The provision of petitions to Parliament may be be the very embodiment of “worthy but dull”. Sure, we see why the average citizen would want to exercise their right to, say, call on the house to censure Scott Morrison for the secret ministries scandal, but it all lacks a bit of pizzazz.
So kudos to Grant Mistler, the author of Petition EN4114, who has a novel and highly specific idea for revitalising Australian cinema — fund an sequel to 1997’s critical and commercial bomb G.I. Jane set Down Under:
Australia needs to develop and fund more local films. Now that our international borders are open, we need to generate and activate more local creative talent for a global audience. The original 1997 film G.I. Jane is lacking a sequel. In the spirit of the 1987 US sitcom midday movie The Facts of Life Down Under, and the US sitcom Modern Family which sees the loveable cast travel Down Under in 2014 for Season 5 Episode 20 “Australia”, G.I. Jane 2 is ripe for filming. One location suggestion is to utilise the Defence Force training lands around Rockhampton and Mount Berserker as a plausible film plot segue. A Film Task Force is urgently required to support this creative endeavour.
How’s it doing? It has seven signatures at time of writing — to put that in context, only six of the 150 e-petitions currently open for signatures on the APH website have more.
This is a brain fart of such magnitude that an unwary spark might cause Mr Mistler to be propelled into space.
Not only a very poor movie but one of the stupidest titles ever- because the main character was a marine, not a GI.
Will Jada Pinkett Smith star as the titular hero?