Why pay for a newspaper? You can get them just about everywhere: working out at the gym, putting it back on at Maccas, at schools and universities, galleries and museums, even at the zoo, according to our readers.
For years now, Crikey readers have made a hobby of writing to us to report the stacks of free newspapers they’ve seen in their travels. And, as newspaper circulation falls, the sightings have increased. Across the country, bundles of papers are stacked strategically for your complimentary reading pleasure.
In the context of plummeting newspaper sales and the argument over selling advertising on the web, the ever-growing presence of free papers is even more fascinating.
Last November Glenn Dyer wrote of US media reports that revealed how Rupert Murdoch and other US publishers had fiddled their newspaper circulation figures for the September 30 half year, which made them look much better than they actually were.
There’s nothing new in this. Crikey has been covering the phenomenon for years — for some background, you can read one of more than 100 Crikey stories on the subject, for example, Andrew Dodd on “Spend $2 million for 100,000 sales: an Age reader offer” in July last year or Margaret Simons on changes to the audit bureau rules in 2006, or Handy hints for flagging boosting circulation in 2005.
Now we thought we’d go one step further and plot your sightings on a map — pin-pointing where you can get your local title for free.
Zoom in and click on the dots to see the exact dumping location:
So keep those sightings coming. Tip us off here or email boss@crikey.com.au with “free newspapers” in the subject line and we’ll upload your entry on the map.
After all, the publishers are generously offering them for free. It’d be rude not to take them.
Why do you celebrate the decline of great newspapers?
This is all spin anyway based on your obsession with print bashing. Advertisers want eyeballs looking at their ads – do they care if someone paid for the Herald or got it for free at the Zoo!
David Spicer – as the first article in today’s Crikey shows, advertisers are being fleeced by this practice. Also not all eyeballs are equal – as the article also shows, the advertisers think they’re getting AB demographic eyeballs but not necessarily.
Crikey – this map idea is inspired! It’s Crikey at it’s best – irreverent, subversive, but with a serious purpose. Crikey – the Nation Review of the Noughties 🙂
Can’t you leave the poor old woodchipping luddites be? They’ll be gone soon enough. After all, who are they really hurting by fiddling these figures? Advertisers? The heart hardly bleeds for them.
Didn’t I get about $140 worth fo gifts when I signed up for Crikey? Which makes my subscription……..OMG free!! Dammit, don’t tell me Crikey are offering incentives and doing promotions just like newspapers to get more eyeballs over their product so they can sell advertising? It would be nice if we had an independent party heralding the death of print newspapers, not one who has a vested interest in it’s demise. Truth is, newspaper circulation is falling by about 3% . At that rate, they are going to be around for a long time. But then again, if we did not have print news, News Ltd and Co would be sending us email newsletter style papers which would intrude on Crikey’s media segment. Hmmm… Rupert Murdoch V Eric Beecher. That would not be a fair fight now would it.