Treasurer Wayne Swan has been having a not so subtle dig at the time Tony Abbott spends clocking up the ks on his bicycle, battling the surf and gadding about on quad bikes.
“I personally would love to go surfing more often but I can’t because I’ve got a very important job to do,” sulks Swan.
On your bike, Wayne. There’s plenty to criticise the Opposition leader over, but the toned one’s fitness regimen isn’t it.
Try this instead: today Paul Kelly dubs Tony Abbott’s call to bump Barnaby Joyce from the finance portfolio a “brave and correct decision”.
But what about the initial decision to hand him the job just four months ago?
Giving Robb, a man who actually has a clue about millions and billions, a guernsey now doesn’t exonerate the original judgement call to anoint “former accountant” Joyce in the first place.
I criticise Tony Abbott for wearing Lycra and riding a bike.
Clearly he has more knowledge and understanding of the gay community than he lets on.
“But what about the initial decision to hand him the job just four months ago?”
Swan (and Rudd) have being making criticisms along these lines ever since Joyce was dumped, so the premise for this article is completely stuffed.
You may think criticism of the lycra lout is unfair but their are plenty who would doubt that he can properly focus on his job with such a training regimen. The appointment of Joyce in the first place may be evidence of that.
Agreed with SNE SN11 there was plenty of criticism about Rudd spending time out of the country (usually on official business mind you)…so Tony can train hours training presumably and still do his jon properly? Not too sure about that
no crikey you are wrong, wayne swan is correct, how can abbott be on top of things if he is out bike riding all of the time or whatever
he is doing this to get publicity in the daily news, which he is getting
what the news organisations should be concentrating on is when every time he gets caught out telling a lie, or is found to not have a grasp of policy, and then says oh im sorry ive learnt from my mistake
WHY DOES THE PRESS NOT SAY , come on tony abbottt you are a serial offender all the times with these apologies
i can imagine crikeys comment if wayne swan did the same as tony abbott has been doing,
you would be demanding his resignation
Yeah, I’m getting a bit tired of Abbott constantly apologising and backing down from whatever offensive broadside he’s launched in one direction or another…
He said he felt “threatened” (??WTF) by gay men, then added to it with the “orthodox view of things” comments, both of which appeared to be off the cuff (ie, how he actually feels, without rehearsals and minders’ advice). Then, he tries to fix it with an interview on a gay radio station, doing an Eddie McGuire “some of my best friends are gay” retraction, expecting us all to forget everything he said on the subject when he was a Howard minister.
Standing in front of a town hall meeting in a country meeting, he says Climate Change science is “crap”, then manages to apologise and “clarify” that statement a dozen different ways, depending what audience he’s in front of.
It would be nice if the meeja could get past this “straight talker” bullshit that’s been peddled ever since he grabbed the leadership – look at how many different positions he’s held on any issue you care to name, and call him for what he is: a coward.