Due to a formatting error, the names were omitted from our photograph of the Australian Sports Administration meeting last weekend aimed at sorting out the looming threat of an Olympics boycott. We apologise to all of the following and wish them:

Back row, l to r: Jim Nazium, Rowan Machine, D Boysa-Pumped, Hepe Wither-Fourpoints, Shagger Plader-Blinder, Jeremiah (Wozza) Bullfrog, Ed Hightackle, Cyn Binned, Doug Deep, Paul Dinner-Screamer, Pop Ditthrough, M Fattic-Wynne, Trav Lingwell, Hugh Jopper-Tunity, Owen Goal, Juan Nil, Ewaz Offside, Colin D Reffaprik.

Second row: Ava Goyamug, Syd Downin-Front, Dot Ball, Bo Lingfigures, Carmen Rounder-Wicket, Howie Zee-Umpire, Willie Walk, Getta Gripp, Oliver Bowl, Wanda Sillypoint, Hugo D Backward-Square, Anna Thirdman, Anda Manatt-Fineleg, D Ponthefence, Gloria Sundred, Gray Tinnings, Andy Snottout, Captain Snock, Drew D Match, Wayne Stoppedplay.

Third row: Posie Tivtest, Anna Bolicsteroid, Pat Pending, Di U Rettix, Ma Sking-Agent, Del N de Porkies, Amanda Fixthings, Effie Findsout, Ivan Othermate, Jock Strapp, Claude Bawls, Iva Biggun, Dick Joakes, N Uendo, Dougal Entendre, Jess Wunnmore, Luka D Stodger, U Hafta-Paythat, Scott Itsown-Postcode.

Front row: Dennis Elbow, Aline Ball, C Conserve, Kenny Comeback, E Salegend, E Stunnit-Before, Col Now, Winifred Perryshirt, Lydia Laptop, Emil Beforehand, Percy Nallity, Sharon Sharalike, Mal Ingerer, E Sparsedit, Jerry Attric, Hal C Ondays, Wes D Venue, Jeff Soldit, P R Cockup.