(Image: Supplied)

We in the bunker always award full marks for insane commitment to a joke.

A Melbourne pizza joint has a novel Halloween promotion this year, opting for the ghoulishness of an unannounced visit from an “army” of Pauline Hansons.

Bubba Pizza is allowing people to nominate a friend to be visited by “not one, but an entire pack of bright-lipstick-wearing, shoulder-padded senators … And what’s scarier than Pauline Hanson look-alikes knocking on your door to deliver your pizza?”

And look, fair point.

Is this a further sign of Hanson’s slide from genuine political relevance into cartoon villain? A few years ago, we suspect no one would have found it all that funny to send a Hanson look-alike to someone’s house unannounced back when she was dominating the news cycle by (however briefly) convincing the then government to vote to endorse white supremacist slogans, attempting to humiliate Muslims or, let’s not forget, when she was helping get someone who advocated a “final solution” to mass immigration into Parliament before immediately falling out with them.

It’s also the kind of stunt you can probably only pull in the Lefty People’s Republic of Melbourne, surely the place in Australia one is least likely to encounter a Hanson supporter.

They’ve never elected a PHON member at state or federal level and it was only the decision to run candidates in almost every seat in 2022 — in many cases “ghost candidates” who had a public profile roughly on par with DB Cooper — that gave the illusion that its vote went up.