Nicole Chvastek
Nicole Chvastek (Image: LinkedIn)

A leading ABC presenter has taken action in the Fair Work Commission seeking an order against her employer to stop bullying.

The action has been lodged on behalf of Nicole Chvastek, the high-profile presenter of Victoria’s Statewide Drive radio program for close to a decade. Mark Comito, managing partner of Melbourne employment lawyers Stal, said the action related to “a number of alleged incidents in the workplace”.

A case conference has been listed for Thursday this week.

Chvastek has been missing from the airwaves for several weeks with no explanation given by the ABC. The ABC’s website describes her as a highly regarded journalist who has reported “the big stories for ABC TV 7pm news, Seven Network 6pm news and as television anchor for ABC international’s Asia Pacific news during the South Asian tsunami crisis”.

Chvastek declined to comment.

In regional Victoria, listeners have been vocal in their support for Chvastek who had earned the respect of listeners for her tough questioning of politicians.

Regional masthead The Local reported the social media reaction to her program being covered from Melbourne in her absence: “So so wrong … rural people deserve rural news … bring back Nicole … Melbourne is not our domain.”

And: “This is terrible news. We need Nicole Chvastek on our airwaves. I wouldn’t have thought ABC Ballarat made the decision, think it’s higher up the food chain. I’ll contact ABC Melbourne in the first instance.”

The action against the ABC comes at a time of historic low ratings for its radio network around Australia. The broadcaster has commissioned an investigation into its loss of audience.

The ABC told Crikey it would not comment “given the matter is at FWC”.