Tony Abbott, as a race caller would put it, has stormed home in this election  campaign and won the last day of proper campaigning in a canter. He was Mr Action Man everywhere while Julia Gillard was being formally Prime Ministerial at the National Press Club.

The Opposition Leader certainly did much better out on the trail than I for one thought he would and by my reckoning he won 15 campaign days to Labor’s 14 with five in the toss up category.

20-08-2010 dailiywinner

Whether that performance was good enough to give him victory in the main event we will not know until tomorrow night. But what we do know is that Crikey Election Indicator has this morning made a solid move in his direction.

20-08-2010 crikeyindicator

Tony Abbott, as a race caller would put it, has stormed home in this election  campaign and won the last day of proper campaigning in a canter.