Election warning. I’m wondering if the AEC knows something about the date of the next federal election? I’ve just received my second letter from them asking if I was keen to work on the day. I have until the end of June to make up my mind.
Twiggy-watch. In regards to Andrew Forrest’s Pilbara sightseeing tour for journalists, perhaps that explains the new helicopter that has recently arrived at Paraburdoo airport?
The Libs love Greenword. At the Abbott Budget reply/Liberal fundraiser on Friday, May 14 at The Westin Hotel in Sydney, I laughed like a drain when Arthur Sinodinos most sincerely thanked MC Ross Greenwood, “for all that you do for the Liberal Party”. So much for impartiality. He does work at 2GB, which is a bit of a giveaway.
Rat in the ranks. From a “liberal Liberal”…
Newspaper free-for-all (cont): As a sponsor of the Sydney Writers’ Festival, Fairfax was giving away heaps of sponsors product at the Walsh Bay precinct.
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