
Few political leaders get to leave on their own terms. But Daniel Andrews is one of them, and in high style.
After reversing what now looks like the hiccup that was John Brumby’s 2010 loss, in 2014 he went on to completely dominate Victoria, to the point where the idea of the Victorian opposition even being competitive seems risible. Andrews ripped the heart out of the Victorian Liberals in 2018, and then did it again — despite a swing against him — in 2022.
With Andrews building on the legacy of John Cain and Steve Bracks, by 2026 Labor will have run Victoria for three-quarters of the past 44 years.
Critics — and there are plenty, including Crikey — might argue his dominance was exaggerated by a spectacularly inept Liberal Party divided by an ongoing war between moderate traditional Liberals and Christian extremists whose social views would have been out of touch with Melbourne in 1923, let alone now. But Andrews helped make them unelectable with a ruthless political style, a centralised command-and-control management via his office, and an attitude to the media taken straight from Jeff Kennett, who famously heaved sand at journalists.
That conservatives couldn’t land a punch on Andrews for nearly a decade enraged them, and drove the Coalition’s right-wing cheerleaders at News Corp to distraction. Increasingly frustrated, eventually the Liberals and News Corp openly embraced the kind of lurid conspiracy theories previously the province of far-right extremists. The 2022 election campaign was marked by ferocious News Corp and Liberal attacks on Andrews, with independent MPs and candidates joining in to call for Andrews’ execution. All it did was enhance his reputation as the target of Trump-style political tactics, and convince voters the Liberals — and the Victorian press gallery — were obsessed with Andrews at the expense of real issues.
The rage against Andrews was fuelled by his hardline, lockdown-centric tactics in response to the COVID pandemic. Even now, big business and its media cheerleaders at The Australian Financial Review despise him for being so willing to shut the state down. But none of it hurt him. In fact, Andrews’ willingness to place management of the pandemic ahead of the interests of business cannily anticipated where the community was moving.
After three decades of neoliberal elevation of the interests of corporations to primacy in public policymaking, Andrews unapologetically went directly against the demands of business. From the perspective of 2023 — marked by PwC, Qantas and profit-fuelled inflation — this rejection of the diktats of the business community and its media arms looks prescient indeed.
That’s what enraged the right so much about Andrews — that far from being “Dictator Dan” or some out-of-touch leftwinger, he effectively reflected the electorate. Even in 2022, in the face of a swing against him, Andrews steered Labor to a 55% two-party-preferred result. If even a skerrick of the News Corp and Liberal accusations against Andrews were true, such a result should have been impossible.
And economically, Andrews’ refusal to kowtow to business never produced the apocalyptic results business and the media constantly warned about. Andrews’ fiscal policies might have left a large debt, but today Victoria has the lowest unemployment rate of any state and a much higher participation rate than NSW, along with much less interstate emigration. So much for alienating business.
The other great source of right-wing rage was Andrews’ progressive social agenda in the form of a ground-breaking Treaty with First Peoples, voluntary euthanasia, an injecting room and — late but better late than never — a huge investment in social housing in 2020.
A crucial part of Andrews’ political management was an ability to evade responsibility for the seemingly innumerable scandals that occurred within his party or his government while he was in power. Scandals and stuff-ups seemed to routinely occur around Andrews, but somehow never quite involve him.
The notorious decision to use private guards in quarantine hotels at the start of the pandemic seemed to have made itself; rampant branch stacking involving misuse of public resources by ministers repeatedly occurred without Andrews receiving any blame; Andrews’ too-close relationship with Crown casino escaped censure when a royal commission uncovered massive misconduct within that company and near-total regulatory failure. And that’s to say nothing of the red shirts scandal, or the shameful attempt to hand union mates more than $1 million for a “training course” that involved Andrews’ own office.
The standard of conduct — not to mention accountability — in Andrews’ government was appalling, but he floated above it all, even when grilled and criticised by the state’s underpowered anti-corruption body. If Andrews was the Labor leader, his leadership seemed to turn into vapour any time something went wrong.
All of which is to say Andrews was much worse than his loyal advocates insist, but far better than the diehard haters at News Corp or The Australian Financial Review would ever give him credit for. And he understood his electorate in a way that the latter will simply never get.
Are you with the haters or the lovers of Dictator Dan? Let us know by writing to letters@crikey.com.au. Please include your full name to be considered for publication. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.
an attitude to the media taken straight from Jeff Kennett, who famously heaved sand at journalists.
