Are there any retired primary schoolteachers out there who’d like to call Mark Andrews, the Director of Security Operations at Parliament House, and give him a basic lesson in civics? His numbers are listed below. Be warned, though: he won’t be an easy pupil. Indeed, the bloke sounds like a jackass in jackboots.

Andrews has sent out a memo warning that – gasp – Senators may be lobbied. Voters may express an opinion. Have a dekko:

Dear Senator

For information.


As a lead up to the VSU National Day of Action that is to take place on 10/8/05, activists are planning a Dial a Senator Week starting 1/8/05.


Open source reporting indicates that student groups are planning a week long campaign to Dial a Senator and have published a list of conservative Senators they hope to focus their attention towards.

The actual VSU National Day of Action is to take place on Wednesday 10/8/05

Mark Andrews
Director Security Operations
Parliament House

So this is where the money for the running of Parliament House goes nowadays, rather than independent sources of advice like the Library or accountability measures such as committees. Interesting. If Andrews decides that issues like this are priorities, he’ll probably end up secretary of the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet if Howard hangs around. Even more reason for that remedial civics course.