Christian Kerr writes:

The Australian
suggested on Monday that
Defence Minister and Leader of the Government in the Senate, Robert Hill, may be on the way out.

The Opposition tried to pick up on the
claim in Estimates yesterday, but Hill stonewalled.

On Tuesday, Finance Minister Nick
Minchin distanced himself “completely” from constant speculation about moves to
get rid of fellow South Australian and Defence Minister Robert Hill, according
to the Adelaide Advertiser.
“Senator Minchin said yesterday he was disappointed by ongoing suggestions
Senator Hill was being offered diplomatic postings so Senator Minchin could
have his Defence portfolio and become the Senate Leader,” Canberra correspondent
Phil Coorey reported.

But who’s missing in all of this? Hill’s
boss. Where’s the Prime Minister’s support for his Senate Leader – the Senate
Leader who’s loyally backed him for 10 years?

As one senior Liberal parliamentarian
said yesterday, “What a rodent!”