A person on the internet (Image: AAP/Richard B. Levine)
(Image: AAP/Richard B Levine)

The 2026 census will not ask Australians if they have access to the internet in a move one senator has called a “serious missed opportunity”. 

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) confirmed to Crikey that questions about internet access, which were removed at the 2021 census, won’t be asked at the 2026 census either. 

“Internet access and use, including digital literacy, has been listed as a topic that won’t be progressing further for the 2026 census,” an ABS census spokesperson said. 

“The topic was identified as having strong public value, however it rated lower than other topics as the pace of societal and technological change may reduce the relevance of data collected on the topic, and there may be alternative data that partially, or fully, meets the data need.” 

The ABS would “consider other ways to provide more data on this topic where possible”. 

Greens Senator David Shoebridge said the decision not to collect the data would mean it would be harder to ensure all Australians have access to the internet. 

“This is a serious missed opportunity to start measuring the digital divide across the country,” he told Crikey. “It is certain that we will see rapid technological change, but this will only heighten the need for people to have access to data and the digital world.”

Shoebridge said the question should be asked in a “technologically neutral” way so that the data could be useful over time no matter what happens to the way people access the internet. 

“The census should urgently review this question to include a technologically neutral question about access to adequate data. With such patchy NBN coverage, especially in regional and rural Australia, detailed census data on internet access would be an essential aid for better public policy.”

A recent survey — the Australian Digital Inclusion Index report — conducted by university researchers in collaboration with Telstra found there was a significant gap between First Nations peoples and other Australians when it comes to accessing the benefits of digital technology, InnovationAus reported

Earlier this week, the federal government released its First Nations digital inclusion plan, which aims to improve “accessibility, affordability, and digital ability” in Indigenous communities. 

“I think this is really important that we have this framework in place, and that as, not only an industry but also through the various state and territory programs, we are actually able to make progress in closing that gap,” Communications Minister Michelle Rowland told ABC’s RN Breakfast on Monday. 

Labor Senator Murray Watt said in an answer to questions on notice this week that “the ABS has indicated that the upcoming National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) 2023-24 will include questions on internet access”.

Other topics that could be axed from the 2026 census include “number of children ever born” and “number of motor vehicles”. New topics likely to be added include “ethnic identity”, sexual orientation, and “variations of sex characteristics”, The Canberra Times reported.