
Seven years ago, 18-year-old Josh Park-Fing was killed on a Work for the Dole site at the Toowoomba Showgrounds.
Josh was sent by his job service provider to collect rubbish on the showgrounds. He received $10.20 a week for this labour, on top of his paltry unemployment payment.
As a Work for the Dole participant, Josh was required to work for 25 hours a week to fulfil his mutual obligation requirements. He wasn’t given proper training, guidance or safety equipment. During his second week at the showgrounds he hurt his back, but when he informed his job agency he was told they didn’t want to fill out the paperwork required for exemption. Not wanting to be cut off from his welfare payments, he returned to work.
Back on site, Josh was told to climb up on the back of a trailer, which was being towed by a tractor, to collect the bins around the grounds. He wasn’t provided a harness, and when the tractor slipped a gear and jolted, he was flung off the trailer, hitting his head. Josh died on the way to the hospital. Reports later confirmed there was no certified supervisor on the site.
Josh’s death exposed the dire health and safety conditions on Work for the Dole sites. Two months later, a government-commissioned report found that 64% of sites did not meet basic health and safety standards.
Josh’s family repeatedly asked then-employment minister Michaelia Cash to shut the program down. But Cash — part of the previous Coalition government, which showed little care for welfare recipients (as evidenced by the robodebt royal commission) — refused.
Similarly galling is that our new government — the supposed party of labour — is also refusing to shut the program down, with Employment Minister Tony Burke recently saying it’s “too late”.
Work for the Dole funnels the most disadvantaged workforce in the country into some of the most dangerous, unregulated work in the country. It is social policy that needlessly endangers people’s lives.
The current parliamentary inquiry into employment services has received damning reports from disadvantaged people who’ve been forced into the work-based welfare system.
Most disturbingly, a participant told the inquiry they were forced into the program while recovering from a broken back. The participant describes the program as “horrendous” for their physical and mental health, forcing a “sharp increase in required medication for both”.
They also claim that “required safety inspections weren’t done” and that they were required to run a lawnmower “through a pile of chipped-up asbestos fencing underneath some grass”.
Thanks to the Abbott-era reforms, we’ve witnessed a sharp increase in the number of people in their 50s and 60s forced to Work for the Dole. These are mostly those who have worked all their lives, now excluded from the labour market because of their age or ill health.
Last month, I spoke to a man in his 60s who lost his job after suffering a heart attack. Instead of supporting him before he reaches pension age, the government has forced him into essentially free labour.
None of this harm and exploitation should occur. Julian Hill, Labor’s TikTok backbencher and chair of the employment services inquiry, acknowledged that “the state should not make people do things that harm them” to receive income support.
Yet almost a year into office and seven years after Josh’s death, this is what his government has been inflicting on unemployed workers. At this point, the program is so toxic, even the job agencies that profit from it are calling for the government to can it.
With the stroke of a pen, Labor could end a program that torments the poorest segment of the working class and has done for the best part of three decades. Fiscally, it would cost it nothing. All it would take is a government that upholds its values to protect the safety and dignity of all workers.
That’s because Labor has stopped even making gestures towards being a social democratic party and is now firmly and consistently a centre-right party. It is the party of tax cuts, austerity, extractive industries and gung-ho follow-the-USA foreign policy. Albanese promised as much and he is going to deliver, whatever the cost. This government is all for Liberal policies, but (small mercies, be thankful) without the Liberal’s corruption and incompetence. The poor and vulnerable are going to have to look after themselves, same as before.
If Australians had wanted something a little better they could have elected Shorten’s Labor in 2019, but instead they went for Morrison. Albanese has taken the hint, scrubbed out all the progressive stuff and now he’s PM and he reckons this is what we asked for. It’s exactly as H. L. Mencken explained around a hundred years ago, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”
I would say Labor is a right wing party – LNP not very lite!
