More staffers turned pols – this
time a Victorian goodie bag. Premier Steve Bracks was an adviser to
former premier John Cain; Deputy Premier John Thwaites was an adviser
to former minister Jim Kennan; Local Government Minister Candy Broad
worked for Joan Kirner; Community Services Minister Sherryl Garbutt
worked as an electorate officer to another ex-minister, Pauline Toner;
Manufacturing Minister Andre Haermeyer and Consumer Affairs Minister
Marsha Thomson worked for Right heavy Robert Ray; Finance Minister John
Lenders was an adviser to Clyde Holding; Employment Minister Jacinta
Allen, researcher for MHR Neil O’Keefe; Aged Care Minister Gavin
Jennings was an adviser to both Cain and Kirner; Treasurer John Brumby
worked for the feds and A-G General Rob Hulls is another ex-adviser.

Meanwhile, a subscriber writes: “When reading through your
item in Crikey today about former Lib staffers turned MPs I was struck
by one name in particular – Steve Ciobo. As a New South Welshman, the
past careers of Qld Libs wouldn’t normally raise an eyebrow. However
what struck me about Steve was the memory of him on the Insiders
program crowing about the success of the Libs in 2004 because they
were, by his suggestion, better connected as they weren’t political

Indeed. Have a look at the transcript fromInsidersfrom 28 October last year and Showboat’s comments:

“As Mark Latham and Labor carry on their forensic search
into the cause of their electoral defeat, they should cast an eye over
the new members of the House of Representatives. They paint a clear
picture of why Labor failed to identify and connect with middle
Australia. New Labor MPs Kate Ellis, Tony Burke and Steve Georganas, to
name only a few, have stepped from Labor’s cookie cutter political
mould – each former union hacks or political staffers…”

And have a look at Showboat’s CV: “Adviser to Senator B Mason 2000-01”. Political egos! Dontcha luv ‘em?