On Monday, Crikey explored the crushworthiness of Joe Hockey. And we asked readers their political crushes. Today, some of their responses:

Dean Galloway writes: Simon Crean. I know, I know…but he keeps fit with tennis and I reckon he looks like he’d surprise you the morning after with an endearingly incompetent breakfast-in-bed. I’d go for Joe Hockey too, but only if he wore the ears. That said, I have a theory about conservatives: they’re all lousy in bed. PJ O’Rourke said nobody dreams of being tied to a bed and dominated by a (small-l) liberal, but the problem with conservatives is that they view getting a lot while giving very little themselves as a good thing, while lefty types want everyone to get their share of the action, so to speak.

Helen Lyons-Riley writes: A canter with Keating does it for me every time. The only reason to feel guilty is that I promised my undying passion to Gough, but, oh well what can you do?

Mark writes: Mmm, Julie Bishop ! There’s something about those uptight but hot conservative (and properly grown up) women that just hits my spot. Remember Sophie Heathcote’s portrayal of Biddy Marchant in the ABC TV show Grass Roots? Like that. As a lifetime “Put Libs Last” voter I dunno what it is — cos god knows Julie’s as clueless a conservative as they come (as it were). But we’re all entitled to a little bit of fantasy. Toss that head and gleam those eyes Julie. Ooh yeah !

Nony Em writes: Chloe Fox (South Australian MP) has my heart a-flutter. Those who have spent anytime with her know her combination of looks, brains and lack of a self-edit facility is a potent one.

Liz Johnston writes: Lindsay Tanner: thoughtful, considered in tone, looks as though he’d even take time to listen to someone else’s point of view before preparing a devastating but reasoned argument if he didn’t agree with it. Probably also a decent human being because he does not appear to have the required inherent bastardry, trickery, political cunning and easy way with lies to be a leader of any major Australian political party under the current system where voter self interest rules and election reporting reflects a sports department mentality that concentrates on scoreboards, on-field injuries and off-field bad behaviour of the players.

Jeff Ash writes: Helen Coonan floats my boat. Perhaps it’s the Dynasty hair, or the panda-eyed make-up…

John Goldbaum writes: I want to mount a horse and ride up Brokeback Mountain with John Anderson and go fly fishing — or maybe just fishing in his fly.

Bob Hulands writes: My political fantasy involves Helen Coonan… For some unknown reason, whenever I look at her, I imagine her to be a Kings Cross madam running a high class brothel. That brassy blonde look and the knowledge that she would sell the soul of the nation to her high powered friends for just a few pieces of silver really gets me going and I fancy her flogging me the way she flogged off all our hopes of ever having an effective and impartial media… Bring it on…