Profoundly basic blogger and former many things, Cory Bernardi is adding “former Sky News host” to the impressive list of jobs he no longer does.
Our observation when the one-time Liberal troublemaker quit parliamentary politics — and during the truly spectacular failure of his far-right splinter party Australian Conservatives — was that he was somehow less than the sum of his parts. Despite his reputation as a guy who eschewed the dog whistle for a foghorn, who would roll up his sleeves and say the vile thing others would only hint at, he was always being crowded out.
Wanna use your parliamentary position to argue Halal certification funds terrorism? Or be sickened at the thought of an anti-bullying program aimed at protecting LGBTQIA+ kids? Join the clubs, buddy. Unfazed by allegations of war crimes against other people, or unconvinced by the whole “science” lark, whether climate or medical? So are the vast majority of your colleagues.
Indeed, there was an element of “going door to door trying to shock people” desperation in his final editorial — out now from behind the paywall! In one of the few specific allegations amid the general “corruption by Lefty elites” stuff, he insists without qualification that “COVID-19 really was created in a lab using US money provided by Dr Fauci’s organisation”, referencing the dispute around the origin of COVID, one of the animating obsessions of Bernardi’s time at News Corp.
Having claimed victory “at least in the short term” against “the injustice of both the COVID response and the Voice proposal”, Bernardi adds that there is much culture warring still to be done:
There are ongoing battles with the non-science of climate change. It’s evident that nothing we do concerning carbon dioxide emissions will change the climate in any way, shape or form.
Again, a moment’s reflection reinforces the profound absurdity of the holding-the-fort-of-Western-civilisation-against-the-leftist-barbarians schtick.
Look over the preoccupations in Bernardi’s farewell and see if you can find a single one that will depart Sky News when he does. The conspiracy of climate change, the inviolable truth of biological gender, Joe Biden’s incapacity as US president, the profligacy of government spending on Indigenous communities — we knew what he’d say before he said it, because there is near lockstep on these issues from everyone who graces that channel after dark. This will not change with whoever replaces Bernardi.
It may be the most painful thing for the self-confessed owner of such a monumental ego to confront — whatever his efforts, wherever he goes, every room he is paid to enter is filled with guys just like him.
The best comment on Corey came from his wife, Siobhan, in a Good Weekend article a few years ago.
Asked why their marriage was so strong, she answered it was “because we both love the same man”.
I think the response was ‘because we’re both in love with the same man.’ Same sentiment, just a bit weirder.
I think it was even more poetic: ‘I’m in love with Cory, and Cory is in love with Cory’.
Love the photo above! Very naughty of you Crikey.
Man, I’d forgotten about this waste of carbon atoms. Thanks very much Crikey.
Ditto Narky. Another one for my desolate island – might have to look for a larger one.
Ah thanks for reminding us about Halal Choices and absurd claim that it funds terrorism- honestly, if they’re going to make up rubbish they could at least try to be plausible.
And there in lies the rub. None of what these guys (yes, guys – few women are that stupid) from Trump sideways says is even remotely feasible, and yet the gullible morons, the basket of deplorables, lap it up.
Just because a moron takes offence at being called a moron does not make him* not a moron.
Just because a racist takes offence at being called a racist does not make him* not a racist.
Again: Him. They are usually balding middle aged white men united in their suffering and moaning.
Plausible claims are too much like rational thought based on evidence, all of which are Lefty conspiracies according to Bernardi and his ilk.
And unlike your conventional ‘booger’, these, of the alt-right, are always trying to get up the Left’s nostril.
And let’s not forget, with all this baggage, he did qualify for a hook in Crabb’s ABC ‘Kitschin’ Cabinet’.
Ah, Annabel Crabb’s ‘Humanising Psychopaths’. I don’t want to see any of these people at home. It’s bad enough they’re all over the news media!
Yep, truly cringeworthy stuff.
I really don’t get Crabb’s motivation for such drivel.
This from a decade ago, his alleged links to Atlas or Koch Network ‘bill mill’ & lobbying group ALEC, reported by 9:
‘Bernardi cites letter from ALEC. Liberal senator Cory Bernardi says his association with the free market American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has been misrepresented. The South Australian MP gave a personal explanation to the upper house and read out a letter from the organisation, which has been described as pro-gun and pro-tobacco.’ (& fossil fuels)
Allegedly a journalist of the right from a global media group, is their guy now.