Did you hear the news? A trusted institution has just announced that it suffered a data breach and I’m afraid to tell you your details were included. What a shame!
I am your assigned scammer and I am looking forward to using the personal information to enrich and amuse myself at your expense.
It doesn’t matter whether I was personally responsible for the hack or if I’m just opportunistically using information exposed by someone else, I plan to make the most of it.
So, tell me what data you had leaked and I’ll share how I will ruin your life.
I think the thing that really gets up my nose is why customers, WHO ARE NO LONGER OPTUS CUSTOMERS, still had their information leaked. If you leave a company it should be mandatory that they destroy all your data as they no longer require it. If this is a loophole in appropriate legislation it should be fixed pronto.
No loophole at all. Record retention is required for compliance with multiple legislation governing commercial activities. The issue is not that they kept these records, it is that they were not secure.
I like the way you put this story together. Well done.
Excellent info & advice here, thanks.
Optus sent an email stating my personal info had been accessed but no ID documents. Yesterday, employing a URL link (supplied on Whirlpool) I logged into my Optus account & accessed the same data the hacker had compromised. It clearly showed my driver’s licence number – contrary to what Optus claims. Today I went back into the account & – lo! – a row of XXXXXXXs had now replaced the licence number. Optus covering their tracks? Fortunately I took screenshots on both occasions hence have evidence.
Queensland Transport will not issue a new driver’s licence as the Optus email (wrongly) states it was not included in the stolen data. I am stuffed.
Far out zut alors, that feels fraudulent to me? Whatever you call it, to my mind that would give you a VERY big stick to wave at Optus!
I suggest you complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
Any follow up on this, zut alors? This sounds really dodgy from Optus.
You see, that’s the thing. I know my data was leaked, but I don’t know what data was leaked….
My understanding is that the Passport and Drivers Licence numbers are the details at risk, since the Company’s stolen data did not include copies of the Passport/Licence themselves. So photos, expiration dates etc are not available to the scammer, and that limits the usefulness, since presentation of an original or notarised facsimilie are required for any identification purposes. Correct me if I am wrong. If I am correct it would be good to alter your article ‘s questions and comments to reflect that situation.