Yes, it’s a wonder that a sweet little pop ditty by Lena from Germany won Eurovision, with not a sequin or topless dancer in sight. How did she manage to beat Greece’s white pants, Armenia’s mythical Apricot Stone and the butterfly wings of Belarus? Must be the cute accent.
It’s because she’s smoking hot. Because let’s face it: ignoring her nationality and accent, Kyle Sandilands would reduce her to tears if she tried that number on Australia’s Got Talent.
European pop is a world unto itself.
OMG she can’t even sing !!
“It’s because she’s smoking hot.”?! So only straight men and lesbians or bi-sexual women vote …. and they vote based on who they’d most want to have sex with. Ri-ight.
I left out bi-sexual men. Foolish me.
Bailout gratitude. Keep lending us brazillions of Euros and we won’t mention the….