Anti-trans abuse directed at women working in journalism has increased markedly, reporters say, as newsroom leaders across the country are forced to take further steps to protect their staff online.
There was a distinct anecdotal uptick in abuse following the Australian tour of Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull in March. Keen, who also goes by “KJK” and “Posie Parker”, is a self-described women’s rights activist from the United Kingdom whose campaigning efforts centre around claims that transgender people are “silencing” and discriminating against women.
Journalists who covered the tour in several cities, including Melbourne, Canberra, and Perth, reported an “avalanche” of abuse on social media, and even physical threats following publication of their stories. Among them was Kate Emery, social affairs editor at The West Australian, who likened the “huge” spike in abuse to that seen from anti-vaxxers at the height of the pandemic.
“Anecdotally I have seen a huge spike in particularly anti-trans abuse directed towards journalists who write about it, which is scary,” Emery told Crikey.
“It doesn’t put me off covering the space but it has discouraged me from engaging much with strangers on social media — these days I mute first and ask questions later.”
Emery said the blowback from Keen-Minshull’s supporters resulted in official complaints to The West Australian, where management was quick to offer support.
The issue of online abuse has become a live issue for some newsroom leaders after Q+A host Stan Grant took eight weeks’ leave following a sustained conservative media campaign criticising his role in the ABC’s coverage of the coronation of King Charles. ABC leadership has since been widely criticised for failing to come out in defence of Grant and the coverage, and for its failure to address institutional racism.
In Melbourne, Keen-Minshull and her supporters were pictured outside Victoria’s state Parliament alongside first-term Liberal MP Moira Deeming. Also present was a group of masked neo-Nazis who performed the Nazi salute and offered the campaigners a ring of protection alongside police from a group of counter-protesters stationed across the road.
Days later, in Canberra, Keen-Minshull’s supporter numbers dwindled and were met with condemnation from a counter-protest led by Greens Senator Janet Rice and independent Senator Lidia Thorpe, who was knocked to ground by police.
Trans Justice Project director Jackie Turner said that while there has been an uptick in anti-trans hate online and in person since the Keen-Minshull tour earlier this year, last year’s federal election and Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter also saw an increase in “misgendering” and the “dogpiling” of transgender people who speak out online.
“I’ve experienced that myself as someone who used to use Twitter a lot more. The abuse basically meant the platform stopped being useful for me. And that really started when Twitter removed their protections around misgendering and deadnaming trans people,” Turner told Crikey. “That was seen by the anti-trans folks as licence to abuse; they weren’t going to face any consequences for it anymore.”
Turner noted that most of the abuse levelled at transgender people, their supporters, and journalists covering these events came as the result of fervent campaigns led by disinformation groups in the US and the UK, which are now “bleeding over” into Australia through “far-right circles” and conspiracy groups. Turner said it’s important not to lose sight of the fact, however, that there’s a “clear link” between anti-trans rhetoric and real-world harm, regardless of where it comes from.
Emery made similar observations, and took some comfort in the fact that her abusers weren’t her “neighbours”, but instead appeared to be linked to accounts from Australia’s eastern states, or abroad.
For other reporters covering Keen-Minshull’s tour, the abuse can be enough of a deterrent to dissuade journalists from covering anti-trans campaigners, particularly for those earning entry-level wages in newsrooms where leadership considers what happens on social media to be beyond the bounds of their responsibilities.
One reporter told Crikey, on the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely, that a failure to support and shield reporters from anti-trans abuse has already resulted in coverage blindspots, as journalists fear being targeted online or physically harmed.
A spokesperson for the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance said news organisations have a “legal responsibility” to provide a safe environment to staff, “and that extends to the online sphere”.
“This is particularly the case for sectors of the community who are more often targeted by online abuse — women, First Nations and People of Colour, and people who openly identify as LGBTQIA+,” the spokesperson said.
This whole trans thing is totally confected outrage, orchestrated from the ground up, to give anti-vaxxers air to breathe now that the covid vaccination issue is over and the world has moved on. They could literally have picked anyone but cynically they picked trans people knowing it would probably make the most noise. I mean, ffs I’m 50, pretty much a grandpa now, and transgender and transsexual people have been around my whole life. I went to countless drag shows in my 20s and 30s but it’s never been an issue at all like it suddenly is now. The mainstream media is giving this whole anti-trans movement legitimacy and breathing space by covering it on the surface and not for what it is: confected outrage mainly to give noisy loudspeakers like Monica Smit and Maria Zeee a lifeline to continue getting attention.
Exactly, and contrary to the supposed ideology of those promoting ie. ‘freedom & liberty’, ‘freedom of speech’ & ‘individual rights’, to draw in conservative Christians in opposition; seems more about authoritarianism than freedom?
Good old reporting vs journalism (happy to be pointed to the journalists)
It’s interesting that the organised anti-trans stuff is mostly coming from off shore.
The nutty right increasingly looks to the US for guidance as to what to be outraged about next. As a hotbed of nuttiness the evangelical churches have become a conduit for all manner of rubbish to be disseminated here.
Agree, even locally e.g. a former NewsCorp journo on Twitter is drawing on both US RW anti-trans agitprop, and also that of the UK Free Speech Union & The Daily Sceptic of Toby Young’s on Twitter (both US/UK it’s Koch linked); prolific in an effort to reinforce the messaging on a divisive sociocultural, non issue that revs up the older socially conservative voters.
You should try being trans, I have never seen things so bad except perhaps in the ‘old days’. Most of us are simply scared. And it’s all a masive beat up. All we want to do is go on living our lives doing what everybody else does. Instead we are always in the news accompanied by outrageous lies and distortions on who we are and what we want.
All we want is to be left alone to get on with our lives.
If true that “All we want is to be left alone to get on with our lives.” it would be a good idea to rein in the crazies in the tranzx lobby demanding that EVERYONE ELSE totally change language, law, custom and reality.
When a cis person tells us their name or corrects the pronouns we used in relation to them, we use their names and pronouns. Why is it so hard to use trans people’s names and pronouns? That is just treating them equally.
Are you using the royal ‘WE’ with such urbi et orbi pronouncements?
I’m sorry that you are having such a difficult time because of all the nonsense out there about trans people.
The nonsense purveyors are a very small minority.
Most of us wish they would mind their own business and let you get on with your lives.
Of course, after they whip up and endorse all this hatred and prejudice against trans women, when a cis woman inevitably becomes a victim of anti-trans violence the so-called women’s rights brigade goes silent. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/alex-bailey-dublin-pensioner-trans-b2346282.html
The irony of men beating up on trans women to “protect women”…umm what caused the existence of women’s only spaces?