There’s been a massive sh-t storm in the blogosphere since a left-leaning Melbourne lawyer, Legal Eagle, outed herself as a climate change sceptic on the SkeptiClawyer blog last week (Climate change, scepticism and elitism).
Legal Eagle also appeared on SBS’s Insight program a week ago when eminent climate change scientist, Stanford University’s Professor Stephen Schneider, was confronted with an audience of non-believers (sadly, Professor Schneider died a few weeks after the show was recorded).
Legal Eagle explained on her blog why she’s sceptical:
I am a lay person, not a scientist. I can’t make any effective judgments about the science behind Professor Schneider’s figures and projections.
I don’t have the scientific or the statistical capacity to judge the various accounts as to what is going to happen with our climate. I don’t know who is right or wrong about the “hockey stick graph”.
She goes on to say:
Just because there’s a broad consensus about something doesn’t mean that it’s right: sometimes the 1% of scientists who put forward an unpopular hypothesis, with which 99% of scientists disagree, happen to be right. Think of Alfred Wegener, whose theory of continental drift was rejected by most scientists at the time. Or think of Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, who were in a minority of those who believed peptic ulcers were caused by a bacterial infection, and who turned out to be right. If we didn’t allow people to question the status quo, we’d never make scientific progress.
Now unlike Legal Eagle, I am persuaded that the probability the scientists have got it right on climate change is high and that we need to take action sooner rather than later (most of my concerns are about what we should be doing about it). Here’s one blogger advising her on where he thinks she’s gone wrong.
But I don’t think she’s either a conspiracy theorist or a “denialist”. She’s really a climate-change agnostic rather than a sceptic. She worries that she will be labelled as a right-wing, Holocaust-denying lunatic. While things don’t seem to have gotten that bad, some of the negative reactions to her outing were strikingly judgemental, for example the same blogger says:
I can’t speak for Legal Eagle’s friends, colleagues and students, but I for one will continue to look more than a little askance at somebody who declares that they’re both a progressive and a climate sceptic.
Legal Eagle bemoans the fact that the public discussion of climate change has become politicised:
The main thing that worries me about the science is not the science itself, it’s the tenor of the debate. It’s so polarised. It seems to have become politicised in an ugly way. Maybe it’s inevitable in academia. In my own field, I see certain people’s viewpoints shouted down because they’re not mainstream or popular in various camps. I don’t like that, regardless of whether I agree with someone or disagree with them.
And even though I’m not a sceptic on climate change, I have always loathed the easy and glib way that dissenters are labelled as “denialists”, as if they’re up there with the likes of David Irving or Lord Christopher Monckton. That’s an awful term. This post is an example of what seems to me to be a pretty reasonable tone (Do the recent floods prove man-made climate change is real?).
I think there are parallels in this episode with some of the debate about urban issues. People get wedded to ideas that are emblematic of how they see themselves and how they want to be seen. There’s an element of group identification around key policies and the values they are presumed to represent.
I think this is seen in the views of some sections of the road lobby and the public transport lobby, both of whom are so certain of their point of view that they’ll happily engage in spin and politicking to advance their beliefs. The mission becomes the overriding objective and any conflicting information is avoided or even demonised.
That’s probably “just life”, but we’d all be better off I think if we strive to keep an open mind and to follow the scientific practice of listening to the evidence.
As an aside, the Legal Eagle “outing” episode shows just how big the non-mainstream media world is. SkeptiClawer got 287 comments on this issue, Larvatus Prodeo got 195, Catallaxy got 164, Tim Blair’s blog got 53 and the Insight web site got more than 500. Anyone not plugged into the net wouldn’t even know this debate had happened.
This story first appeared on the Melbourne Urbanist website.
Two things: firstly, if Legal Eagle is not capable of appraising the scientific evidence then why is she questioning it? Would she appreciate me (no clue about legal stuff) spouting off about some legal principle? If she continues to “question” climate science without mounting some sensible reason WHY it should be questioned then she deserves to be pilloried. Secondly, climate denial has been successful BECAUSE of right wingers trying to spread FUD. Personally I have no problem with calling someone who should be capable of engaging with the evidence for climate change and rejecting it a denier.
Don’t know that I’d want a “legal eagle” looking after my interests, if they’re swayed by other lay-people over so many “specialists in the field” on which she’s sceptical – sounds more like a “legal beagle” with a “Kellogg’s University Degree in Lore”?
Seems that everyone, nearly, professes legal knowledge, and then adds after, IANAL. (I Am Not A Lawyer) as a disclaimer. A new acronym, clearly is needed. IANACCS. The point of the article is valid, though. Just because you’re sceptical, doesn’t make you a denier. Call it open-mindedness.
As someone who has followed the climate blogwars pretty closely I would say I have seen far more “sceptics” loudly claiming (frequently on the opinion page of the Oz) that they are suppressed, that people have compared them to holocaust deniers, etc than I have seen actual suppressions, nazism comparisons, cases of coffee being spat in, etcetera. I suggest that the voice Legal Eagle hears making accusations about her is her own bad conscience.
Really, how much respect does Legal Eagle expect to receive for a set of non-arguments like that? Imagine if she used that line of reasoning in court.
“Your honour, I’m not a lawyer, barrister, solicitor, or legal scholar, so I don’t have the capacity to judge what is legally right or wrong. But it annoys me that you might judge my views on the case because of that. I accord all due respect to the legal profession, but all your “laws” and “cases” won’t change my mind. My grounds for the appeal is that just because there’s a broad consensus in the High court that this action is constitutional, doesn’t mean that it is. “
“Anyone not plugged into the net wouldn’t even know this debate had happened.”
Meanwhile, out in the real world … life goes on regardless 🙂