Couldn’t agree more. The only way this bunch of elitists is any different from the last lot is that collectively they might be about one goose-step to the left of Morrison’s government of unlamented memory. I’m not even sure of the corruption bit. Their Claytons’ anti-corruption commission is unlikely to be any more effective than the Coalitions’ Claytons’ proposals. One thing’s for sure – Labor certainly doesn’t give a damn about anyone who’s poor, or sick, or old. The sooner we all fall off our twigs, the better. Less cost to the bottom line.
Sinking ship rat, I suspect you have not fully understood the targetted campaigns of the Murdoch press, – they stop at nothing, – many Australians find it hard to resist such evil.
Why anyone voted as they did in recent Australian elections, and the influence of News Corp, no matter how strong, does not change the facts of the election results, which is all Labor or any party cares about, or the relevance of Mencken’s quotation. He worked in journalism and knew better than most how the press influences public opinion. The American press in his day was at least as biased, dishonest and full of propaganda as anything News Corp offers today. Mencken had seen at first hand, for example, the outrageous way the press destroyed Upton Sinclair’s campaign for Governor of California in 1934 with dirty tricks and lies. The quotation should be read accordingly.
Yes but as Menchen is inferring and Geoff is saying the public only know what the owners of information outlets want them to know, social media has some ability to offer alternatives yet it is also capable of its own versions of propaganda which makes it unreliable without due diligence.
Yes of course. So that is why Mencken asserts that the theory of democracy assumes the the common people know what they want and deserve to get it. It’s sarcasm.
And the bigger joke is that the major party politicians are pleased to give the ‘common people’ what they vote for, and then pretend they are serving the ‘common people’, although the politicians know better than most how the game is rigged so the ‘common people’ will never get a fair go.
Thanks for writing this article Jeremy. Labor needs to think very carefully about continuing to support such a wicked scheme as Work for the Dole that has been so wilfully weaponized by the LNP for nearly a decade. Due to rampant neo-liberalism, the welfare recipient forced on to Work for the Dole receives a disgraceful pittance. In complete contrast very large amounts of government money go the job provider and the host employer of a work for the Dole scheme, who get free labour as well as a very substantial fee from the government for ‘training’ each participant. Some of this wasted government money would be much better spent providing a jobseeker with a meaningful ongoing job opportunity or traineeship, maybe in such a way as in the old days of the Commonwealth Employment Service (CES) or the Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service (CRS). Time to ditch the, demeaning, performative and costly stunt of Work for the Dole for something better.
You make the logical point; The rorting of social security pie is being eaten up by the third party companies with gov stamped contracts to pilfer hunan capital and the fiscally responsive and socially responsible ministers should desist from this blinkered foolish malfeasance .. check out demonstrations in the Robo debt commission – The scams in aged, health, education , infrastructure and training – evem in the arts these foxes are raiding our eggs
smartest comment and bang on ;one contracted “job provider” has 48 million in capital 21/22 financial year = 7,000 clients – thats a minmum spend of just under 8,00O outlay on each unemployed pays out of the pie – no job and no real training – gaslighting especially to older women and abuse – this is tge Ndis too – gey rid of the third parties getting the contract spends and then crying poor after the “costs” and outlays to their paid “consultants” and “contractors” with little change to peoples’ bottom lines – where are tge smart jobs in home grown pharma, solar – Australian electric cars back in Geelong?
sic “get rid”; ” the smart jobs”
This is almost government sanctioned slavery. It is certainly abuse of the vulnerable and desperate, with reckless disregard for their wellbeing, as well as for work health & safety legislation.
Whilst I was certainly relieved to see the back of the Coalition government, I am very disappointed in a government that does not support those who need it most, instead pandering to those who exploit them. I did not think that’s what Albanese stood for, but it seems I was wrong.
Slavery is quite a stretch. It more closely resembles the forced labour of convicts back in the good old days of the colonies.
Yes, it is more akin to indentured servitude. Which is not even a full step up from slavery.
Canberra has a number of policies which were implemented solely as vote winners, and never mind the cost. Work for the dole is one, another is turn back the boats, lock up refugees. The Canberra dictionary does not contain words like decency, honour, morality and courage. By Canberra I’m thinking of the LNP and ALP, but the others also make dubious deals. As a voting citizen I find it difficult to comprehend the depths to which they will sink.
