ABC Radio’s 702 announcer/producer Ashley
Hall, is joining the gold rush to Pyrmont, following Wendy Harmer, who
has confirmed she’s going to DMG’s new FM adult chat show in Sydney.
Harmer will front mornings and take on screamers John Laws and Ray
Hadley from August.

Just what Hall will be doing remains unclear. He could be a roving reporter or a floater/weekend shift announcer.

at 702, Simon Marnie, the weekend morning announcer, is filling in the
breakfast slot for a trial and hasn’t done too badly. Better than James
Valentine judging by the mix of listeners ringing in (women prefer him).

I reckon the logical successor for Catterns is Sarah McDonald, who’s
filled in for Marnie on weekends from last Saturday. She’s an ABC
reporter with a smooth voice. But she doesn’t have Marnie’s
broadcasting experience, which could be a drawback.