In all the Barnaby Joyce furore, where’s Bob Katter, we hear you ask?
Busy out bush working on this brilliant new idea he’s just devised –
the socialisation of the means of production, distribution and
exchange? Howling at the moon? Maybe not.

There’s talk he’s – wait for it – negotiating possible readmission to
the Queensland Nats. Bill Heffernan has dropped by Mad Bob’s office,
too, apparently, although he’s denied he was trying to woo Katter.

Heffernan told the Townsville Bulletin
he was in the area on other business but “seeing I was in Bob’s country
I thought I’d better call into his office and get a visa.”

Heffernan likes a frolic. Still, him and Mad Bob – that’s an
interesting (and terrifying) mix. Particularly with talk of a
reconciliation in the