This is not Canberra. It is Parliament and the politicians who come and work here. Don’t blame Canberra. Blame the pollies.
yes why arent the media spillling this truth so the ignorant can see why their are billions being given away – id prefer the money paid directly to unemployed and out back into public service – nup they have haliburton subcontracting these roles – check out their history – great work fellas
And you think that wasn’t slavery?
The only differences between convict labour and Work for the Dole are that you get paid about 50 cents an hour, you don’t actually work in chains, and you don’t get beaten half to death if you offend the overseers. But you still might die on the job.
No, it was not slavery. The convicts still had various rights under the law and sometimes could even exercise those rights. They were not mere property, legally to be bought and sold, abused, maimed or killed on a whim. You insult and belittle the situation of actual slaves by insisting on an equivalence.
rubbish whatever its slavery -and there are slaves in all creeds and colours- women know this – other women like to knock other women too and the working class blame unemployed out of sheer ignorance – all dictators know the human foible which kicks the positioned marginal vulnerable scapegots – we need to be smarter
poor boy dying at showgrounds back of a truck no safety harness according to paper – i think his first day .. blood on their hands
its slavery when one is forced to work for zero or its costs the “unemployed” to provide service capital under duress
No, it’s forced labour. A slave is property of an owner, not just someone working under some form of duress. A slave would certainly see the difference. Work for the Dole is obnoxious but the case against is not strengthened by adopting hyperbolic or hystrerical rhetoric.
mansplaining i dont cate but you know enjoy it it will all cone out – have you heard the expression slaving away – im glad you can explain the official history of slavery – it is ownership is ot not ? you are owned by these companies and individuals have no choice – yes sure there have been historic and current worse cases models – they amount to variations on use and abuse
These people are not convicted criminals. They’ve just been unable to get proper paid work. They’re forced to work in unsafe conditions for unfair pay, or go without any income at all as they’re ‘welfare’ payments will be cut off. They’re being exploited and abused, with their well-being, or welfare, not being considered at all.
I said ALMOST government sanctioned slavery and I can’t think of another term that more closely represents this situation.
no the business model is abd will end up as slavery – we are owned via data and narrow options – wftd is 6 months out of 12 – the “job provider”( so called) gets the contract to lets say clean up the showgrounds for 30 g , then gets 50 poor blighters on their books who incidentally have already earned the blokes on their bums at head office 1,000 bucks a “bludger”; you do the 3rd party job for 20 bucks a fortnight making the masters money for nothing ; the ndis companies are often same / subsidiary company/ do the reasearch its not too hard – in fact worse aka read the history above and check out why they are everywhere – slavery
if you are an older worker or lumped into such a ageist category well you despite having degrees etc are unemployable so unless something happens women are the most victimised – fact
One would suggest that it’s informed by ideology of eugenics (of the pecking order & ‘welfare wastrels’), masquerading as libertarian socio-economic ideology, a la ‘US deep south’ or ‘segregation economics’ for the ‘planters’.
Locally and elsewhere it’s promoted by media to those working and/or retired, the latter are becoming more significant as voters for the right, and dog whistling.
UK post Brexit, horticulture struggled to find seasonal workers (previously from EU), for then people to demand British unemployed must go and do the work, even if well away from their families and communities.
However, it’s the same logic as those demanding military or national services i.e. those suggesting or demanding should be the first to participate?
There’s Drew with his eugenics thesis at work. An answer to a question no one ever asked. Oh dear! It is not informed by eugenics but by right wing, free market, neo-liberal economic ideology with a strong hint or dose of Fascism.
Maybe we do not disagree, because MacLean et al. suggest that eugenics, right wing, free market & neo-liberalism with influences of fascism are joined at the hip….? Following is Buchanan’s mate Friedman…. segregation was influenced by eugenics.
The point you make about British horticulture is a good one. The same is true for hospitality in England especially, as it seems many of the eastern Europeans left and good ole Poms don’t want to do the work. I can’t blame them, can you? The same was true as I repeated to the chagrin of others on this forum when I said that most of the ads for jobs on the CES noticeboards in the early to mid 1980s when I was unemployed were for either fruit pickers in southern NSW or commission only or sales jobs (not employment at all but rather business opportunities and should not have been placed on a free government noticeboard in a government department for jobseekers).
