A Hitler variation. I’m not sure about Tony Abbott as an historian. What did he actually mean by this Munich allusion when talking with Alan Jones earlier in the week about the Copenhagen Conference?
“Absolutely right, as if this is some latter-day environmental Munich agreement kind of thing.”
Perhaps he is seeing the light about global warming but fears that an agreement reached to do something about it will end up having no more meaning than peace in our time. Perhaps not too. More likely just another glib remark from a man prone to talk first and think afterwards.
US administration offers climate change hope. What the Opposition Leader needs to wake up to is that the politics of climate change can change quickly. For the last fortnight he and the other Australian climate sceptics have been encouraged to be sceptical because of those stolen email messages casting doubt on some scientific calculations. They were further emboldened because of a belief that the United States would not support an emissions trading scheme Tony Abbott has ended up Leader of the Opposition because of these factors.
Now the decision of the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States to declare greenhouse gases as a danger to public health has changed the rules. Some kind of broad agreement out of Copenhagen looks possible with an ETS at its core.
And higher temperatures to come. Another political embarrassment for Abbott and Co will come if, as is looking increasingly likely, we end up with a full scale El Nino affecting the world’s weather. A normal consequence of this warming of waters in the Pacific around the equator is a higher world temperature.
A year of record high temperatures in 2010 w0uld put an end to the debate about whether the world is getting warmer or cooler. It would make this statement in that Jones interview look very stupid indeed:
And it seems that notwithstanding the dramatic increases in man made CO2 emissions over the last decade, the world’s warming has stopped. Now admittedly we are still pretty warm by recent historical standards but there doesn’t appear to have been any appreciable warming since the late 1990s.
An Abbott theme song. The rumour mill has it that the first Daryl Somers special for next year on Nine will feature Bronwyn Bishop singing a slightly updated version of the country and western classic Home of the Brave with an accompanying chorus of Young Liberals. The words of the verse do seem to fit Ms Bishop’s new leader:
Home of the brave, land of the free
why won’t you let him be what he wants to be
It really burns me up, when they put him down
He’s the only one whose saying something in this whole town
Instead of those the trouble they hand him,
why don’t they try to understand him.
Home of the brave, land of the free
why won’t you let him be what he wants to be
he never hurt nobody,
why won’t you let him be what he wants to be
he just a little bit different.
why won’t you let him be what he wants to be
You got to understand him.
why won’t you let him be what he wants to be
A rough headline. Criticism is one thing but surely the Adelaide Advertiser went a bit far with this front page headline:
It is people accused of crimes who are put in the dock as the Websters Dictionary makes clear:
Main Entry: dock
Function: noun
Etymology: Dutch dial. (Flanders) docke cage
Date: 1586: the place in a criminal court where a prisoner stands or sits during trial
— in the dock : on trial
Those giving evidence about being assaulted stand in the witness box.
On the Hitler theme, what is Tony Abbott signalling by appointing Eric Abetz as his shadow minister for workplace relations?
Will his back to the future workplace relations policy be called “Arbeit macht frei”?
Perhaps the Advertiser’s headline should have been ‘Premier In The Box’ but well… that’s sort of the whole reason why we’re here talking about it, isn’t it?
Also on the Hitler theme, when Tony Jones questioned Abbott on Lateline about it and what he meant, Abbott gave that annoying um um um um between every word, and wriggled out of it by saying, “You are reading too much into it Tony”, that was the basis of most of his answers. No answer, avoidance, sneeky, impression of but surely you understand my meaning. What a waste of space. Now this morning he wants to go marching into Afghanistan with more troops, oh how easy it is to fling the nonsense about when Opposition leader.
The sooner Rudd calls a DD and puts this loon in his place the better.
“A year of record high temperatures in 2010 w0uld put an end to the debate about whether the world is getting warmer or cooler.”
Rubbish Richard. One El Nino does not prove anything. 1998 was an El Nino year, the warmest. As much as it sickens me to have to agree with The Parrot, he’s correct: global warming stalled after 1999. Both Abbott and the World Met are spinning- the WMO says it’s the hottest decade (correct) and Abbott says it’s “stopped warming”. No one has a clue if it has stopped warming. No one knows if the temp will continue on this plateau (with El Nino spikes, as usual), rise or drop. Some scientists think that 10 or 20 years of cooling are next, followed by an upward AGW march after that. Not for nothing did the East Bumcrack scientist say that it was a “travesty” that they couldn’t explain the decadal temp. plateau. Wahtever, 10 years is just weather. Proves nothing. Just makes a simple CO2 explanation a bit less likely.
Your piece is all too typical- thoughtless adherence to the climate cult.
Crikey needs some balance.
The nation of Australia needs something akin to the close of the “2nd World War,3 Nuremberg trials” to gain accountability of the across the spectrum political incumbents of Australia’s Liberal/National party ministers.
No one to my knowledge has been instructed to calculate the cost to Australia & its sovereign status… all due to the past 9+ years as the nation incompetent Australian government in leadership.
Yes, Australia’s debt level increased by some 500 Billion dollars, that is half a Trillion dollars.
Then, how about the reduction in the dollar amount of Australia’s annual welfare budget, that reduction in expenditure had to spent somewhere?
Some of it if not most of it I believe to have been purloined by the USA government & its Arms & Weapons manufacturing corporations.
The state of disarray in Australia’s military procurements failing strategies, going back to the era of the the traitor to Australia, John Howard
era as prime Minister.
The amount of research I have engaged-in to validate my claims against that reprehensible political traitor, would see that man hung by the neck for the ‘necessary certificate’ that issues post that event.
Certainly not to where it has historically been as a percentage of Australia’s annual GDP.