chaotic lurching between panic about being beholden to the Greens again, a residual sense of heroic mission, and wounded amour propre concerning its role as champions of the oppressed. It has created some genuinely freaky moments, such as the triannual competition for Labor preselection for the seat of Melbourne, which the party should run as a Masked Singer-like talent show and sell to Stan.
Finally Labor got wise. The 2019 loss concentrated the mind, but what really got some change happening was the continued sluggishness of 2020-21, when it looked like the Coalition could slither back into power in 2022 — and, if then, indefinitely. The people who finally got the message — that the mass of the country was more individual-familialist than it once was, and its values a conservative-progressive mix — were the left who had hitherto held out to retain some progressivist imposed mix.
In the election campaign, Albanese reaffirmed a commitment to the stage three tax cuts, and reaffirmed in the debate that a woman was a human female and not a matter of self-definition. Those moves may not have been the vanguard of Labor’s narrow victory, but were essential to ensuring it wasn’t outflanked.
In accepting that this was what they had to do, Labor’s left leaders went through their “third period” moment, so named for the Bolsheviks’ transition to full Stalinism in 1928. People who had risked death for the liberation of humanity became the agents of terror-driven state capitalism — and accept that this reversal was the only way to forward their original politics without becoming, y’know, Trotskyists.
On a smaller scale, the Albanese group has passed through this. In pursuit of political success, it has shed the last vestiges of the left economic-socially progressive mix that drew it into the movement in its student days. In finally admitting to itself that it was a failed movement, and that there was nothing of it left, it was thus liberated to be audacious, creative and to pursue the original aim through its opposite. You can hear the exuberance in its members’ voices. They’ve become “giddy with success”.
Progressives looking to Labor for some sort of post-election shazam move have been knocked about by Labor’s new approach. Many seem to have believed that Labor would not really keep the stage three tax cuts, and would put through meaningful benefits rises, and had not simply turned its back on progressivism. The response to such a spurning has been a barrage of criticism towards Labor.
That’s fine, but it fails to recognise how such criticism used to be effective. Back in the day, the right ran the party, the left was insurgent. When the party moved rightward, it was attacked from the outside, and the left would then join that attack from within. The right would know that the left would maintain solidarity up to a certain point. But strategically and selectively, the left would stage an internal fight that would threaten Labor’s outside image and internal policy. At that point, the right would back down and negotiate.
That doesn’t work any longer, because the left is now the agent of Labor’s conversion to a party of capital. There is no internal partner to work with external critics of right-wing policies. So the external criticism lacks political force. Indeed, it’s worse. Labor is using the hail of criticism from progressives to show its suburban mainstream voters that it is not beholden to the lefties and greenies. Progressives have been trying to gee themselves up about the impact they’re having. Where? In Guardian Australia? Radio National? These are pimples on an elephant’s butt.
There’s consequently been a bit of shoot-the-messenger going on, and it’s fairly indicative. Some of it is bitter, irrational and above all hypocritical.
Your correspondent suggested that Labor’s commitment to the cuts was due to a calculation that some high-income working-class people would decide their vote on the cuts. Having won power and wanting to keep it, they weren’t going to renege. This was constructed as an economic argument in favour of the cuts, by John Quiggin. It very clearly wasn’t. It was described as some sort of “four-dimensional chess” or “master plan” strategy.
It was the very opposite — that would have involved reneging on the commitment and then trying to spin it. Greg Jericho did a Troy Bramston and invoked a Bob Hawke policy reversal, from a time when politics was far less micro. “Sing it, Greg,” someone remarked, which caught the cultish mood. Others invoked Tony Abbott as a model for breaking your political promises, which seemed like full self-parody.
Many of these people were deceiving themselves, claiming that Labor could invoke the “times have changed” mantra. This ignored Labor’s renewed commitment to the cuts during the campaign itself. Without that gap, the argument to renege is simply urging Labor to do what progressives raged against Morrison for: straightforward lying. How can they justify this? They can’t. Progressives take the point that society would be better off gathering the taxes available on the old schedule — mostly true in left-wing terms — as not merely a strategic but moral licence to break a campaign promise. It’s sheer elitism, veiled by rendering a political argument on taxes as unarguable common sense.
And the air of desperation around it is a clue to what’s not being acknowledged: that we have exchanged a right-wing government whose chaos allowed for a certain porousness for an efficient right-wing government whose smooth competence in crowding us out, leaving much-reduced scope for action.
What’s being presented as heroic intellectual resistance has a self-indulgent and self-deceiving air. Progressives are going to have to find new ways to jam up the government. Maybe it wasn’t Albostock, but Albomont, and someone just got whacked with a pool cue. “Green Wall Street” was just the latest such. The beatings will continue, until the morale improves.
Has Labor shifted away from its progressive leanings? Let us know by writing to letters@crikey.com.au. Please include your full name to be considered for publication. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.
Agreed. But don’t despise us for having thought we voted for a labor government only to find a bunch of neoliberals on the treasury benches.
Beholden to the same old rotten forces in property and fossil fuel, just with a friendlier face.
Colour me bitter.
Not despising. And i dont think neoliberal really captures it, which is why many were fooled. Self included, to a degree. Its still a party willing to redistribute. But it has no space for any future projection that isnt based in the concept of capital.
First, you have to grieve. Then, you organise.
Agreed: despise was a poor choice of words.
And redistribution? Hmmm.