I don’t think this former you are referring to was a failure of Brexit but it was the fact of more complicated, sophisticated company headquarters and research facilities were being obliged to relocate to where it was easier to do business without the Brexit red tape and tariffs.
Bit more complicated as many nations have same issues in filling labour gaps in various sectors, not just about ‘immigration’ or migrant workers e.g. vis a vis Brexit – EU, but demographic decline in working age cohorts fewer workers vs. increasing numbers of retirees.
their are cartels now where once we had domestic competition – free trade – whatever its a fail – not if you are an entrepreneur in some respects -problem is what is hapoening the world over – multinationals have killed off the competition – then they buy up land ; now they want okd women to downsize and sell em the stocks so the kids get zip – wake up – its sick
…At the remuneration offered.
In theory the solution to this is to increase remuneration until it reaches a point where people are prepared to do the work, and/or process improvements and/or technology improvements increase productivity so that the same output can be achieved with less input (ie: workers).
This is how overall wealth and living standards improve.
In reality, because business is allowed to leverage the infinite (by any practical measure) supply of easily exploitable foreign workers prepared to put up with poor working conditions and poor quality of life for low pay, we just end up suppressing wages, productivity and living standards for the working classes (and a fairly substantial chunk of the middle classes, who are really working class – just not manual labourers).
The skills shortage is a lie. It is nearly always a lie. Employers have been whining incessantly about skills and labour shortages for the last twenty-ish years of record high immigration and mostly stagnant wage (but enormous profit) growth.
When wages are not growing strongly, there is no shortage of labour. The skills shortage is a lie.
Neoliberalism also stripped out apprenticeships, I quite agree the skills shortage is a lie , put out there and promoted by Neoliberal media , the ideological mouthpiece.
This is true guys but it would seem that many of these lovely Brits have left their jobs for something better. Don’t you think? Meanwhile the hospitality venues are bereft of staff and they are so because the original English speaking not necessarily “White” staff left and got better paying jobs elsewhere. Let’s face it and be realistic. I have done the same and I wager most of you here as well. Left a poor paying job for a better paying job and the place of employment you left is still there and the job that is vacant courtesy of you and I leaving is still there. This has been happening since time immemorial and is the reason we in the western world have higher living standards. No bonded labour. No slavery. No caste system. No indebtedness inherited. I guess that any eligible employees don’t exist. There is no mass of unemployed anymore. Hospitality are the new ‘satanic mills’, along with call centres and gig economy jobs and if you are unlucky enough to end up in one of these you spend the rest of your time searching for better elsewhere. This leaves these businesses, and unfortunately these hospitality businesses seem to be the only ones growing in the last 2 or 3 decades, as the only major source of entry level employment where in the past this role was left to manufacturing, transport and other service level jobs, particularly in the clerical field. And their only means of survival is through this business model, let’s call it for what it is, a business model, of cheap imported labour, pure and simple. Much of agriculture operates the same way yet that has the disadvantages of isolation and remoteness which city-based hospitality and various kinds of service industries don’t. Did you know that in the past, you could get fruit picking paid in cash therefore you could still get the dole and work in contravention of the rules but as the job was cash the authorities were none the wiser. Keating changed that in 1989 when he made every employee have a tax file number. There were many people who jumped ship. I was told of a guy in Edgells Bathurst who did not even have ID and certainly not a tax file number and he could no longer work. Employers whine incessantly and it is what they do best, certainly not manage their enterprises. Many of these immigrant workers are either temporary or students or down on their luck. There is no stability in their employment as there is no stability in their business models and in the businesses themselves. Be realistic! How many of us work in the gig economy or in the hospitality field? Thought so. Restrict immigration and you smash this exploitative business model.
