Which senator broke Senate rules on Tuesday by releasing the details of private committee correspondence to ministers without committee authorisation? A privileges referral anyone?

David Boyle won’t officially be an ALP member until this Friday when his membership is formally approved by the NSW administration committee. This is the motion that was passed at last Sunday’s Gilmore FEC.

To: ALP National Executive, Prime Minister, and others.
The Gilmore FEC deplores the processes used for the 2010 ALP preselection in the federal seat of Gilmore.

The NSW ALP general secretary — without advice or engagement with the Gilmore FEC — has needlessly delayed the pre-selection process until it has reached such a late stage that intervention by the Federal Executive was the only viable solution to ensuring the ALP has an endorsed candidate for the 2010 Federal Election.

This process has removed any participation in the process by the ALP members of Gilmore, creating discord within the local ALP branches to such a level as to undermine the ability of the ALP to campaign effectively in Gilmore during 2010.

We have been informed by media reports that the ALP plans to parachute in the candidate David Boyle who is largely unknown to the local ALP Branches and clearly does not have the majority support of ALP members in Gilmore.

This meeting demands that the rank and file of the ALP membership have their right to participate in a preselection restored.

It is the view of the majority of Gilmore FEC delegates that David Boyle does not have the capacity and skills required to be the endorsed ALP candidate in Gilmore and we ask that he withdraw his nomination.

The motion was carried unanimously on a show of hands — with no votes against.

FEC Gilmore