Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has commented on Dominic Perrottet’s Nazi uniform scandal, saying voters will judge the NSW premier on his policies at the upcoming election, not on his youthful sins.
Albanese appeared on 2DayFM on Monday morning and was asked about the scandal, which broke last week when Perrottet came clean about the Nazi costume he wore to his 21st birthday party.
“I’m staying clear of that,” Albanese said. “I think people will make up their own mind about those issues.”
The prime minister was then asked if he believed it was a “sackable offence”.
“Well, I think there’s an election in March and people will make their mind up about a whole range of issues, but primarily they’ll make their mind up about who is best to lead the state on policy issues,” Albanese responded.
The PM went on to say he “hoped” there were embarrassing pictures of him from his own youth.
“Well, I hope so. I would have led a pretty boring life if there wasn’t,” Albanese said.
He clarified there weren’t any seriously scandalous pictures out there.
“I assure you that there’s nothing like that. Nothing whatsoever like that,” he said.
“But I do think that I am lucky that I’m a bit older than Dom. And these days, I think people with cameras around and photos of everything, I’m sure there are a few young people who will regret the invention of cameras on phones in a few years.”
His comments come as NSW Liberals worry the costume scandal could escalate.
Crikey reported last week that rumours have circulated for weeks about a photo of Perrottet’s costume, although the premier said he wasn’t sure if any pictures existed.
I think Albanese is quite right to say the election will be decided on policy in which case he needs to tap Minns on the shoulder and ask him why he opposes gambling and money laundering reform and why he is in favour of $40,000 stamp duty bills.
I’m not sure Albo is all that averse to crushing some little folks while sucking up to fatcats…
This is a NSW election, the most conservative and corrupt state where the ICAC has not been allowed to release its report into the former LNP Premier. And you are whinging about Albo and imaginary fat cats? How I wish someone would promise to clamp down on NSW’s deadly land clearing and habitat loss, with its impact on climate and biodiversity.
I’ve never voted Liberal / Conservative in my life. I probably will in NSW this time because – however empty and inadequate their anti-gambling gesture, it at least exists.
I agree with Albanese. If, after 40 years, there are no slightly embarrassing photos it suggests a life not lived but one carefully stage-managed.
I guess we won’t be seeing Albanese in a Joy Division shirt again for a while.
Maybe a New Order one?
Who wouldn’t want a picture of a country’s leader wearing a ‘Power, Corruption and Lies’ print?
Who here, man, woman, transwhatever, has not been a d*ckhead at least once when they were in their twenties?
Oh, look at that. No ‘awaiting for approval’ notice, all because I put a star instead of an ‘i’.
So Perrottet is being pilloried for something he did as an idiotic youth, 19 years ago? Yeah, it may be politics, but let’s keep it real. Oppose him on his policies by all means (and if he is a closet member of the Nazi Party, let’s hear about it!). But God help me if some of the things I did 20 or 30 years ago are used to blacken me now. On this occasion, Albo is correct to stay out of it, albeit he could have been a bit stronger in condemning the nasty bastards who even think a 21st birthday costume from long ago is newsworthy, or worth a vote against the Libs. Judge a pollie on his policies and actions of today, not what he did as a silly student decades back.