Christian Kerr writes:

Playing dirty: Who’s responsible for the rumour doing the rounds
that Simon Crean will run as an independent if he loses preselection
for his seat of Hotham?

The South Australian Government is promising a
referendum to scrap the Legislative Council – but the executive bathroom
installed by new DPP Steve Pallaras seems more exciting to the punters,
provoking these thoughts from the Democrat candidate for the state’s most
marginal seat, Norwood, David

Mike Rann is quite
firm in his view
That SA needs no
house of review.
In this shrunken
Where would law
The Pallaras
executive loo?

And our Tasmanian verse correspondent may well have
been listening to Gunns’ John Gay:

A policy put out by Greens

Is sometimes not quite what it seems,

Because their MPs

Can vote as they please,

They’re not bound by their policy themes.

Campaigning online: “I believe one lesson of the last election
is that the web is unlikely quickly to replace TV as a medium to
broadcast communications to mass audiences,” writes Tony Blair’s former
spinmeister Alastair Campbell. Instead, its future for politics lies in
different directions – fundraising, building campaigning networks and
in providing specific localised information” More on AOL – and this link has been shamelessly stolen from Andrew Bartlett’s blog.

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