Been to a hospital lately mate; been there? You are summarily kicked out past 45 as a woman; called Karen if you are white or assumed to such then even better; the ageism and false numbers are stunning; have a look at the richest represeantion of big ticket purchase in the Chanel Boutique; all the managers are of a certain racial profile to suit the customer with the dosh.. wake up . Not all white people are older retired rich or ignorant winners.. wake up
The amount of older women seen doing heavy heavy work despite them being once managers are being used at aged carers, cheap nannies but this seems unseen no crying hearts here; Tell ya what get a degree in a uni placed in the lowest 5000 of rated not an australian university in the top 300 for example and then do a bridging sponsored deal with multinational health clinic group and you can be a GP or an advocate for putting older people out to pasture and bleed women dry and gaslight away.. ponzi scheme girls get ya ducks in order before the old and young boys in suits mansplain away your reality of being broke, and too old 20 years before you could even retire on thin air… what a lots of assumptions they make
‘When wages are not growing strongly, there is no shortage of labour. The skills shortage is a lie’
Or, UK which has become more authoritarian in hand with suboptimal employee conditions, rights and lack of effective union coverage to support low income and immigrant employees?
Also ignores the long running negative impacts of Brexit, losing access to mobile EU labour and demographic decline e.g. working age started to decline in late noughties.
All indicators are negative except increasing numbers of retirees, UK is now mooting increasing the pension age to 68 years to deal with this heaving mass of humanity exemplified by rising Old Age Dependency ratios (present working age looking forward to retirement?)
In Victoria south east suburbs it was as youu mentioned but also anything that required manual labour on those notice boards and were quite diverse. The issue was often that you needed the appropriate union ticket and couldn’t get a ticket unless you had a job… as I recall.
Yes I get the logic here. Strange. But once you got a job and lost it did you have to surrender your ticket. What was this ticket? Was it applicable to specific skills like operating machinery, transport or scaffolding? Maybe this was for people with tickets looking for work elsewhere. The building industry is notable, as is many others, for short termism and high turnover.
Simply using descriptors used by investigative journalists and related academics in the US inc. Nancy MacLean (‘Democracy in Chains’) analysing the role of Chicago School economists, James Buchanan in particular, the muse of Kochs whose father was also a cofounder of the infamous John Birch Society.
What’s your analysis on this topic? Everyone should be ‘quiet Australians’?
its was new labor under UK LABOR and Gillard labor introduced the same here -check out a4e on wikipedia- and its multi national juggernaut – a stinking indictment on the vile govt duopoly
WFD is only slightly removed from slavery and exists mostly to punish the unemployed and, more importantly, funnel public money into “jobs agencies” and WFD providers.
There’s a direct parallel with the USA’s privatised prison labour.
A judge found in the Nt i think that using the local towns indigenous unemployed amounted to slavery and found that particular work ftdole program illegal – as that was the only town’s employer ;roll that thinking out labor … they are pathetic and sadly lacking in smartz – these job agencies aka Rudd’s Mrs who sold for billions her disability and work agency ) same same but different) Anywho the mongrels running the so call smart training charge thegovt to get people trained but the programs are duh dumb er than daft for all irrespective of ones capacity its is a scam to feed parasites and is reallly expensive waste of human and public resources
There is also a direct link to our society’s general attitude to being unemployed – (dole) bludgers who we are generally happy to see punished.
This is particularly immoral given we accept an economic system that deliberately seeks to keep a subset of employable people unemployed to benefit business.
And to keep inflation in check – the policy is now the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment, whereas the policy used to be full employment.
And keep down wages. This is how business benefits. On an anecdotal note I tried to get accommodation for my partner and I at Broken Hill in July for a holiday. The place, which I thought was a pub, shuts at 8.00pm. I thought that this is strange for a hotel reception. I said I was willing to get the keys to a room from the bar and they said there is no bar anymore nor a bistro nor a restaurant. They said they can’t get staff. As it was long distance I didn’t want to get into a discussion as to the fact that they should pay their staff more and they might get staff and run a hotel. Yet this is an iconic former pub for God’s sake. A pub with no beer and it seems that there are a few like that in Broken Hill. No staff. COVID and gambling ruined them as well as changing demographics and reduced employment in traditional industries. Can’t have a reserve army of cheap and desperate workers any more even in the far outback. The residents have woken up it seems and voted with their feet and did what none of us could do. Leave and go to places with better opportunities. Forget trying to get government to give you things. They will only give business things. People need to go to places and work things for themselves and demand things from businesses – not governments who have an idea of what businesses they cater for. This is one approach. Not things and public services like education and health care though the government has dropped the ball there too but live music, pubs which are pubs and not motels with a pub front.
