Crikey’s citizen bloggers are hard at work analysing the campaign from their marginal electorates.

To read about how the election is unfolding in the battlegrounds which could decide who governs Australia for the next three years, visit the Citizen Crikey homepage. If you live in a marginal electorate (see Crikey’s list of marginal electorates here) and would like to have your say, send your submissions to

Meanwhile, some highlights.

Braddon. Mike Walker writes: It’s getting ugly down here. Mark Baker has been beheaded. The Sunday Examiner, which usually concentrates on matters in neighbouring Bass, reports today that his head has been removed from a poster in Devonport. That’s interesting — this is in the middle of his heartland, which as the article states, is right on the eastern end of the electorate and close to the hornets’ nest of Latrobe, where lies the poisoned chalice of the Mersey hospital. — Click here to read more

Adelaide. Nicholas DP writes: I keep hearing about economic management. Team Howard-Costello are the only ones we can trust to “deliver” more of it. I have always wondered how you “manage” an economy. I have a picture of John Howard’s cabinet in a big room with flashing lights all around it. John Howard is near the back in a big chair with Peter Costello to his right with a fake beard (John Howard constantly refers to him as “Number 1”). Philip Ruddock is further down the front. His face is very pale, almost as if he is an android. Kevin Andrews is also there and under the fluorescent light, you can see his Klingon ancestry. — Click here to read more

Richmond. Lyn Walker writes: The Coalition seems less than serious about trying to win either Richmond or Page. Locals are underwhelmed. Those interested in bribes want complete funding for the highway upgrade and the bypasses etcetera, no matter who is at fault. Oddly, when I looked up the Nats’ website for policies I found nothing if not vague cooperation with the State figured prominently on a number of issues. Rudd may have hit the nail on the head with his “end the blame game” promise. Regardless, it seems that we are not going to get a dual carriage for the Pacific Highway anytime soon from either party. — Click here to read more

Bennelong. Neil Summers writes: The annual Granny Smith Parade down the main street of Eastwood, bang in the middle of Bennelong, bang in the middle of an election campaign, saw balloons from both candidates duelling at very close quarters last Saturday morning. If those balloons each had a vote the result would have been a dead heat … The best was reserved for the end. Outside his temporary electoral office, his workers were handing out “Supporting our Prime Minister” showbags. (Photo: Neil Summers)

What a delight to receive two pens (one blue, one black), a bumper sticker, and a love letter from JWH in English and Chinese. He might not be able to speak Mandarin but he can write it! Also in the show bag was small note pad and a plastic ruler. The shopping bag (made in China of course) is for all the goodies one can buy with the tax cut…maybe? — Click here to read more.