Your latest email contained reference to
the amount Pauline Hanson received from the AEC in electoral funding
for her failed bid.

As I understand the next most successful candidate was Tony Windsor, Independent Member for New England.

His electoral return reveals:

received total electoral donations of $$56,121.00 from 234 donor. Of
those 234 donors 31 made contributions of more than $250.

I’ll return to those donors in a second.

Windsor declares that he spent close to $76,828 on his campaign.

This leaves him
in the hole
for $20,707.00.

That’s when the AEC funding kicks in.

How much did he receive? Well, the AEC site reports he received $89,562.89.

By my maths that leaves him $68,855.89 in front.

the election Windsor was reported as saying that any money he received,
apart from meeting his election expenses went on raffle tickets and the

That’s a heck of a lot of raffle tickets.

Returning to the contributors. There were 31 major contributors.

Who were some of them?

Well,they included:

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia $$3,000.00
Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd $3,500.00
Hill’s Transport Pty Ltd $$6,500.00
The Sporting Shooters Assn $5,000.00

An interesting lot really; chemists, agricultural chemicals manufacturers/wholesalers, a transport company and the gun lobby.

I just wonder what they think he will do for them?