VIDEO: Hasn’t Haiti suffered enough? The new We are the World
Oh dear. The darlings of American pop, rock and hip hop have banded together to re-record We are the World. Starring Pink, Jennifer Hudson, Celine Dion et al, it is a total cheese fest. Hopefully some good will come from this awfulness.
Oh dear. The darlings of American pop, rock and hip hop have banded together to re-record We are the World. Starring Pink, Jennifer Hudson, Celine Dion, Jamie Foxx et al — including the original Michael Jackson footage — it is a total cheese fest. Hopefully some good will come from this awfulness.
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Crikey is Australia's leading independent source of news, investigations, analysis and opinion.
As if the first recording of this horrible song wasn’t bad enough. Now the poor people of Haiti and the rest of us have to put up with every no name, wanna be, over paid, has been, diva, darling, ego maniac alive jumping on the disaster bandwagon in an attempt to eek out that last bit of publicity they can, all in the name of a worthy cause! So here are all of these ‘stars’ of stage, screen and music getting together to help the people of Haiti. Noble gesture indeed, the people of Haiti do need help.
Let’s examine this, Artists For Peace And Justice spokesperson Natalie Portman Says ” Small loans make an enormous impact on the lives of Haitan women currently living on $3 a day, women need these capitial investments to recover from this tragedy in a sustainable way” Considering Portman makes approximatley $10,000,000 a picture you might think she would donate $1,000,000 then double the daily rate to $6 a day and support 456 women herself. Oh no she wants everyone esle to do it, and if you send $200 you will receive a personal message from Natalie! Yippee! ( I need to go on a diet, i might as well get someone else to do it). Other celebrities on this board include Diane Lane, Charlize Theron, Oliver Stone, Josh Brolin, James Franco, Mario Bello!! Great idea A holes, so instead of dipping into your own over paid bank accounts you want everyone else to do it? I’ll cut some slack to Brangelina, at least they put up a $1million. Meanwhile nutjob Danny Glover insanely says this “what happened in Haiti could happen to anywhere in the Caribbean because all of these nations are in peril because of Global warming” Huh? Send this man a straight jacket.
Tell that to the people of Sichuan province in China or Armenia, or Kobe Japan. maybe Glover thinks it was Global Warming that wiped out Pompeii too!
Meanwhile back at the rehab centre Lindsay Lohan tweets “Yele Haiti now for the disaster, please do all you can”. Well if she ever makes a movie that anybody goes to see she might be able to spare $10 and donate that instead of gulping down another screwdriver! Think about it for a minute, here’s James Cameron who makes his corporate bosses way over a $billion dollars with his eco fantasy film Avatar and they can’t find $50,000,000 million to donate to Haiti? So what do we get ? We Are The World 2010!!