Sometimes the only way to uncover the truth about something is to check it out for yourself. With all the political bluster surrounding Gunns’ proposed pulp mill, these locals dropped by on Monday to see for themselves how the mill might affect their home.
Crikey understands these photographs were taken by Estelle Phillips about a kilometre from where the proposed pulp mill will be built on the Tamar River.
Mark, 1km from the mill site would be opposite vineyards, orchards and fish farms..your Aluminiuim smelter is 9km up the river. Its like living in Carlton, and being told your in an industrial zone because your 10km from port melbourne ! BS and spin
That’d be right next to a major industrial estate including an aluminium smelter, power station and wastewater treatment plant then.
oii ! dont feel sorry for those whales, they should have known since 1992 this was zoned an “industrial area ! “. If they had read their e-mail replies from Malcolm Tunbull recently on this subject, they would have been well informed on this point !
I see that the whales are waving goodbye – and well may they do so! On the other hand, it may be cleaner up the river than out to sea!