This seems a bit unfair to me, as an outsider. Kennett was rude to the point of contemptuous to the ABC, whereas Dan patiently and courteously answered Peta Credlin’s long-winded attempts at a gotcha question, day after day.
Dan the Man totally embarrassed the lacklustre Ms Cretlin.
Ah Kennett – who sold out resourcesinto private pirates ; Andrews not perfect but a better class as he did not cut country line trains on routes now needed ;nor did Andrews ( unlike Jeff ) sell off rolling stocks that we had to lease back from orofiteers – nor did Labor sell off public schools to feed mates / developers as stocks to feed the parasites ; no post politics cushy role selling phone convos aiding depression ; gaslighting the depresssd and poorer Victorians after his flailing rule screwed the rest – Dan got rid of Monash slow commute up North rd
Good to see some positive content on Dan the Man. He was successful. The alternative is not worth countenancing. Good one Bernard.
This looks like the most readable balanced article on Andrews today. The remaining Crikey articles look like they were briefed by Herald Sun and Jeff Kennett
Thank you Bernard- Andrews stood firm, strong and the debt is in assets not in rorts and worthless contracts to bolster self interest. He was there for Victoria
The biggest threat is media false equivalence, as required to appear ‘balanced’. Schoolyard thinking.
Yep. And do you know who started that? T’was John Winston Howard and his public demands on the ABC in his political windfall of the 1996 election result. Mind, every NLP politician attempts to cuckhold the media – which, in turn, plays into the hands of big owners such as Murdoch. It’s a heady, toxic mix. They feed off each other, vaunting each others’ power. Greater concentration of media ownership, knits them to the Liberals and Nationals, who then become enmeshed with pandering to their media and market ambitions. Witness America and Trump and Murdoch there. Short-terms financial gains become the only concern. The only difference to National Socialism of the Third Reich is the fact that we live in a stable Democracy and alternate voices can still be put and heard.
The notorious decision to use private guards in quarantine hotels at the start of the pandemic seemed to have made itself;
Maybe not. I suspect we will eventually learn that this was a decision made by bureaucrats, a whole generation of whom have known nothing but the outsourcing and contracting business model which got a huge kick start 30 years ago under the Kennett government. “It’s the way we always do things” would have been their justification.
The arrangement was signed off by elected politicians who (1) had this whole unprecedented pandemic juggernaut rolling their way, with little time to question Public Service advice and (2) were well into the second generation for whom outsourcing and contracting was “the way we always do things”. I doubt we would have had a different response, at the time, from a Liberal-led government. However, that’s an untestable hypothesis.
Liberals are conservatives and conservatives don’t do anything because they conserve the status quo…….unless a public service Mandarin has an idea. Ya know what I mean.
As a Victorian with sixty years voting experience, I love Dan for, amongst other things, his infrastructure projects, which are substantially building for the future. Dan doesn’t paint word pictures the way Keating did, but he’s building the future of the state. It’s as though we’re infected with Snowy schemes. In the long term the impacts on productivity will justify the debt. As you say David: conservatives do nothing, so over time, all that’s left is down to entropy.
I accept your view but also double down. The sheer speed and demand for action created by the pandemic was a juggernaut for the PS and politicians, with hundreds of the former co-opted into project teams working very long hours for months and months with no break, making fast decisions under pressure with limited evidence as to best practice. This is not to deny or excuse what happened but it does explain it and show it was not simple incompetence or carelessness as a dumbed down partisan discourse would have it. The Andrews led government indisputably saved tens of thousands of lives and to its credit resisted the self-interested calls of business peak bodies and the right wing media to let the virus go and sacrifice lives for profits. The the electorate appreciated this, most could see through the psychopathic demands being made to “open up” and accept the casualties. Moreover, it remained in the public mind. It was I suspect a significant driver of the 2022 Danslide as well as the Federal election results in Victorian Liberal seats.
Much of ‘business’ was represented by peak bodies, RW MSM & former Deputy PM, masquerading as a journalist, promoting against any restrictions or mandates, while denigrating science.
It was neither unique nor organic but global, especially Anglosphere, Kochonomics linked ‘freedom rallies’ included alt right, anti-vaxxers and usual suspects; locally a QLD Kochtopus linked think tank (AIP) known for climate science denial, ‘freedom fo speech’, platformed a grifter masquerading as a science expert, to promote the anti-Covid talking points on weekly basis (elsewhere linked to 20thC neo-eugenics movement).