After that over-manicured summit in the capital I’m convinced I’ll be working ten years after I’ve died.
Simply to help my kids buy a house.
Have you considered selling your body to Soylent Green Corporation?
An interesting post, Kimba.
No, I certainly do not despise you. You seem to be young and innocent, in much the same way that I used to be decades ago. I am now a much (politically) jaundiced 74-year old who resigned from the (so-called) Labor Party 40 years ago when Hawke and Keating did the work of the neo-liberal economists for them. I had been a member of the ALP for some 16 years prior to that. So, Kimba I can fully understand your bitterness.
I can recall talking to some of the old comrades from the Communist Party of Australia back in the 1960’s or 70’s who maintained at that time that the problem with the ALP was that it was only committed to making the capitalist system work better rather than affecting real social and economic change. (Back then the ALP had a ‘socialist platform’ but in reality, it was purely ‘window dressing’).
Margaret Thatcher told an interlocutor that her greatest feat was making the Labour party electable with PM Tony Blair (anagram of I’m Try Plan B) who promised/threatened to manage capitalism more kindly.
..sorry, ‘(anagram of I’m Tory Plan B)’
Me too. So I joined the Greens
But now the Greens are going down the identity politics rabbit hole.
Nothing of this is really controversial, except for the rusted ons I suppose. It’s been out there for all to see. The 2019 election program of Labor was much better and more progressive then it is now and they are still scarred from that loss (although my feel is that the policies weren’t the major contributors to that loss). Do I think they are taking the wrong messages from their narrow (with ultra low 1st pref vote) from the election? Well, yes – those who have been in parliament for over a decade have lost touch completely, perhaps some new members when they find their voice can pull them back a bit.
On the other hand, they can keep going this way and hopefully accellerate the breakdown of the duopoly of the 2 major parties and force minority governments for a long time to come. Meanwhile, there will be some decent governing and there will be some improvements (and many dissapointments and doing the wrong things too) till next election.
Some have less to lose and no time to wait for the ‘decent governing’ to include them.
Heartshunter, I too think the duopoly of the two main parties will be broken down if the ALP disappoint big time on climate action, women’s rights and the other big issues of the last election.
When they succeeeded in grabbing the wheel off the shambolic Libs, they had the choice of playing one of two roles: the heroes who were going to turn the ship around, or the mediocrities who were going to stop us hurtling quite so fast in the wrong direction. If they have chosen the latter, and the climate calamities continue (with all their cascading economic and social disruptions) then come the next election, i predict both parties will see their primaries shrink further, and whichever of the two get to form a minority government, they will be beholden to a much larger and empowered group of indies and Greens who will force them to finally do the right things.
Do we have time for “the latter”?
Until there’s another election, all that can be done is for pressure to be applied by the indies, the greens and the voices of the people who feel the ALP need to do more.
If the dissatisfaction is strong enough, the real character of Albanese will be revealed in how he reacts. Is he going to go all Scomo, and spin and dissemble and ignore, or is he going to play with a straight bat?
I reckon he’ll play with a straight bat. I don’t even mind if he makes decisions i don’t agree with, so long as he addresses the public concerns and explains truthfully why he feels he has to make them. But he has to be able to make a good case, and demonstrate we are still overall heading away from disaster and not blithely towards it.
Yes, this fits the facts. And while the Albanese government is still fairly new, you can see an established version of ‘the party of capital’ running the state government in Western Australia. Nothing progressive, hand in glove with the corporate interests that dominate the state, and enjoying very strong public support. It makes political sense for federal Labor to go down the same road.
Even if many voters would like a more social democratic approach, or whatever, this version of Labor, firmly in the centre-right, has the great merit of being, most of the time, rational and willing to engage with reality far more readily than the last government. Unlike the Liberals it is not given to weird ideological frolics, indulgent culture-war crap, rampant looting of the treasury or demonstrations of exemplary sadistic cruelty against selected minority victims; and so on. Labor ministers, unlike their Liberal or National predescessors, are not conspicuously incompetent, greedy, corrupt and fanatical. That comes as a great relief to many and is almost certainly enough to put Labor in power for a long time.
Career politicians cannot be trusted with government. A taste of power and the good life, and they cannot imagine doing anything else. Desperation leads them to kidnap foreigners and lock them up forever. This Labor mob voted for that, because the party leaders judged that doing so would gain them more votes than it lost. They were probably right, but that doesn’t excuse the suffering they have inflicted on our brothers and sisters by doing so.
Surely it’s not too much to ask that our government sets a good example? Instead, this lot promotes racism and ‘whatever it takes’.
The Two Parties chose to compete on the issue of refugees, and the bi-partisan approach they settled on was an expression of the Coalition win. Morrison and Dutton knew. They milked it for votes, with their incessant campaign between elections. They didn’t need to mention it pre-election. The fearful knew that the Coalition was putting in the hard yards to protect them.
And all that time we endured both parties claiming they were saving lives!
Yep. They have been got it. They are owned. Expect to see 3 years of policies for the wealthy against the best interests of the nation generally. Labor may well be the last major party. Wonder what the new political lanscape will look like when they go the way of the LNP?
We need Labor to remain morally clean enough to deride “offsets” as criminal behaviour by a previous Liberal government. As Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek has the best scientific advice in the country, telling her that carbon cannot be permanently vanished. That is, “offsets” are fraudulent.
To that end, we need the Greens to shoot first with “Fraud!” and ask questions later.