WARNING: The following editorial comment contains brazen self-promotion, excuse us for a moment:
Yesterday, something interesting — possibly even important — happened in the Australian media. Crikey turned 10.
Ten years of independent online journalism. More than 60,000 original stories. Tens of thousands of reader comments, tips and rumours. Hundreds of corrections, clarifications and grovelling apologies. Thousands of cartoons and blog entries. A decade of indignation, impetuosity, impertinence, indelicacy, alliteration and maybe even a few insights.
Crikey remains an unusual beast in the media jungle. Some would use much dirtier words to describe us, but enough readers seem to appreciate the nature of our difference and the reason for our presence in the undergrowth.
We’ll try to keep the guff about our 10th birthday to a minimum. This week we’ll be publishing a few stories about the Crikey psyche … and over coming weeks and months we’ll slip in some comments about Crikey from the subjects of our journalism.
Plus, each day for the next year we’ll dip into the archive to present an item called This Day in Crikey. All of this will be updated on our birthday page on the website, so keep coming back for updates.
But enough about us. Back to the jungle.
Sheesh! You call that brazen???
FFS Crikey, get your act together and start self promoting.
Beg for money.
Get that good for nothing cartoonist drawing some heart rending works of art.
The sort that will drag some of that Govt pork away from FTA TV and redirect it
to where it’s needed most. The Crikey wine cellar!!!
Write a few articles that will make Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt sob with shame and send you cheques to assuage their guilt.
We subscribers want to see grovelling apologies from the “hard men” of the media.
That’s right. Albrechtson and Devine.
Puff pieces from Wayne Swan simply won’t cut the mustard.
Now get out there and sell 1000 more subs by breakfast tomorrow, or there’ll be nothing but ratsack and cold tea for lunch.
Well done. It’s a long way to the shop for a sausage roll.