Showed how hollowed out, partisan and pathetic most Oz media is in being used like the LNP as a ‘delivery system’, following predetermined talking points on science, leadership and society.
How hotel quarantine was handled was brilliantly taken apart in the Coates enquiry. A lot of hard work made the logistics happen, and they were a considerable challenge, but relating what was happening on the ground to actual quarantine was missing. Multiple departments plus the Emergency Services Commissioner were all heartily involved, and they were classically public-service hopeless at project management, incredibly, at keeping in mind the actual objective of the whole thing. Just like the Ruby Princess debacle in NSW, no bad faith was involved, just a system that failed when put to an unusual test.
Dan understands that 2GB/2UE ranting doesn’t work in Victoria. Sky Noise does its best, but still not enough sunshine to addle the brain.
Mitchell on 3AW gives it his best shot. Andrews to his credit just ignored him.
Yes Mitchell is just about to retire from Radio, and he is fuming that Andrews ignored him for so long, and that he will go into retirement not being able to coerce Andrews to go on his show.
Perhaps if Mitchell hadn’t been as aggressively Anti Labor and smug in Interviews, Danial Andrews nay have succumbed and gone on his how.
I don’t think Andrews would have been so naive. Mitchell is a Melbourne style shock jock, less shrill but still consistently reinforcing ignorance and prejudice every day. All with an accompanying “concerned” tone of aggrieved complaint, tuned to the resentments and fears of a poorly educated small businessman, preferably 50 plus going on 75. His record is remarkably consistent and predictable, there was and is nothing to be gained by any Labor or Green politician engaging with him.
I agree about Mitchell, but he is not in the same ballpark as some of the truly disgusting Sydney shock jocks
Nuh hes a bit less shrill ; plays the reasonable mansplainer ; but nuh no different really to the neocons just plays the role with the Everyman hat more convincingly – NEO CONS had him on at our ABC – tells you how insidious the destruction has been over our free media and democracy ; Albo grow a pair abd clean out Qantas and the right wing media if you want power
A.M . Radio and the Talk-Back Mitchell’s of this World are sustained by Boomers and older X’ers . It’s a shrinking demographic . Younger Generations don’t listen to either. The format will probably follow Ham Radio and Morse Code into Broadcasting oblivion .
He also appears to the conservative and educated lower middle class boomer ..
Don’t hear much education in the voices on his talkback. Lots of ignorance and solipsism but. And only about 5% of boomers before 1980 went to university. And that said a significant number of boomers were not that conservative, they made the eighties a very Labor decade.
But yes the lower middle class are part of his demographic, always important to the right. Anxious, status seeking, suspicious and righteous. Not to mention quick to cry poor (me).
you are ignorant
wow remember the intergenerational division was started by a right wing think tank ! The ageism is irrelevant ; its a false lazy lump em all narrative ; divide and conquer is the dictator’s playbook ! women wake up
intergenerational theft? Nuh the top 20 own 90% of the resources including property due to huge portfolios of housing stocks – last week some neo lib on the Drum lied and said big property consortiums will be top landlords to tenants ! ha ha ha seriously ; look to the real figures
As a 50s baby may I say “I can’t stand conservatives”
And the eastern suburb matrons, inc. wannabes.
wnk er
Charming, so you run protection for pretentious upper middle east suburban class wannabe matrons, who support LNP, while claiming to care for less well off?
talk about misogyny hypocrites whose mums probs get used up too – what a daft thing to believe based on ….. oh why bother
Lunching with right wing pollies at Crown – condescending to women as they all are – Mitchell aint no Faine – bring back Jon Faine clean up the Abc
Mitchell is an outdated fossil that appeals to maybe 5% of the electorate and that’s why Andrews ignored him.
How excellent it was when ‘the parrot’ failed to take in Victoria..
Albo take note. Dan never tried to ingratiate himself with sectional interests and bogans.
Well about those “bogans “ and not the middle class in his electorate . He was smart enough to win over well educated millennial voters in the inner city but they lost ground in some outer suburbs including his own constituency.
yes and DURING A PANDEMIC the lock down was popular in many places as it was a pandemic – necessary evil – the Gladys let em rock off the ruby no worries – good for tourism and business is king ! hypocrites and mean ; they are myopic nutjobs