There’s simply no other way to put it: the world’s richest man has approvingly replied to the theories of One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts.
We’ve been keeping a close eye on the faintly tragicomic ride Elon Musk has been on since taking over Twitter — “Comedy is legal again”. The suspension of accounts that made jokes about him. The firing of thousands of people. The fleeing advertisers. The time when he got on stage with Dave Chappelle and barely got a word out for the boos.
And now this. After @KenekoaTheGreat (an apparently prolific conspiracy theory account whose bio says it was “resurrected” by Musk) posted a speech by Roberts saying “Australia should not cede its sovereignty to the [World Health Organization] due to the organization’s corruption that generates billions for its owner, Bill Gates, and because Tedros is an evil ‘killer’ tied to a terrorist organization”. The clip was sourced from an account called “Rage against the vaccine”, if that clears anything up for you.
Musk agreed: “Countries should not cede authority to WHO”.
Roberts (is he still going by Malcolm-Ieuan: Roberts., the living soul?) is familiar to Australians for all manner of crankery — the most dense (in every sense) of which is his contention that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by a sinister cabal of bankers in cahoots with the United Nations in order to create a world socialist government.
Musk clearly hadn’t had time to Google Roberts, but of course, this isn’t the first time Musk has cosied up to Australia’s far right.
we can’t cede sovereignty to WHO, we’ve already ceded it to the US
In keeping with the way we handle the housing market, we should put it up for auction and see if we can attract a few competing bids from the CCP or some Colombian drug lords………………..
I think it’s now “Malcolm-Ieuan: Roberts., the undead”………….
To think we are wasting our hard-earned on employing this waste of space.
Time to insist that candidates must produce a letter from their Mum saying it’s okay to be out on their own.
Who’d trust the judgement of anyone who’s raised a fool like Malcolm Roberts?
I think you’ll find that Malcolm-Ieuan wasn’t born…………..
……….he happened spontaneously.
Probably in the pool of congealed spittle in a singularly inaccessible corner of a Queensland pub.
Apologies if I written this story on this site previously.
I had a friend visiting in Canberra when the S44 cases were before the High Court. As we did the tourist thing around the Parliamentary triangle my friend and I reached the High Court just as Roberts’s case was being heard. I have never seen so many amazed faces in one place. The High Court justices refraining from rolling their eyes was a miracle to behold. Even Roberts’s lawyer was flummoxed by his client’s ever changing “reasons” for not being in breach of S44.
It would have been hilarious if it had all not been such a serious waste of everyone’s time and patience. My friend still shakes his head when we recall that afternoon.
‘…climate change is a hoax perpetrated by a sinister cabal of bankers in cahoots with the United Nations in order to create a world socialist government.’
Golly, let’s hope Roberts is correct & is not a pedigreed loon as some critics suggest. The prospect of no more extreme weather or species extinction sounds most attractive. And this is all under the control of the UN…who knew?
You have to admire the ingenuity of Gutteres in concealing his absolute control over not only Climate Change, but also the secret World Socialist Government by virtue of issuing constant warnings about the consequences…………..
…………a truly diabolical example of misinformation, designed no doubt to conceal his awesome power from his loyal subjects.
“Musk Schtick ……………. Could contain traces of nuts.”
Hold the presses “….. Indubitably contains traces of nuts.”
Only traces? Are you downplaying the toxic nature of what’s being served here?
Nuts and dolts…. If swallowed will prove detrimental to your well-being and health.
Does Crikey have a daily quota of miscellaneous stories on worthless billionaires it’s required to fill?
Surely we deserve a little giggle after all the horrendous news this week? This little bromance did it for me 🙂
Hey, it’s important to chronicle the unraveling of such an influential trainwreck.