How could the "hyphen" (Noel C-Browne) comment on the WA election without mentioning Colin "Venice" Barnett's canal? If he is going to have any credibility as a commentator let's see him either get stuck into Colin or explain to us poor hicks in the West why it's a good thing that Colin has promised to build a 3700km canal without any feasibility study. He might also like to discuss how Colin can keep saying with a straight face that the cost will be around $2 billion and that the water will cost around $1.10 per kilolitre when an independent consultant came up with a cost of $9.5-12.4 billion and $6.10 per kilolitre for a pipeline back in 2002. Colin says that the canal is a technological advance on a pipeline - but nobody can seriously believe that it could be built for less than 20% of the cost of a pipeline and that the water will be delivered at a similar discount to the cost of the pipeline water.