Yesterday we chided the Prime Minister for her cringeing provincialism on the world stage (“If I had a choice, I’d probably be more [comfortable] in a school watching kids learn to read in Australia than here in Brussels at international meetings”).
In the interests of even-handedness, however, it should be noted that she’s not the only Australian political leader on the world stage with a monopoly on cringeing provincialism. This is an excerpt from this morning’s ABC Radio AM report on Opposition leader Tony Abbott’s visit to Britain:
RACHEL BROWN: Some critics have said Tony Abbott was trying to steal the PM’s thunder, meeting his Conservative counterpart before Julia Gillard met her prime ministerial one. But Mr Abbott says Australia’s oldest friend, Britain, was due a visit.
TONY ABBOTT: You have a strong supporter base. You are so infused …
DAVID CAMERON: (Inaudible.) They’ve been with me a long time. How long have you been leader?
RACHEL BROWN: On that note, the cameras were ushered out and Mr Abbott got his 15 minutes with David Cameron.
This was the trip to Birmingham that was so important to Abbott that he rejected the opportunity to visit the Afghan battlefront on the way over (“I didn’t want to get here in a jet-lagged condition so I’m in a position to make the most of this opportunity”). The trip where he spent 15 minutes with the British PM. The trip where he wasn’t invited to say even a few words to the Conservative Party conference.
Julia and Tony do Europe … it could be dialogue straight out of an episode of Kath and Kim — except the last thing Australia needs is Kath and Kim running our placement on the global stage.
Our so-called leaders are worse than I thought, we certainly are in for a rough ride.
Looks like we might soon have to seek asylum somewhere.
“… she’s not the only Australian political leader on the world stage with a monopoly on cringeing provincialism.” Well if she’s not the only one, then it’s not really a monopoly, is it?
Maybe try the ‘even-handedness’ of admitting that the 7.30 Report is not the world stage and that you turned “not my passion … but I will … be a feisty advocate for Australia’s national interest” into ‘not having much fun’.
bit hard aren’t we?
[Julia and Tony do Europe … it could be dialogue straight out of an episode of Kath and Kim — except the last thing Australia needs is Kath and Kim running our placement on the global stage.]
You just do not get it. After the overwhelming rejection by readers of your pathetic leader yesterday, you attempt to make amends by balancing the scales with a double whammy. Most are well aware of the absurdity of Abbotts actions and his pathetic attempt to make a 15 minute meeting with the British PM into a momentous talkfest of monumental importance to the world at large. Notice you didn’t mention his attempt to throw in a few porkys to save face. Then have another unjustified biff at the PM. for good measure.
You are a tosser. Not looking for a job with News Ltd are you? Your efforts at journalism last two days qualify you easily.