Billboard Industry Greens Up Ads: The billboard industry is making moves to become more energy efficient, The Wall Street Journal reports. — Environmental Leader

Mexico’s New Generation of Female Forest Defenders: Women are at the forefront of the movement to defend and restore the forests of Guerrero state in southern Mexico. Founded in 2001, the Women’s Environmentalist Organization promotes sustainable and organic agriculture, forest fire prevention, reforestation, water and soil conservation, and recycling. — Treehugger

Green Energy Invention “Breaks the Laws of Physics”: In the “it sounds like we’ve heard this before” category, British scientists have invented a revolutionary device they claim can ‘create’ energy from virtually nothing. — Daily Galaxy

Big Week Ahead for Global Warming Talks: Top officials from 150 nations will meet in New York Monday, in a preliminary United Nations convention that aims to build momentum for a post-Kyoto Protocol international agreement on global warming. The meeting is seen as a key meeting, as the world readies for meetings in December in Bali. — The Daily Green

Climate Change Spurring Dengue Rise, Experts Say: Climate change is accelerating the spread of dengue fever throughout the Americas and in tropical regions worldwide, researchers say. More rainfall in certain areas and warmer temperatures overall are providing optimal conditions for mosquitos—which spread the virus that causes dengue—to breed and expand into new territories. — National Geographic