The latest Newspoll has Labor’s two-party lead at 54-46, down from 56-44 three weeks ago. Kevin Rudd’s lead as preferred prime minister is down from 59-27 to 56-29. More to follow.

UPDATE: Full results here. Labor’s primary vote is steady on 43 per cent, but the Coalition is up two to 40 per cent and the Greens down two to 10 per cent. Kevin Rudd is down a point on approval to 50 per cent and up two on disapproval to 41 per cent, but essentially remains where he’s been all year. Tony Abbott is up two on approval to 46 per cent and down three on disapproval to 40 per cent, which like the vote figures is probably a correction on last time. Labor’s lead as best party to manage to health has dropped slightly from 48-30 to 45-32. Interestingly, the government’s decision to freeze processing of Sri Lankan and Afghan asylum claims has produced a polarisation on the question of “best to handle asylum seekers”, with the “uncommitted” down from 34 per cent to 15 per cent. Most of this has broken the way of the Coalition, whose lead is up from 23-20 to 44-26. This probably illustrates that one way or another, Labor is better off when the issue is out of the headlines.