the facts however are public money and capital are being transferred to multinational profits … not even citizens .. wake up tell me how a vague trickle down dogma equates to healthy econonic outlook which is based upon the country’s existing population ? services are being run by people for the people?
That is what I am saying. But I put an interpretation on my experience. I want to stay in a hotel in an outback city or town. A hotel that doesn’t offer spiritous liquors and refreshments is a motel. It shouldn’t call itself a hotel just because it bought a license. Businesses in the smallest but many things are being allowed to get away with falsehoods and illegalities. It is certainly multinationals who are the villains. They always are. But how many of us are willing to take the fight up to Business per se and confront them about their lack of obligations and lack of customer service? It shouldn’t be up to people to simply depopulate an area, because it is fit and able-bodied people who are able to do this, and the people left behind in such more isolated and disadvantaged areas are the elderly, those who have got a home no matter how small its value is, particularly compared to the metropolitan areas of our States. They are often thought to be advantaged because they invariably own their homes but what about health services that are inadequate or non-existent banks and now no places to congregate for drinks and all that are left in many country towns and cities are empty old, often historic shops and businesses?
Why should businesses be given Jobkeeper? Why not the COVID subsidy be given directly to workers in the form of wage subsidies? Why should a worker be tied down to an employer when that employer will, as QANTAS certainly did, stab their workforce in the back. Sack them from QANTAS and rehire them under different company names in order to pay them less under either award conditions or individual contracts or AWAs, as they won’t be covered under existing or grandfathered EAs for the company employees that were just sacked!
Governments need to step in with aged care, industrial relations and no throw good money after bad.
And another thing. Re: the government’s handouts to business. I saw 2 of them o the News tonight. First, the SA Government is partly subsidising the LIV Golf tournament despite the LIV Golf program being funded by the Saudi Government, one of the wealthiest institutions in the world. Secondly, the aged care and nursing home retaliation to the Federal Government by closing their facilities because it cannot provide a Registered Nurse on call or 2 hours/day of direct one-on-one care to a resident. If I fail to meet the demands of my employer I get sacked. I have to respond to an email with a deadline, to respond to a performance appraisal deadline, to respond to a client in any capacity, to be at a workstation or line. Yet these businesses can just fold up pre-emptively or threaten to quit and can just get away with it.
yes and roll free asset capital via reinvestment annually 10 miilion a year but then cry we have to close tge aged care home or we cant afford better care bull -its a scam
25 % of “Tu.. job agency revenue came from third party contracts; on their website under annual report. 48 billion in capital, 7,000 plus “clients”, on top of that is lots of revenue numbers but there are billions and Teresa Rein sold her disabled business model to a multinational purchaser; billions it was.. Do you know if you get employed as a disabled person the stats it is a disgrace.. we are mad and run by truly dull deals which will only end up with our wonderful country being sold off by stealth and women older women used as indentured worker; women can’t use or own our spaces to make room for others concerned about their own survival and so again silenced like the murdered and abusued and coerced domestic atrocities Australia is so famed oh dont step on any one else.. Weak as
And also to provide cheap compliant labour to pollies’ mates.
No one in power likes
welfare recipientsdole bludgers. But there’s also a lot of money wasted in the infrastructure of the work-for-the-dole programs, their maintenance, the wages of the Centrelink staff, the occasional supervisor, etcetera. Everyone in power on both sides of the chamber agree that the poor need to be punished for their willful inability to work, or to stay young, healthy, and able-bodied. Why not cut out the middleman and just have poor people beaten up once a fortnight? I’m sure the Sky After Dark and 2GB crowd would happily get out the baseball bats and hoe into the recalcitrant Newstart and Disability Pension receivers, and they’d do it for the sheer love of the task. You could even televise it. Imagine the ratings as the old grumpy, white, conservative, investment home owners get to see what they’ve longed for all their lives.You’re on the right track, but beating them with baseball bats would be un-Australian. The better course would be to restore the fine old tradition of public floggings, so long neglected, with all the benefits of reviving the manufacturing of the equipment required and the skills involved.
How about cricket bats?
And stepping up to the crease, NOT ‘plate’.
Not really suitable, lacking the visual appeal and ritual of a good flogging, and too likely to break bones. The floggees should return to their forced labour as soon as possible after a strong salt solution has been applied to their flayed skin.
Perhaps the cat ‘o nine tails? It has that classic retro brutality beloved of the SAD and 2GB audiences, who prefer their justice to come from the 18th Century or earlier.
maybe stop blaming or describing people as older or young – or unemployed as dumb uneducated or faulty – or legitimising non productive scum in trickle down wastral companies- who used the public purse as their personal profit making tool
uh having home does not equate to fithy rich multiple property ownership ; its wise to unite all including people who wish to keep the ONE roof over there head and incidentaly not sell on to multinational developer investor class keep in mind – how do older women live in group homes like the mob are pushing ? Over 500,000 homeless women in their late middle years thrown out
You may be taking it too seriously – and, by the way, I rent – but next time I will phrase it ‘multiple investment home owners’ to ensure the enemy is correctly identified.
I am taking it very seriously my dear ; the facts are very serious look at the ownership of public housing in Manchester all sold off to a rich multinational buyer; who knew the real future value for his profits; all gone. The facts are home ownership has moved to multinational interests; this is widespread; the main culprits are now in the European market heavily making some great gains there; Here kids do not work to own as that has gone to profit the highest bidders with offshore ill gotten gains in some cases or have different limits to the ability to not pay worker parity . Market basics; trickle down economic lie still perpetrated to ignorant masses who believe millions and bias do not affect workers and those in the lowe middle rung of competitive advantage are all slotted into our assumed places… Yeah I am really angry and so should I be
the assumption is non whites are not the ones making indentured workers a business model and doing dumb arse non training and profiling educated older experienced Australians- the reverse racism is a little wrong
Labor has become a miser of the LNP – not even Lib-lite anymore. I reckon it will cost them big time at the next election as all those of us who voted to get rid of the LNP had hopes for a steady progressive shift to a more humane society and that simply hasn’t happened. Minor parties and Independents call.
True. I think this absolute neglect by the Albanese government has come as a huge shock to everyone who voted for them but next election I think will bring in the Greens and more independents, and Labor only has Albanese and themselves to blame. Everyone was so sure it was timidity with Albanese, now we know he has sold his values, murdered his mother’s memory by using her visciously for his election into government; poor woman must be spinning in her grave wondering what the hell happened to the son she brought up to have humanity and humility at hs core, well that has truly gone as the celebrity, wealth and power trio have obviously settled in and everyone else can go jump, especially if there’s a high cliff nearby.
What a disgusting let down for Labor voters.
Hear hear. And Albanese will ask why. He won’t have far to look.
Unfortunately the polls say otherwise. Labor’s vote is miles above where it was at the election a year ago.
polls what the ones this morning in the ruddy Murdoch papers? Give me a break; the polls are wrong. Try to find an older woman in roles in senior management who is not a karen or why is is 90 of women are then thrown out of the jobs to make way for new arrivals and do not get upset girls or no or you will be abused as Karen who is rich and retired..rubbish rubbish rubbish
For miser read mirror
In order to win an election they had to move further and further to the right. Strategy shows that if the difference between the two majors is too big the incumbent will win hands down. Labor have been enticed out of the territory and into Liberal heartland and they are wedged there. Labor are not going to give up an advantage like that. The whole raison d’être for politicians has become about winning the next election and very little else. All policy is based on that rather than what might be good for the country and the majority of its citizens, so it’s no wonder that the proposed Shorten government never stood a chance.